Published: 2010-07-27 14:54:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 985; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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why the fuck is there no simple 'banner' category!?ahem.
anyway, this is the banner i made for a new hangout thread a friend and i created over at [link] . speaking of which, if anyone happens to enjoy hanging out on avatar communities (just like gaia!), then you should totally come join this site. having had experience in the forum industry for quite some time now, i can strongly support how great this site is! it is not over-populated, it is very well managed, there are always plenty of fun events, the people are FANTASTIC, and, of course, the avatars and art are amazing! i'm not usually one to advertise, but this site i feel deserves it.
art © myself
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Comments: 20
Eldr-Fire [2010-08-01 00:44:51 +0000 UTC]
Wow, what an awesome picture! I am really impressed!
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foxyx In reply to Eldr-Fire [2010-08-01 00:51:36 +0000 UTC]
d'aww, thanks, that's so nice! :>
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Eldr-Fire In reply to foxyx [2010-08-04 12:24:03 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I really liked it! It was... enchanting! Great banner! Made me pine for October, though, but it will come. Oh it will come.
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Chanceless [2010-07-29 23:53:14 +0000 UTC]
Wow, Foxy. The teeny tiny details you put into that dress really, really shine. And your lines are so crisp and smooth and flowy! Oooooh, and your shading... <3!!
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 01:13:52 +0000 UTC]
did you notice i got back into menewsha?! xD COURTESY OF YOU, LOVE. <33333
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 01:17:20 +0000 UTC]
I did see. I was like "Heh. Yay. <3" That place was awesome. I can't go back though, 'cause I'll get addicted and I'll never leave and then my offline life will suffer again. Boo priorities.
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 01:24:52 +0000 UTC]
i went back one day just for the hell of it, not expecting to actually stay, but then i happened across a VERY good role-player there who shares one of my many wacky pairing interests, so i absolutely couldn't resist! therefore, i stayed and got totally hooked... although i still seem to manage outside life well enough. i've moved out and i'm working so it's all good!
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 01:28:53 +0000 UTC]
Oh, awesome! way to be, lady! Where are you working now? I moved out in February. Working and doing college fulltime, busybusybusaaaaay~ And I'm working on boosting my music and my editing, so I haven't been doing much art or writing. :<
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 01:34:26 +0000 UTC]
wow, so much has happened to you! i'm so proud! i work for an online directory - still in the same city. but i'm working on moving to vancouver next year to go to school. where do you work/live now?
i haven't had much time for art either, really. mostly just working these days and hanging out online like i used to.
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 01:48:50 +0000 UTC]
Tee-hee, thank you! ^^ I've always been so proud of YOU, though. I mean, hello, you got jumpstarted in modeling way before any of us did anything important. Where are you going to go to school next year, and what for?
I'm working at a grocery store bagging. That's the first job, anyway. I've been there for almost exactly a year, and once that year hits, it's adios. I HATE IT THERE. D: I'm a frickin' BAGGER. Customer service bites. xD So I think I'll take up catering next and see where that takes me.
My second and third jobs are as editors--a student art and literary publication, and my college newspaper. Exciting~
I'm still in Olympia, Washington. But next fall I'm planning on enrolling to Seattle Pacific University for a Music Therapy degree.
I really miss art and roleplaying. That was the best part of the bliss of my early teen years; not having to answer to anything or anyone or have to worry constantly about balancing my bank accounts. The greatest thing I looked forward to was the next installment in our RPs. xD
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 01:59:00 +0000 UTC]
modelling kind of fell through, though, to be honest. i mean i did a few gigs, but that was pretty much it. after that, i kinda went back into hiding for a bit. i'm hoping my next breakthrough will be when i move to vancouver. i want to go to either VADA or VFS - both acting/film colleges. i've stuck by that dream, even to this day... it's all about making a step toward it, which i hope will be next year.
well, hey, it's the experience that really matters. when people look on your resume to see that you've worked in customer service for a year, your chances of being hired are greatly increased. good luck on finding something, though! i bet you will soon.
if you move to seattle and i move to vancouver, we will be so close! we will definitely have to visit eachother! :0
OMG, i know exactly what you mean... that's the reason i still can't give it up. luckily i found someone, but if i hadn't... i wouldn't know what i would do. i feel empty if i'm not role-playing SOMETHING. even though our RPs were always the best. i loved how we planned everything out SO MUCH... down to the very last detail, and nothing ever came out of it. xD that part was most of the fun, though.
