FluffyFerret97 β€” Fetishes by-nc-nd

Published: 2013-03-17 14:34:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 7628; Favourites: 132; Downloads: 5
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Description Yes, I do have a paw fetish, and I do try hard not to make too much paw-art. But seriously, it's going too far. People are SPAMMING the site with their fetishes. At least I'm a SANE paw-fetishist, and I'm not over-obsessed with paws. I just love cute paws. I would NOT want to get crushed by a giant foot! Besides, I only like paws if they're clean. I don't like them if they're filthy or warty!

Ahem! Now let's explain more. I mean, everywhere I look, I see characters getting crushed by a giant foot, or eaten alive. There's rarely any non-fetish art here anymore. People are just spamming their fetishes everywhere.

Here's my opinion on some fetishes:

Vore - What's so attractive about being EATEN ALIVE, and/or watching others get eaten alive?
Scat - Arousal at POOP? That's just sick. Scat is such a disgusting fetish, that scat-art is against the rules. FAQ #165: Do you allow images depicting bodily wastes or fluids?
Unbirth - Seriously! Wanting to get into a vagina, anus, or even a penis? That's beyond disgusting!
Farting - Disgusting.
STDs - Are you kidding me?! STDs can be very deadly, and can KILL you. How is that attractive in any way?
Diapers - I can never understand this one. And diapers are disgusting.
Inflation - Looks like it hurts.
Obesity - It's very gross, and unhealthy!
Abortion - Arousal at stillbirths? Cut me a break.

All this is just my opinion. I only hate the fetish(es), NOT YOU. If you respect my opinion, I'll respect yours. I would NOT hate you if you have the fetish.

In conclusion, most fetishes are painful, and/or disgusting. I wish people didn't have to spam their fetishes everywhere.

Use this stamp if you agree.
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Comments: 208

NinteRarewSegaFan123 [2023-05-10 00:30:55 +0000 UTC]

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FuntimeKittenFaz In reply to NinteRarewSegaFan123 [2024-02-15 11:28:37 +0000 UTC]

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NinteRarewSegaFan123 In reply to FuntimeKittenFaz [2024-02-16 23:36:10 +0000 UTC]

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lucasdeconti [2021-11-03 20:31:49 +0000 UTC]

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GirlLiker69 In reply to lucasdeconti [2022-05-22 23:13:46 +0000 UTC]

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lucasdeconti In reply to GirlLiker69 [2022-05-22 23:48:41 +0000 UTC]

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Generic-Furry-Artist [2021-01-29 00:45:07 +0000 UTC]

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04StartyCornRainbow8 [2020-09-17 03:28:20 +0000 UTC]

I HATE fetishes, i can't stand seeing this everywhere, it's disgusting, they don't care anymore on good arts.

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munyal12 In reply to 04StartyCornRainbow8 [2020-12-10 22:00:59 +0000 UTC]

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Seiya-Meteorite [2017-04-27 13:02:27 +0000 UTC]






I can agree entirely with what this stamp says. This is my first critique, so I apologize if I'm not perfect in what I say, but this is what I'll say:

I've been disturbed by vore ever since I ended up clicking on (what I didn't realize at first was) some vore Care Bears pictures (with them actually dissolving in stomach acid) which scared me. Fortunately they were taken down, but that's why I'm so vicious in my hatred for vore.

About the other fetishes, scat, diapers (messy ones in my books) farting both are just repulsive, enough said.

I could kinda understand the unbirth thing oddly, as people can get attracted to those parts, but it's still more weird. And people are getting to attracted to STDs and abortion now? Good Lord, what is this website coming to?

You also have done a good job explaining the whole problem with something fetish artists need to realize: people can get scared by fetishes you might have, even if you do it in a fantasy and not real life, and you shouldn't keep posting or spamming this kind of art on your profile for everyone else to see, put something else in every now and then, keep them under control or to yourself, otherwise you're won't look like an artist, just a crazy perverted person trying to satisfy your arousal and people will think you're weird and not want to be around you.

