#3d #artwork #blender #charlotte #christmas #denis #scene #seasonal #snow #snowman #snowpeople #snowwoman #3dartwork #madeforeachother #blendercylces #filmic
Published: 2018-12-10 17:37:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1304; Favourites: 44; Downloads: 0
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With Christmas fast approaching, I thought I would make a festive artwork.
I am always reminded of this time of the year, whenever I see 'The Snowman' by Raymond Briggs on the television. And, yesterday I was happy to see; that they aired 'Father Christmas', The Snowman' and The Snowman and the Snow Dog', all after one another. Seeing them again; brought back happy memories of my childhood.
'The Snowman' inspired me, to create this artwork, which is entitled 'Made for each other!'
It features a little boy called Denis, who has made two snow people; while playing out, in the snow. However, he doesn't realise; that the snowman Eric and the snowwoman Charlotte have both come to life.
In love, they say; that everyone has a soulmate. And, Eric has certainly found the snow girl of his dreams in Charlotte. After sharing love's first kiss; Eric and Charlotte watch over Denis with such maternal love and appreciation. He has played the role of Cupid and has brought them together. After all, they were always destined to meet; and were made for each other!
Created with Blender 2.79 and GIMP. Using Cycles Render and Filmic add-on.
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Comments: 46
BBstar7 [2019-05-25 06:13:06 +0000 UTC]
Awwww This is probably one of my personal favorites.
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fev-rocks In reply to BBstar7 [2019-05-27 21:01:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Bianca. Glad you liked it!
Have a lovely day!
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GarathSombius [2019-03-04 20:22:47 +0000 UTC]
Great painting, they look so cute.
It would be interesting to see them melting next time, wouldn't it? Like they are sweating in the sun or something.
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fev-rocks In reply to GarathSombius [2019-03-06 08:31:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much, for your lovely feedback!
Whenever I used to watch 'The Snowman' on TV. I always felt sad, at the end of the story, when he melted.
So, I am not sure, I would create an artwork with them melting. Maybe, sweating with the rays of the sun. But, otherwise I would like to think that my snow people would travel somewhere cold, when the climate got warmer!
Wishing you a lovely Wednesday and a great week!
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fev-rocks In reply to GarathSombius [2019-03-09 13:29:38 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. Wishing you a great Saturday and a great weekend!
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fev-rocks In reply to Luria92 [2019-01-15 11:56:06 +0000 UTC]
It was meant to be a garden shed. But, if it reminds you of home; then that is fine.
Thank you, for your comment.
Have a great Tuesday and a lovely week!
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Luria92 In reply to fev-rocks [2019-01-24 12:22:01 +0000 UTC]
😂Sorry I thought it was a small house
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fev-rocks In reply to Luria92 [2019-01-24 13:31:19 +0000 UTC]
There is no need to apologise Luria. It is ok, if you thought it was a small house! That is the beauty of art. We all have our own individual interpretation of an artwork and its contents. I made a similar error myself once. When I was leaving feedback, for another artist.
Hope you are enjoying your week, so far. Have a great Thursday!
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fev-rocks In reply to AguraNatasDreams [2019-01-09 12:06:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. Have a lovely day!
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fev-rocks In reply to Miarath [2019-01-07 16:02:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Mia. Have a great day!
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BBstar7 [2018-12-30 17:25:35 +0000 UTC]
It's perfect!!Nice use of color. Good use of perspective!!!Awesome work, dear!!
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fev-rocks In reply to BBstar7 [2018-12-31 12:53:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much, for your constructive feedback. Have a great day!
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ChristopherReality [2018-12-19 14:58:46 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I really like how you did the snow in both the wheelbarrow and the little pile with the spade in it. As a blender user, might I ask how you did it?
Also I really like how you light lots of your different images. (Yes i had a good look). Please could I ask how you set up your lighting as i feel lighting is something that lets me down with my images.
I understand if you don't tell me as sometime explaining blender is harder than actually doing it.
Thanks for your time.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2018-12-20 10:32:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much, for your comment.
