Published: 2008-10-01 15:56:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 344; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 2
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Enemies foundLana watched, shocked, as the guards drew their weapons and started surrounding Bishop, who looked confused and tried to retreat from the road.
Hot damn! What do I do now?
She really did not want to get involved. That was Bishop, for gods’ sake, and he had it coming. And she was not on Luskan’s list of most beloved persons, either. So her instinct was to just turn and vanish, and let him reap what he had sown.
We’ve been through a lot together. That means something to me, even if it means bugger all to you.
She cursed. Unfortunately, it was true. And just as she could not kill him when he left before the battle with Garius, she could not just stand by and watch him being taken by Luskan. Damn her conscience. It really got into the way.
Besides, if she could kick some Luskan asses while she was at it, that sweetened the deal at least some.
“Cyric’s ass!”, she swore, threw her hands in the air and concentrated, extending her powers to include Bishop. An otherworldy murmur surrounded her, and suddenly Bishop and she started moving much faster.
His scimitars practically leaped into his hands, and she saw him whirl in a graceful arc, slicing one of the guards open and deflecting the blow of another with his second weapon, while he still maneuvered himself backwards, trying to get one of the trees into his back, trying not to let himself be surrounded.
She could not help feeling admiration at his skill and grace.
He might have forgotten about his past, but he sure has not forgotten how to fight.
But there were so many, too many guards.
He can’t possibly take them all!
She concentrated, energy rising around her, making her hair swirl like a sudden breeze. Again, there was the murmur that always accompanied the summonings of her eldritch powers, and tentacles started to raise all around Bishop, gripping the attackers with their icy grasp.
She heard them cry in shock, and some of them turned around.
Damn – I knew that would get their attention.
She called to her powers again, and a fiery blast jumped from her hands, engulfing the first of the attackers to come in her direction, jumping on to several others, setting them ablaze. She heard their cries of pain and laughed.
“There’s more where that came from!”, she called to them.
But then her laughter died in her throat when she saw Bishop, pressed on all sides by attackers. They had driven him back, out of the area where the tentacles she called still waved, searching for victims, and even though he still whirled, lashing out with his weapons with inhuman speed, thanks to her incantation, there were too many of them.
“By Mephistopheles’ beard!”, she cursed.
This did not look well.
I have to do something!
She sent out another fiery blast, setting all that got hit aflame. But it would not be enough!
Then she saw a grey blur emerging from the trees, growling and snarling, hurtling itself at one of the attackers, going for the throat.
Things were looking up. The wolf was a force to be reckoned with, she remembered that very well. Especially the ferocity he defended his master with.
Probably the only creature on this plane who loves the ranger.
Another blast left her hands, burning the enemy, and some went down with painful moans. Karnwyr’s victim had gone down as well, and Bishop’s scimitars left more bleeding on the ground. She chuckled. The odds definitely looked better now.
But suddenly, she saw Karnwyr dart back into the forest with a panicked yip that sounded more like a frightened puppy than the fearsome wolf she knew.
What the...?
She tried to rise her arms again, but found she could not move. At all. Bishop seemed frozen in mid motion as well, his scimitars raised for a blow that never came. Luckily, the guards did not to move either.
By all the slimy pits of the abyss! I forgot to watch the coach!
Stupid, stupid, stupid mistake!
And sure as hells, a woman stepped into her field of view, regarding the frozen scene before her with an expression of utter boredom. She had long, black hair that partly was tied into a knot on the top of her head, partly was allowed to flow freely down her back and over her shoulders. It glittered in the morning sun like raven wings. The robe she wore was also black and shimmering, some expensive material that hugged every line of her curvaceous body, leaving not much to imagination. The bodice was cut so low that it seemed a miracle her breasts did not just jump out of it.
“Do I have to do everything myself?”, she said with a sharp, but strangely melodic voice. Her tone was blasé, but somehow it made Lana think of a coiled snake – seemingly relaxed, but always ready to strike. “You are all completely useless.” She snapped her fingers, and the guards started moving again. They all fell to their knees in front of the woman. Lana could practically feel the fear coming from them in waves.
Who the hells is she?
“Get him into the cage!”, the woman ordered, pointing at Bishop who still stood as motionless as Lana herself. “We will call off our hunt for now, we have found a much more precious prey.” Without turning, she pointed her thumb at Lana. “And her as well. It seems my little one found a girlfriend. Take her.”
Lana watched in helpless fury as some of the guards picked up Bishop and carried him behind the coach. The others came over to her, picking her up just as unceremoniously and dragged her away.
She seethed inside, wanting to curse and to yell, itching to fry them with her hellish fire, but she still was not able to move even a finger. It only served to enrage her even more, and she fought against the paralysation that gripped her limbs with all her will, but to no avail.
The guards dragged her by the woman in the black robe, and she ordered them to stop, taking a step in front of Lana, regarding her with an amused languor that made Lana want to spit into her face.
She had to admit the woman was breathtakingly beautiful, seeing her close, but there was a malice that glittered in those exotic black eyes that somehow destroyed all allure she might hold. Her straight nose was adorned by a tiny black diamond stud, twinkling at its side, and her full, red lips were parted in a mocking smile, revealing small, sharp, white teeth.
“Let’s have a look at you”, the woman smiled, her tone reminding Lana of a purring cat. She reached out with her hand, her blood red nails filed into sharp points, and gripped Lana’s chin, raising her face to hers. Lana’s skin seemed to crawl at her touch, and she could not repress a shudder, wanting to draw back, but still not able to move. “Now, aren’t you a treat? Look at those green cat’s eyes, that triangular face, those delicate lips. Such a pretty little kitten.”