I too don't hate fetish artists unless they attack or if they do stuff like pedophilia, that is one of the worst fetishes to have and people like that shouldn't even go on the websitre.

Again, I give you props and thanks for making this stamp.

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munyal12 In reply to Seiya-Meteorite [2020-12-10 22:17:04 +0000 UTC]

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 0

404-name-missing [2016-12-12 22:47:10 +0000 UTC]






I agree.
fetish art (especially tickling) is a nuisance on here.
and whenever i make a comment trying to nudge them in the right direction, (or simply express myself) they get all defensive and say stuff like "dont like dont click"
"you could just ignore it" etc.
the bloody twats are always whining about me. the only one i can tolerate is yoshachu and that's because of the long hiatuses that she has every time she makes that stuff. (she is too busy with other stuff for a long time) sometimes i think of one day mustering up enough courage to leave a very powerful comment!

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ZangooseMiner In reply to 404-name-missing [2016-12-13 03:56:50 +0000 UTC]

You make it sound like people aren't allowed to like what they want.

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404-name-missing In reply to ZangooseMiner [2016-12-13 06:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Can you stop being a dick and allow me to hate tickling for once?

πŸ‘: 2 ⏩: 0

Crossedthefinishline [2020-03-12 21:18:25 +0000 UTC]

I agree. I am an Anti-Fetish person, And i think that this Site is Slowly Collapsing due to this fetish art. I am not saying that i think that people that draw fetish art are bad people. But i just think its not good. Especially inflation. ugh.Β 
Edit: also yes. im using thisΒ 

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Nimbusdoesart [2019-10-27 16:11:59 +0000 UTC]

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FluffyFerret97 In reply to Nimbusdoesart [2019-10-27 16:14:05 +0000 UTC]

I made this stamp YEARS ago. Some stamps I posted years ago I'm starting to no longer agree with.

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Nimbusdoesart In reply to FluffyFerret97 [2019-10-27 16:19:00 +0000 UTC]

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princessanastasia14 [2019-08-02 02:05:07 +0000 UTC]

I agree. I can't look through DA these days without there being fetish art everywhere. The most I see of fetish art is inflation/obesity/tickling art, but I've seen others mentioned and not mentioned above. I mostly find it disturbing when people try to force you into their fetish. I've had people who I've roleplayed with try and sneek in a fetish or people on FB message me asking me to do such and such to them. No. Just no. You have fetish, fine (unless it's a horrible fetish). Just leave me out of it.

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FluffyFerret97 In reply to princessanastasia14 [2019-08-02 02:40:56 +0000 UTC]

Vore disturbs me.

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princessanastasia14 In reply to FluffyFerret97 [2019-08-02 03:46:11 +0000 UTC]

Honestly I think every fetish disturbs me. But like I said, if that's someone's thing (minus some), that's fine. Just leave me out of it.

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junglepythonpearl [2019-05-15 05:54:36 +0000 UTC]

I find vore disgusting in my personal opinion.Β 

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junglepythonpearl [2019-05-15 05:51:12 +0000 UTC]

I have a fetish for python/anaconda coils because I REALLY love snake. I make coil art of my favorite Steven Universe character Pearl. What's your guy's opinions on coil art?

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FanArtArtist1993 [2019-02-05 23:16:53 +0000 UTC]

There should be a filter of obesity and STD fetishes. I hate those fetishes. Diapers aren't gross obesity and STDs are. Some of us can't help have a fetish. Some fetishes are ok such as a diaper fetish. I don't understand the hate towards diaper fetish. People like you need to stop hating diaper fetish. Some fetishes are art too. Who gives people a right to say that some fetishes are not art? Some fetishes belong on here.Β 

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Clover-Indigo In reply to FanArtArtist1993 [2019-05-05 20:02:40 +0000 UTC]

Dude, there are only three kinds of people who need diapers, babies, old people, and the severely mentally/physically handicapped. And they all need them for the same reason, to contain their bodily waste because the wearer has little to no control over their bladder and/or bowels. None of that shit has any business being sexualized!