To answer your questions. First of all. To make the uneven snow. You could just use a plane and subdivide it; and make it slightly fractural. Or, pull on certain vertices after it has been subdivided, to get that effect. But, I did it an easier way. Which is to use SHIFT A, then select MESH. Then just below the basic objects, you will see a section, which mentions Landscape. You select that option, to add a Landscape Mesh. Normally this is used for making mountains. But, you can use it, for this purpose, as well. Before you go into edit mode. You need to alter the sliders in object mode, which are situated over to the left of the screen under the title Landscape. This will allow you to alter the height, subdivisions, depth. etc...Also, adjusting the seed slider, will give you other random options as well. Once you have finished making your adjustments to the landscape with the sliders or entering values; you can then view the landscape from above and Unwrap it, after selecting it, as a whole in Edit mode. I sometimes find project from view works best, but I think I have had it work with just Unwrap, as well. I then apply a texture of snow, which I got from Textures.com. This is a great resource, for free textures. There are some better ones, which you can pay for. But, I find 15 free textures a day is pretty useful enough and they are quite good quality. If you do find that your version of Blender does not have the Landscape option by default, underneath the basic object types. Then, you will need to go to File, User Preferences. Click on the Add-ons tab and click the box next to Add Mesh: ANT Landscape. Once the box shows a tick next to it. You just then have to click on the button at the bottom left, which reads Save User Settings. Then, the next time, you follow my instructions, you will see the Landscape option in the dropdown list. In case, you don't already know. There are other option, which are to add things; that are close by; that can also be useful for other jobs, in the same dropdown menu, if you put a tick in the preferences to have them. These can help you to create things like walls, bolts, windows, doors, trees; and many other things.
Secondly, I am pleased you have found my lighting of the scenes good. To be honest, I am no expert at lighting scenes; and I am always trying to improve in this area. So, I am happy, if you were impressed by it. Sometimes, I am a bit hit and miss with lighting. But, I would suggest watching videos on the 3 point lighting system, as this is what most people use, to light a scene. Also, you can get lighting from the environment, or by using a HDRI picture. So, in your world settings a particular colour, or HDRI picture can make a scene more darker, or lighter depending on its shade, or detail. Also, if you have a sky texture selected in your world options, then this will also light your scene. You can also change the colour of your lamps, to get different lighting. I sometimes manage with one or two lamps. Not always three. But, it all depends on what type of scene it is and how much light is coming into the scene, to begin with. Sometimes, I light up my scene with a bright environment colour. And, then I create a render of a clouded sky and then use it, as a backdrop. By using the Images as Plane option. Which allows you to very quickly project a texture onto a plane, for such purposes. Again, I think the Images as Plane option is an add-on, which you need to add to your user preference to use. Unless, I am mistaken. Sometimes I use Blenders lamps to light the scene. But, you can also use a plane, which has an emission shader applied to it, for lighting our scene, as well.
Hope this information is helpful to you. Sorry, for the long comment. As you say. It is sometimes difficult to describe Blender, so I tried to give, as much detail, as I could. Any problems understanding, please feel free to come back to me.
Finally, have a great Thursday!
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ChristopherReality In reply to fev-rocks [2018-12-22 16:17:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh my goodness. thank you so much this was so very helpful. Most of the stuff you said i am doing. But I just assume you are doing it with more skill.
The addon stuff was very helpful. I knew about certain things with addons like the node wrangler. Only because they mention them in the tutorials I have used. It seems amazing the other bits and pieces you can come by in there though. I have also heard of Git-Hub and have used that for one or two things, (again mentioned in tutorials).
I so appreciated your time and really in depth information. I was not fazed by the size of the reply as it gave so much. I hope my questions did not take too much time out of your day as I assume it must have taken a while to compose. It was really really kind.
Have a super Christmas and weekend.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2018-12-23 17:27:23 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome, for the information. I am glad it was helpful to you, or your husband.
Yes, there ae quite a few add ons, to add features to Blender. Some have to be installed, where others such as Node Wrangler, you can just tick a box and save the settings. I haven't heard of the Git-Hub add-on, so will have to see, what that is for. I believe there is a way, to add an add-on, where you can actually take village or town maps; and from it download a 3D representation of the actual part of the town from the map. You then you have to apply your own textures. But, I guess it is a quick way, to do locations, if you don't want to make them yourself.
Have a great Sunday and a lovely Christmas!
