Published: 2012-01-25 04:19:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2772; Favourites: 122; Downloads: 13
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Dick: Hey little D, long time no see!Damian: ...
Dick: Damian?
Damian: *clings to*
Dick: I missed you too.
Damian is just so unwanted, and in the new 52's, things just keep getting worse and worse. I hope he meets up with Dick again and a scene like this happens. Because I honestly think Damian really cares for Dick and needs him back again.
If they just ignore their relationship I am going to find the writers for both the Nightwing and the Batman and Robin series and attack them.
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Comments: 41
EatingMyOwnFears [2012-02-01 23:31:52 +0000 UTC]
such fantastic emotion displayed in this image!
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to EatingMyOwnFears [2012-02-02 04:26:59 +0000 UTC]
aasdfghjkl thank you <3
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Skaramine [2012-01-25 17:19:18 +0000 UTC]
Older brother. Uncle. Teacher. Mentor. Dearest friend.
Bruce was wise to have Richard teach Damian.
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to Skaramine [2012-01-25 17:51:52 +0000 UTC]
Definitely! Dick is the only one understanding and loving enough to handle Damian.
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Navy-Art [2012-01-25 14:22:14 +0000 UTC]
i love this pic!! call me when u attack them ill join u
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to Navy-Art [2012-01-25 17:52:28 +0000 UTC]
Woohoo, we can make a mob and use intimidation to get what we want!
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Toxiclilly [2012-01-25 12:43:12 +0000 UTC]
So much love! ;___;
I would love to see those two in together again.
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manialoll-kun [2012-01-25 06:29:58 +0000 UTC]
This is a lovely illustration! I really love your inking technique, and they both look adorable As for their fate in the comics, they had a one-panel team up in the core Batman book at the beginning of issue number five, but I was greatly disappointed that their reunion went unadressed. I'm just going to make your lovely picture be my headcanon now, problem solved
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to manialoll-kun [2012-01-25 06:33:59 +0000 UTC]
fffff I am honored <3 Thank yooooooou
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-25 05:36:28 +0000 UTC]
Ububu Thank you *3*
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UnboundNight In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-25 05:45:19 +0000 UTC]
Of course! I didn't know you liked Batman. o u o
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-25 06:27:48 +0000 UTC]
Haha, it's actually a recent thing. As in... like, the past 2 or 3 months. I am completely obsessed *3* to the point that my friends want to shoot me.
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UnboundNight In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-25 23:06:56 +0000 UTC]
Batman is perfect. THEY HAVE NO RIGHT. xD
He's been my favorite since I was little, except with Young Justice and Arkham City recently, I've probably spent a good 12 hours of looking up Batman Universe things. o u o
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-26 03:30:23 +0000 UTC]
Young Justice actually got me into inquiring more about Batman. Like, actually reading comics since I had a friend who owned some. Best decision eveeer.
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UnboundNight In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-26 05:45:20 +0000 UTC]
I wish YJ would come off its hiatus already. ; n ;
Oh and, are you going to be at Connecticon this year~? I missed you last time. c:
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-26 15:23:31 +0000 UTC]
Definately! CTcon is my favorite! We should figure out a way to actually meet up so I'm not looking around going: I wonder where she is in this pile of people all in costume. Actually, I'll be doing a DC DC cosplay or two hur hur~
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UnboundNight In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-26 22:56:43 +0000 UTC]
Me too~. o u o I'm gonna be YJ!Robin for Saturday. I'll have a big group of DC people (mostly Batman universe~), so it shouldn't be that hard. xD <3
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-27 01:49:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh my~ I'm doing Comic YJ Robin (so Tim Drake) with Superboy (in that 90s outfit). We're trying to gather more people. I might do some anime thingy but I'm trying to fill my weekend more with comic cosplays since CTcon is that place to do that.
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UnboundNight In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-27 03:17:59 +0000 UTC]
o u o Our groups should meet. It'd be awesome. Original and new YJ all together-- OH BE STILL MY DC FANGIRL HEART.
I'm going to be Yoite from Nabari no Ou one day, and I think I'm gonna do a version of Sasuke Uchiha has well. lol I need to redeem myself from my disastrous first year of cosplaying.
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to UnboundNight [2012-01-27 18:03:38 +0000 UTC]
Yes yes yes. I approve. And haha, I know what you mean.
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b-dangerous In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-25 05:48:39 +0000 UTC]
No problem. You captured the embrace quite well.
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to b-dangerous [2012-01-25 06:26:56 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I've notice I seem to draw hugs a lot in my sketchbook. Although I think they still look a bit stiff. OH WELL PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.
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b-dangerous In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-25 06:50:58 +0000 UTC]
The curvature of the arms really shows endearment in this one. You can tell just how tightly Damian's holding on.
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to b-dangerous [2012-01-25 07:24:23 +0000 UTC]
Really? Hur hur, thanks for the critiquing!
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b-dangerous In reply to FlyIntoInfinity [2012-01-25 07:35:08 +0000 UTC]
If you mean that sincerely, you're welcome.
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FlyIntoInfinity In reply to b-dangerous [2012-01-25 08:04:20 +0000 UTC]
Of course I do! Critique is my favorite thing. It means people are actually looking. Like reeeally looking.
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