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FanArtArtist1993 In reply to Clover-Indigo [2019-05-06 15:12:23 +0000 UTC]

Not everyone sexualizes diapers.Β 

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Clover-Indigo In reply to FanArtArtist1993 [2019-05-06 15:25:07 +0000 UTC]

Fetishism is sexulaization, yo.

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donatelloforseiya [2018-12-26 23:25:38 +0000 UTC]

I think you should put this into your profile since you are against fetish

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SpiralHope55 In reply to donatelloforseiya [2018-12-27 05:22:45 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I hate fetish so much and I already use this on my DeviantID.Β 

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Madeleine-Me0ws [2018-12-24 22:48:47 +0000 UTC]

I agree while I do support artistic expression (including fetishes as long as the person is not trying to harm themselves or others, or if minors are involved) I like to see non-fetish art most of the time because it just gets boring after a while of looking at the same thing that's what most fetish art is nowadays it's the same concept but different characters and sometimes I just need a break from that.

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GorillazIsYee [2018-12-16 04:58:48 +0000 UTC]


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AnxietyMoonDancer [2018-10-19 02:08:51 +0000 UTC]

There should be at least filters for fetish art.Β 

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Killgara [2018-08-21 05:25:21 +0000 UTC]

I wish there was no fetish art on this site at all for the most part. There are many other sites for that, it just ruins the quality this site has the potential of having. I'm not completely against it, I just think it needs to be on a separate website, that's all...

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Tortive [2018-07-02 15:47:59 +0000 UTC]

HyperFlannel said non-fetish art is everywhere. I agree with them, but you need to know where to look.

I also agree with you. I have a folder called "Self Harm" (which I think I can raise awareness.) In my folder, I try to find different forms from cutting to ortharexia (an eating disorder where someone is trying to eat well the bad way.)

One night, I was looking for biting, and while I looked for a picture (I didn't), I thought, May I find something other than a biting fetish?

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flaminqobones [2017-12-31 20:23:15 +0000 UTC]

I really don't care if people want to draw some of these, but at least put a mature content tag on it?
Plus, some of them are just.. nasty.

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pudgelover2 [2017-12-29 01:01:45 +0000 UTC]


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Bambrap In reply to pudgelover2 [2018-06-02 19:06:58 +0000 UTC]

This site is for art, yes, but it's meant for art separated from social norms that includes sexual things AND fetishes

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HyperFlannel [2017-10-19 03:26:37 +0000 UTC]

Non-Fetish art is literally everywhere

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AridiaPizarro [2017-09-24 14:28:34 +0000 UTC]