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ChristopherReality In reply to fev-rocks [2018-12-28 15:03:20 +0000 UTC]
My goodness that map addon sound very sophisticated. Such clever people that write these programs.
The GitHub site is a place where these super people have written their own addons and then allowed everyone free access to them. So if you are struggling and wonder if there is an addon for something like how would snow stick to certain surfaces or odd shaped objects, or melt in specific places. You can find it on there. Google something like - snow attachment addon blender.
If you are lucky, (as in the snow addon). Some amazing person will have written a program, and then allowed you to use it for free. It was actually this snow addon that I found out about GitHub. Often the person will have made a tutorail to show you how to use their addon too.
so many kind people out there.
Have a good new year and weekend.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2018-12-29 11:26:26 +0000 UTC]
Yes, the add-ons can be very useful at times. I would certainly check out the Filmic add-on. It gives your renders more photorealism in Blender. But, you have to install it, as a file. It isn't just an option to tick.
Thank you, for the information.
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ChristopherReality In reply to fev-rocks [2019-01-08 16:26:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I had a look for the filmic addon. If it is the one I found you download it from Github. Is this correct??
As you say, it looks good. (watched a quick you tube on it). Do you use it for your renders?
have a good day/evening.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2019-01-09 11:22:42 +0000 UTC]
To answer your question. Yes, you can install it from GitHub and I do use it, for some of my renders. Sometimes, it doesn't make a difference. But, especially with indoor scenes. It is very useful, for adding light, to your scene.
Please check out these links:
Each link, has a link attached to it, to install the Filmic Add On, once way, or another! Although, I haven't tried the way, which is mentioned in the Blendernation website.
To do my renders with Filmic, I used the same settings that Andrew Price of Blender Guru used, in his YouTube video. As that appeared to give the best results. What is also cool about the filmic add-on, with photorealism is that it also desaturates your colours, depending on the strength of the light. Which is what would happen in real life. With the render, without the filmic add-on. You would find that no matter, how much light you shine, the colour would never change, despite the light intensity. That is also explained in the YouTube video. It also shows good examples, how it takes a very dark indoor scene and makes it look brighter and more detailed.
On a separate note. Blendernation has some pretty cool tutorials on it. Here is a link, to bring up a page. They are on varied things. Thought you might both find them useful, if you haven't discovered Blendernation, yet: www.blendernation.com/category…
Hope this information helps you both!
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ChristopherReality In reply to fev-rocks [2019-01-21 21:14:15 +0000 UTC]
Once again thanks so much for all the info. Most useful.
not wishing to be thick. But there is already a filmic on blender, is the one you are talking about different or better than the one already there?
Thanks also for the blendernation link, most useful. We like Grant Abbitt and YanSculpts. Have leared loads form these 2 blokes. Both of these are on youtube.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2019-01-22 13:12:39 +0000 UTC]
Are you using Blender 2.8? I haven't used that yet, as I thought it hadn't official been released and was still in the Beta testing stage. Perhaps, that one has it already installed. But, with 2.79 I had to install the actual file, to have the add-on work. The controls for the Filmic are under Colour Management on the scene controls. If you have drop down menus to select Filmic. And, also under Look, you have the option to pick Base Contrast. Then, you must have it already installed into Blender. Otherwise, there will only be the original RGB setting, which was in previous releases.
I don't think I have seen any YouTube videos from Grant Abbitt. But, I think I have seen some sculpts from YanSculpts. Although, Sculpting is something which I know very little about. Only certain controls have I used.
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ChristopherReality In reply to fev-rocks [2019-01-29 14:40:55 +0000 UTC]
You know I am using blender 2.79. Like you, we am waiting for most of the glitches to be smoothed out. Besides the whole 2.8 seems a little unnerving at all the changes, so we a re both holding back. though we are aware the longer we dont learn it the harder it will become as they update again and again. I love blender but this time the changes are very dramatic and it slightly scares us both how different it looks. Though i am sure as soon as we start working on it more, it will seems less daunting.
Not sure but I only recently downloaded the 2.79 (in about the last 6 months, i think) and I did not download anything about filmic but it was automatically there. Perhaps it was updated so I did not need a download??
Thanks for telling me about it as I just used the default settings without a thought that there could be something like this to help.