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 02:33:44 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I always loved stalking your facebook for new pictures of you. =] Yaaaaay acting! Way to stick to your dream. I'm so excited for you! You'll thrive there, I know it! I had a taste of the film world when I did my ginormous project last year. I really enjoyed it, so if I ever get the opportunity again to act, direct, or edit, I'm gonna jump on that train.
This is why I've stayed so long. That's the sole reason why I'm holding out till at least the August 25th mark. Resume building is key. @_@ And I have catering experience, so I think there's a good chance of me getting hired at the place I'm looking into right now.
WE WILL. Oh my gosh, remember when we made plans to go on the epic roadtrip to meet each other when you and Kairi were all graduated? I would have been 16 then. xD
I'm glad you found somebody to RP with. That's super important. I seriously almost found my RP soulmate a couple of months ago. I made some huge plans with them, and then I vanished off the face of the virtual earth again because work kicked into high gear and it was finals season. So I abandoned that poor girl to the tumbleweeds of my imagination.
YES. Oh goodness, the plans are the BEST part. I still do that with all my other writing endeavors that have yet to even be started. It's so good to make a super detailed outline, because then whenever the time and inspiration strikes, you don't start with nothing. It's what two years of NaNoWriMo taught me.
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 03:03:37 +0000 UTC]
ahh, doubt we will ever get around to fulfilling that three-person road trip thingy, but i definitely want to meet you both in real life ONCE before i die! after staying in touch for so fucking long... it's ridiculous not to.
aww, poor girl. being abandoned is no fun. @_@ as much as i love my new RP partner, we still don't have that ultimate 'connection'. like, we don't talk outside of the forum... mostly just in OOC, so we never plan anything. and i love to plan. especially when i feel so lost on certain things.
yes! i agree! and i simply love making characters... *looks at all the ones we made for our RP* xD we went all out.
o.o what is nanowirmo?
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 15:33:25 +0000 UTC]
I know! xD Oh goodness, that would be such a waste of online g contact if we never saw each other face to face. For all I know, I'm a crazy person who imagined up two amazing people to be my friends because I didn't have any.
But that's not likely, because my imagination wouldn't really be able to conjure up people who could write better than me at the time, sooo...moot point.
Oh, I see. So it's like your dating, but not going steady. xD In the RP world, I think that's what the equivalents are.
WE DID! I went back and looked at the character threads and just smiled. Did we end up deciding to just stick with JillxNiki and PoisonxTegan for that, or were we going to bring them in later? I don't remember what our gameplan was for that.
National Novel Writing Month. It's AMAZING. You write a 50,000-word novel in 31 days. It's the most intense writing exercise EVER. And it's in November. You should do it with me this year!
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foxyx In reply to Chanceless [2010-07-30 18:41:29 +0000 UTC]
it DOES feel a bit like that, doesn't it? xD very sad. it should be easier to get around and possibly meet once we're all better established. as long as we maintain our bonds!
yes, i suppose it is somewhat like that... like a relationship with bad communication? i don't know. lol. she is also 28, although that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
what do you mean? all i remember is we were going to work on developing those two pairings for sure, then the rest... we would work out later. it mainly focused on those 4 characters, though, and then eventually we'd bring in sylar.
oh wow... where does it take place? is it just something you submit online or what? i don't think i could ever get into that... i'm not confident enough in my creative writing abilities. xD
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Chanceless In reply to foxyx [2010-07-30 18:53:25 +0000 UTC]
Yes! And maintaining the bonds would be impossible to not do, seeing as how it's not like dA is going to be going away anytime soon.
Yeah, a bit. Or just a relationship where communication isn't necessarily that important because the level of commitment isn't mutual? I dunno. I'm spouting psychological babble now. xD I do it too much. I think I'll minor in Psychology.
Oh, okay. That answers my question. Teeheee, Sylar. <3 I'm still in love with him, not gonna lie.
Remember LavxCessily? THAT was a fun RP that could have gone SOOOO far. I was thinking about it last night and it made me smile.
Everybody gets together on this giant forum called nanowrimo.org. You don't really submit it; it's just something you do to do it for yourself, y'know? And there's zillions of categories you can write on, and each category/genre has a zillion other threads connected to it for soundtracks to listen to, self-help threads, prompts to get you going for that day. It's super fun. I really hope I have time to dedicate to it this November; last year I barely scraped by.
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FanFareLand [2010-07-28 21:28:25 +0000 UTC]
Dude! That is so PRO. Very PRO, VERY! i could totally see this in a manga/graphic novel. I am so impressed by your skills. Once again you are totally talented!
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