FootyBandit — SNEAKING OFF

Published: 2023-10-02 19:11:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1142; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 0
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He had been coming around for weeks. The first time she had met him, he had been carefully rolling rocks around a ferret's home to protect it from the rain that was flooding up around it's den. She didn't know it then, but it was that moment Mia had fallen for him.  

Now as she tiptoed through the drying grass, Mia's heart raced as she knew what she was doing was dangerous.  How many times had her fellow mares told her that stallions could be coniving and sneaky, with ulterior motives.  But for the nights that had woven into her soul with the perlino, she couldn't see anything malicious in his actions.  Just adoration, affection and kindness.  

So it was this night she wouldn't linger on the edges of her herd's awareness. No, she would sneak off tonight and leave the herd.  Perlino's promises were sweet and enticing, and the thought of a life with him and his honeyed tongue were too enticing to ignore.  

Shuffling and breathing as quietly as she could, dry brush whispering against her skin, she saw him in the distance- coat glowing in the moonlight as if he were an ethereal being.  It was here in the spot they first saw each other they decided to meet to run off.  Mia smiled at the memory as she looked around for the protected ferret home.  She paused momentarily as she found the spot and frowned, seeing the little den absolutely destroyed and full of water.  The rocks once encircling it had one rock taken away to cause the pooled up water to flow directly into the burrow causing the nest to be destroyed that much quicker. 

One large furrow dug by a horse hoof made the water run even faster to it's destination.

A shadow of unease crept over Mia's once elated heart, and she jumped as a twig snapped next to her.  There Perlino stood, much larger than she remembered, smiling his simpering smile.  

"Ready Mia?" He whispered, blue eyes flashing.  "This way."


Stallion ID: #16 Sioux

In response to: E-Stallion 238 MS

Art features: 2 Horses # Mia , Bach 238

Story features: 2 Horses Mia , Bach 238

Word Count: 338

Mare Steal: Mia (1/3)

Companion Animals: Owl - N  , Rabbit - C , Cat - HL

Rolls:  Normal Rolls

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Comments: 6

CV-Admin [2023-10-13 16:57:34 +0000 UTC]

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FootyBandit In reply to CV-Admin [2023-10-13 18:16:45 +0000 UTC]

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ARPGspoons [2023-10-03 01:04:05 +0000 UTC]

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DaSassy [2023-10-02 23:12:21 +0000 UTC]

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FabledUnicorn [2023-10-02 21:25:39 +0000 UTC]

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FootyBandit In reply to FabledUnicorn [2023-10-02 22:09:48 +0000 UTC]

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