#arin #avenged #jimmy #rev #avengedsevenfoldfanfiction #ilejay #a7xfanfic #avengedsevenfold #sevenfold #sullivan #therev #a7xavengedsevenfold #avengedsevenfoldfanfic #arinilejay #jimmysullvan
Published: 2014-09-29 01:12:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 1659; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Arin was standing on his front porch waiting for Jimmy. He didn't want the older man to end up knocking on the door or ringing the door and waking his parents up. They wouldn't take too kindly to an older man coming to visit the house this late at night. Especially his father. The young man frowned at the thought, sighing as he leaned back against the side of his house with his arms crossed over his chest. He squinted at a figure heading down the street and shook his head when he realized that it was Jimmy. Man, he's really fucked up. He took a step away from the wall and walked down the few steps to his front yard to meet the drummer at the edge of his driveway, trying to ignore the fact that the taller man was crying. He could smell alcohol on Jimmy's breath and wrinkled his nose. How much had he been drinking? By the way he was swaying and stumbling, Arin had a good guess, but he said nothing. Instead, he helped Jimmy up the front steps and through the door, shushing him quietly as he lead him upstairs to his room. The new house had two floors and his parents shared the bottom floor while he had the second floor as well as half of the garage.They made it to Arin's room and the younger man helped the blue-eyed drummer down onto his bed. At least Jimmy had stopped crying now. He was just staring at Arin with his funny look on his face and Arin found himself blushing and smiling shyly as he sat beside Jimmy. He placed his hand on Jimmy's shoulder and was surprised when the older man pulled him closer. It was awkward but not really uncomfortable.
A few more moment passed before Arin let out a breath and asked, "So... you said you wanted to talk?" His tone was soft and comforting. He knew that something bad had happened but he wasn't sure he wanted to know what. He figured it had something to do with Leana. Jimmy's answer confirmed it, though he didn't say her name.
"Bitch got a fucking abortion and she didn't even tell me she was pregnant! I had no say in it! I mean, I know it's her body and her choice but, shit, it was my child too!"
Arin flinched, putting a finger to his lips as a warning for Jimmy to stay quiet, before dropping his hand onto the bed. He felt his pinky gently brush against Jimmy's hand. It was shaking subtly and he frowned. "That's... I'm sorry. That was wrong." Arin's family had always been against abortion because of their religion. Personally, he wasn't sure what to think about it, to be honest. He had never gotten a girl pregnant. Then again, he'd also never had sex with a girl before. "She really should have told you, Jimmy." He didn't know what else to say. He'd never been in this position before. He'd given relationship advice to his friends before but none of them had ever had a problem like this.
He felt Jimmy's hand move, those long fingers brushing against his but the drummer was staring at the wall with a frown. Arin peeked down at their hands, his heart fluttering nervously. He was sure Jimmy hadn't meant to move his hand like that. He was probably too drunk to realize that they were even touching.
"I made her leave but I didn't want to be alone. I told her to leave for a few days. And... I don't really know if I want her back."
There was something strange in Jimmy's voice but Arin didn't get a chance to question him because he felt Jimmy's fingers tighten gently around his hand. For a moment, he wanted to pull his hand away but he kept it still, looking up from their hands and blinking in surprise when he saw that Jimmy was no longer looking at the wall, but at him. His blue eyes were glassy and his cheeks still wet with tears but he had a soft smile on his lips.
"But I don't wanna be alone, ya know? I really don't like being alone."
Arin nodded, replying in a shaky whisper, "You're not alone."
And then life seemed to speed up and slow down at the same time. Jimmy forcefully pulled the smaller boy into his lap and, quite familiar with the position, Arin straddled his hips and pressed close to the intoxicated man. There was a brief pause and then their lips, hesitant at first but then rough and needy, pressed together. Jimmy's were wet with tears and it made Arin felt guilty but then he felt Jimmy's hands on his hips and he shivered, letting his brown eyes close as his smaller hands slid up Jimmy's arms before tangling into his soft, black hair.
Arin knew that this was wrong. Not the whole kissing a guy thing, he'd gotten over that a couple of years ago, but kissing a guy that was drunk who probably didn't know what he was doing and who was in a committed relationship, that was pretty damn wrong. But this was better than any fucking fanfiction he had ever read because it was real. Jimmy's lips were really on his. They were really kissing and, fuck, one of Jimmy's hands had slipped under his shirt and his palm was sliding up to his chest and, forgetting for a moment that his parents were right downstairs, Arin groaned and pressed into the touch.
Jimmy's lips parted at the sound, spreading into a smirk, before his tongue traced along Arin's bottom lip. The younger man willingly parted his own lips, his tongue meeting Jimmy's, and then Jimmy was tugging at his shirt and trying to pull it off and that snapped Arin back to reality. Reluctantly, with guilt sitting heavily in his stomach, Arin removed one of his hands from Jimmy's hair and gently touched Jimmy's wrist with a hesitant shake of his head. He really, really did not want this to stop but he had to. Jimmy was drunk. Jimmy was with Leana. But, shit, it felt so right to be this close and his body sure as hell wasn't complaining about the unexpected closeness. Had he been wearing jeans instead of loose fitting pajama pants, he would have been a bit uncomfortable at the moment.
"You need to sleep. You're drunk." His voice was stern but he didn't resist as Jimmy kissed him again, just a short kiss, and both men sighed. "Jimmy. Sleep."
He pouted. He fucking pouted. Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan was sitting on Arin's bed pouting but Arin had to resist. He couldn't give in to what his body wanted. He had to do what was right, even if it felt wrong. A bit roughly, he shoved against Jimmy's chest, forcing him to lay down. The tall, lanky man didn't resist, simply flopping down with a quiet grunt, closing his eyes as Arin got up and started to tuck a blanket around him. The guilt was growing in Arin's stomach and he found himself with watering eyes as he turned to walk toward his door. He would go sleep in the living room downstairs. Say he fell asleep watching TV. But before he could get to the door, he heard Jimmy's voice, slurred from alcohol but soft and sweet. Hopeful.
"Come here, Arin. I told you I don't want to be alone."
How the hell could he say no to that? Smiling sadly and quickly wiping his eyes, hoping that Jimmy didn't notice, he chuckled quietly and turned around, walking back over to his bed and crawling under the blankets to curl up against Jimmy's warm body. He hesitated for a moment before resting his head on Jimmy's chest and closing his eyes, listening to the steady heartbeat of the older drummer. The guilt, however, was still there as the two drifted off to sleep but he slept more comfortably than he had slept in a long, long time. He wished he could have stayed in that moment forever, even with the guilt, but life had to go on.
When he woke up, Jimmy was gone and he was cold and his lips and skin still tingled from where Jimmy had kissed and touched him.
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Comments: 6
fleabittengray In reply to x-timeAFTERtime-x [2018-04-08 13:53:22 +0000 UTC]
I haven't updated in awhile but it will be continued on my AO3 account!
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Lilyintin2002 [2015-10-14 04:09:33 +0000 UTC]
Hey this is really good are you going to continue this?Β
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fleabittengray In reply to Lilyintin2002 [2015-10-14 17:45:49 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I am! It has been moved to my AO3 account. (:
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fleabittengray In reply to Lilyintin2002 [2015-10-18 17:35:38 +0000 UTC]
AO3 is archive of our own. It's where people post fanfics and even things with OCs (original characters). I'll link you to mine. You do not need an account to read them, and I have my fics open to anon comments. I think you can possibly bookmark them without having an account as well, but I'm not sure.
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