About I saw some of my least favourite fetish arts in this website:
- Obesity (AKA Weight Gain): I saw obese PokΓ©mon pictures, especially fat Littens and morbid Gardevoirs. I saw a few pictures of Rayman getting fat (example: one of the inspired pictures of the bad ending of Rayman 2: The Great Escape depicts a fat Rayman with fat breasts (what the heck can limbless characters have fat breasts?), other picture is Rayman feeding himself with a hypercaloric diet/overnutrition withΒ sugared foods,Β and a picture sequences that depicts Rayman getting fat while Edith Up feeds him with junk food (in this picture I've mention, it appears fat breasts in Rayman's torso) ), I saw a comic that depicts Summer (Rick and Morty) getting fat and becoming into a creepy morbid obese girl, I saw Digimon characters getting fat (especially the most known Digital Monsters such as Veemon, Guilmon, Gatomon...), I saw Edith Up getting fat with junk food (I preffer more the original/thin version of Edith Up than Edith Up as a chubby fairy), I saw a sequence about Betilla fattening without eating (what the hell is that?), I saw Rick Sanchez as a obese man without clothes (gross...), I saw Bendy as a morbid obese, I saw Unikitty as a morbid obese cat, I saw thin Star vs the Force of Evil characters as morbid obese (They look uglier as morbids, ugh), I saw Nicole Watterson as a morbid wearing black bras and black panties (She looks uglier as a fat cat), I saw villagers from Animal Crossing as obese children (these arts reminds me of childhood obesity), I saw a morbid Isabelle from Animal Crossing wearing Digby or someone's clothes...
- Inflation and their variations (like, for example, Blueberry inflation, Bubblize...): I saw bubblification out of most Rayman characters (Why Inflation lovers love the new death animation of playable Rayman and other characters that came from Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends), I saw PokΓ©mon getting inflated, I saw Link from The Legend of Zelda getting inflated by a trap, I saw Yo-Kai Watch characters getting inflated, I saw art ripoffs out of the scene of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory about Violet Beuregade chewing a food flavours gum, I saw Ash becoming a Blueberry, I saw Leni Loud and Lisa Loud turning into Blueberries (a little bit creepy), I saw Digimon characters getting inflated (incluiding one comic that in the end, a balloon queen turns the tamers into aliven balloons after being inflated)...
- Diapers: I saw a comic that turns a beautiful anthro lioness spy turning into a fat and inmature lioness cub wearing diaper by a machine made by a female bear cub wearing a diaper (spooky...), I saw PokΓ©mon wearing diapers, I saw Amy wearing a diaper (also I was related to Scat), I saw female Super Mario characters wearing diapers...
- Farting: I saw a few pictures of a female character farting in other female character's face.
- Scat (AKA Poop): I saw Fluttershy eating a bunch ofΒ ordure.
- Vore: I saw PokΓ©mon eating aliven PokΓ©mon, I saw human eating aliven human...
- Abortion: I saw nothing related to this...
- STDs: I don't know what is STDs
- Unbirth: Same with Abortion. But I saw a giantΒ cockroach having sex with Hatsune Miku, giving birth to a mutant creature and in the end, Hatsune Miku merges with the giant cockroach into a mutant brown woman-looklike pervert cockroach (The picture I mention is the opposite of Unbirth)

These fetishes I've mentioned needs to stop. But I can respect opinions on someone who likes one of these fetishes (especially Inflation, Vore and Obesity, because most fetishists draw fetish arts about Inflation, Vore and/or Obesity)

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FluffyFerret97 In reply to AridiaPizarro [2017-09-24 20:15:59 +0000 UTC]


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AridiaPizarro In reply to FluffyFerret97 [2017-09-24 20:30:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh. So it's related to sex?

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FluffyFerret97 In reply to AridiaPizarro [2017-09-24 20:38:10 +0000 UTC]


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AridiaPizarro In reply to FluffyFerret97 [2017-09-24 20:56:42 +0000 UTC]

Okay, remember what I commented?

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FluffyFerret97 In reply to AridiaPizarro [2017-09-24 20:58:31 +0000 UTC]


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AridiaPizarro In reply to FluffyFerret97 [2017-09-25 15:15:58 +0000 UTC]

The fetish arts I saw

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That-Cheeky-Bastard [2017-06-05 05:31:11 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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PlanetDeadwing In reply to That-Cheeky-Bastard [2017-07-09 19:23:45 +0000 UTC]

Same. I had a different account on this site back a few years ago when I was still a teenage prude who thought it was some kind of sin that people were making sexual art. Now, I've written gross fetishistic stories and have favourited a lot of fetish art. This is nothing wrong with having a fetish. We all have sex organs that get aroused by stuff. We can't help it, so why not indulge?

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ZhermanZays [2017-05-09 13:08:35 +0000 UTC]

Gonna just say this: As a fetishist myself, the main reason the whole "don't like don't look" philosophy exists is because slandering someone's work is never appreciated or wanted in any way. Nobody has any right to play some sort of 'victim' card after telling someone their work is complete and utterly disgusting shit.

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donatelloforseiya In reply to ZhermanZays [2018-12-26 23:29:21 +0000 UTC]

Sure, but also need to remember there is a place for everything. I mean, this site is not for your fetish. This is for art

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FanArtArtist1993 In reply to donatelloforseiya [2019-02-05 23:22:24 +0000 UTC]

Some fetishes can be art. Some fetishes belong on here. You don't have a right to say what's art and what's not.

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