She looked into Lana’s eyes, seeing the fury burn in them, and laughed delightedly. The sound sent goose bumps down Lana’s back. “And it seems that fiery hair of yours is a token of your temper. My, aren’t we going to have fun together?”
Then the smile vanished from her face as if wiped away, while she took a step back. “Get her into the cage and let’s get going”, she ordered, coldly. “I want to arrive sometime today.” With that, she turned and stepped into the coach gracefully, one of her guards closing the door behind her.
The others dragged Lana behind the coach, where indeed a cage was fitted to its end. It was roomy for one person, but a tight fit for two, and Bishop was already in there, still frozen, unmoving. The guards pushed her in without further ado, and squeezed the door closed behind her, pushing the bolt that held it closed. The moment the bolt was in place, Lana could hear the bars of the cage hum with magical energy.
Escaping from here won’t be easy.
Blast, curse and damn!
The coach lurched into motion and rumbled slowly along the rutted track, the remaining guards falling in step beside it. No one spared even a glance for the ones left behind, fallen, wounded or dying.
Without being able to move or to hold on to something, Lana was thoroughly thrown about in the cage. She found herself hurtled against Bishop more than once, and often connected painfully with the bars of the cage. Whatever magic infused them, at least nothing zapped through her when she touched the bars. As the minutes passed, she felt her fury rise with every jolt that sent her hurtling through the cage.
Then, after seemingly hours, the magical hold on her vanished from one second to the other, and she could move again. She took a deep breath.
“Burning, blazing, blasted hells!”, she yelled, violently kicking the back of the coach through the bars of the cage, needing to vent her fury somehow. “I’ll make you regret that, you hear me, you bitch? I’ll send your ugly ass down to the nine hells, where it belongs!”
The sound of a delighted laughter pearling out of the coach made her shut up, hugging her arms around her knees, scowling at the backside of the coach. She had to admit her threats lacked a certain... well, threat in her current situation. The thought did not help to soften her anger. So she sat, seething in silence with helpless fury, throwing brooding glances at Bishop, who just sat with his back to the bars, his eyes closed.
How can he be so calm?
“Say something!”, she growled. “Who is that hussy?”
He opened one eye, looking at her, his lips curled into the slightest of ironic smiles. “Actually, I hoped you would be able to tell me that. After you were done with the ranting and sulking.”
She bared her teeth at him, and it had nothing to do with a smile. “I really do need to find something to vent my anger on. I suggest you do not volunteer, wolf boy!”
He shrugged and closed his eyes again. “I would suggest to start thinking about how to get out of this mess, but if you prefer to waste time with throwing a fit, feel free.”
“Why, you...”, she hissed, then interrupted herself. He was right. Bishop was right! Bishop being the calm, level headed one... when did she fall asleep and wake up in a mirror world?
She clenched her teeth, trying to repress her fury. “All right”, she gritted. “What do you propose, wiseass?
“I propose you move a little nearer”, he murmured, shifting to the middle of the cage, with a meaningful glance at the guards still surrounding the coach. None of them seemed to pay them any attention. That did not mean they could not hear what they were saying.
Hells, he really was being the reasonable one, was he? What was the world coming to? She felt a stab of sadness. It was true, she never had been much of a thinker, a planner. Her temper always got in the way. It had been Casavir to balance her out, to ground her, to be the voice of reason.
But Casavir was gone.
And now Bishop of all persons took over that role? Had to be some sort of cosmic joke at her expense.
But the thought of Casavir had done much to douse her anger. She silently skidded over to Bishop, moving as close as she could.
“So, what do we do?”, she asked softly.
He turned his head to whisper into her ear. “I have a dagger left in my boot they did not find. But from here I can’t do anything with it. If we could open the cage, or get them to open it... we could try our luck.”
His lips grazed her ear and she had to pull herself together not to move away. Instead, she turned her mouth to his ear, but took care not to touch it. “The cage is obviously magically locked. I can try to devour that magic. Then you jump out, attack with your dagger, and I burn them to crisp. How about that for a plan?”
She had never been this close to him. She could smell him now, an earthy smell that made her think of moss and leaves and campfires. Suddenly she wanted to increase the distance between them very much. This was just too close for comfort.
Stay focussed.
He brought his mouth to her ear again. “Not good. I would go for it, but not with that woman in the coach. I don’t know who she is, but she is dangerous. If you can open that cage, I say we just try to make a run for the woods, fight only if we have to.”
Lana wanted to tell him how much she would love to see that bitch burn with her fire, but reason told her that he was right once more, that they probably just would end up in that cage again, if they confronted the harlot. She clenched her teeth and nodded.
“Fine”, she gritted. “We run.”
“Good”, he breathed. “Then try to break the magic, or whatever it is you do. If you succeed, get out of this cage and run. I’ll follow. You just run, you hear? Don’t turn around, don’t look for me.”
Lana turned her head to look into his eyes, his face very close to hers. Something of her astonishment must have shown on her face, because he asked:
“What? Did I say something wrong?”
She shook her head. “No, just something very unexpected.”
He frowned, but did not ask further.
She really never had seen him put the safety of someone else before his own. And exactly that was why she could not do as he said, could not just run and leave him behind if they got him.
Ruddy conscience really got into the way.
But she did not tell him that, because she knew he would have argued. So she just asked: “Ready?”
He nodded. Lana closed her eyes and started gathering her forces around her.
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Comments: 2
Thehuntressofrai [2008-10-12 08:57:07 +0000 UTC]
Poor girl being draged into bishops mess -.-
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
fuxfell In reply to Thehuntressofrai [2008-10-15 07:34:51 +0000 UTC]
Well, yes, and what a mess it's going to be
Thank you so much for reading
👍: 0 ⏩: 0