Yansculpts also does, or rather did do lots of daily tips. Most were about 5 minutes long. Lots of helpful info in them though sometimes I have had to watch them twice as he is very quick. You have to scroll down a long way through his youtube page but there are some very informative things there.
Grant Abbitt is great and he has loads of tips and trick usually relatively short tutorials. Though at present a lot of his time is used for the sculpt January but he puts stuff up most days and he explains lots.
You should give sculpting a go, block in your basic shape then sculpt away. I have found a pen and tablet make it a lot easier. Grant Abbitt gives a tutorial on best tablets for best price if you don't have one. I like to use constant detail which is not the default setting on dynotopology. Just remember to keep it as low as possible to bring up your shape and then for the finer details add a higher number but don't go too high too quick. If you do go too high and your computer grumbles at you you can always decimate in the modifyers panel.
Sorry did not mean to lecture you about what you should do with blender.
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fev-rocks In reply to ChristopherReality [2019-01-30 11:44:33 +0000 UTC]
First of all. Please don't apologise. I never took your comment, as lecturing, at all.
But, to be honest. Although, I have heard people complaining. I am not scared of using 2.8. I just don't want to use it, until the official version comes out; which has most of the bugs removed. It is easy to misjudge a program, when it is in its Beta stages. I have noticed recently; that there are quite a few tutorials on 2.8 on the Blendernation website. So, it might now be officially released. Either way though. I tend to keep a copy of the previous Blender on my computer. Just in case, I don't like the new version. Also, having two Blenders is quite useful, when you are trying to track down a particular file, to Append from; and you don't want to close your work.
I may give Sculpting another try in the future, as I do want to learn. And, it would be cool to model in detail things like clothes. Such, as wrinkles, etc....Because there is a way, to create a more dense model; and use it to create a kind of normal map. So, that you can apply it, to a low poly model. The normal map then tricks the eye, into thinking that the low poly model is as detailed, as the higher poly model. So, they both look practically the same on screen. It is a trick that a lot of people use, when making games. Because they require low poly characters!
I will have to search for Grant Abbitt, as I haven't watched his YouTube videos before.
You are welcome, for the information. Maybe, you are correct, in your assumption about them upgrading 2.79, with the Filmic Add-on installed. It is always possible; that they did make changes to it, aftewards.
Hope you are both enjoying your week, so far. Have a great Wednesday!
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WhimsicalBlue [2018-12-13 13:46:37 +0000 UTC]
This is really a cute story and sweet snow couple! I like her pink dress, looks awesome.
Beautiful scene and well composed Paul
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fev-rocks In reply to WhimsicalBlue [2018-12-14 12:13:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Hazel. Glad you liked it. I don't know, if people noticed. But, I also added lipstick marks on the snowman's cheeks, to add a bit of humour.
Wishing you a great Friday and a lovely weekend!
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WhimsicalBlue In reply to fev-rocks [2018-12-30 11:28:57 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, I saw that cute lipstick mark, it really looks cute!!
You work always has a touch of humour!!
Aren't you working on any peanut artwork, waiting for lucy's adventure
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fev-rocks In reply to WhimsicalBlue [2018-12-31 13:17:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Hazel, for your constructive feedback. I will also consider doing another Peanut artwork, in the not so distant future!
Have a lovely, fun and prosperous New Year!
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WhimsicalBlue In reply to fev-rocks [2019-01-01 11:52:57 +0000 UTC]
You are always welcome anytime, Paul!! Wish you good luck^^
to you and your family!!
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fev-rocks In reply to WhimsicalBlue [2019-01-01 16:19:49 +0000 UTC]
Happy New Year Hazel. Wishing you and your family a productive 2019 and a great day!
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fev-rocks In reply to Lora-Vysotskaya [2018-12-12 12:20:40 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Lora, for your lovely feedback. Have a great Wednesday!
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fev-rocks In reply to LindArtz [2018-12-12 12:21:05 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Linda, for your kind feedback. Have a great Wednesday!
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fev-rocks In reply to Cerulea-blue [2018-12-11 11:34:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the compliment and the feedback.
I love your work, too cerulea83; and I have given you some feedback on your latest creations.
Have a great Tuesday and a lovely week!
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fev-rocks In reply to Cerulea-blue [2018-12-12 12:28:47 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome cerulea83.
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