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Published: 2022-01-25 22:51:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 7121; Favourites: 62; Downloads: 8
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THE CHARACTERS (Left-to-right)Harrow, Mer-Master, Electri-King, Gaea, Gloriana, Dire Wolf, Pyress
Welcome to Illyrium - a nation of sprawling crystalline towers, constant innovation, breathtaking nature, and malevolent primordial deities.
The Triumverate, a trio of elemental beings, rule Illyrium and govern with fury, vengeance, and bloodshed. With their evil influence growing, the pacifist earthen goddess Gaea has been forced to intervene. Calling upon the forces of nature, she has forged enchanted weapons that will empower their users with divine power and give them the abilities necessary to defeat The Triumverate. Gaea sought out six mighty mortals and has transformed them into the just Olympian Squadron.
The Olympian Squadron are led by the lightning wielding Electri-King (Justin Nubes) and the warrior princess Gloriana (Jacqueline Domina). They are joined by marine bioligist Nigel Pontus, who possesses the Aquamarine Trident that allows him to manipulate water as the aquatic hero Mer-Master. The reserved philanthropist Pavel Nigel operates as Dire Wolf, a hellhound who controls darkness with the Onyx Bident. Baker extraordinaire and fashionista Virginia "Gigi" Wick and the protective daycare worker Camellia Fields round out the team respectively as the pyrokinetic Pyress and the geomancer Harrow.
The Olympian Squadron was a Greek mythology themed troupe of superheroes that I came up with back in 2016. During my near two year hiatus from creating visual art, I ended up retooling the concept with brand-new characters and a more elaborate world built around them. Rather than being a direct adaptation of those myths, I opted to instead take inspiration and do something original that pays homage to Greek mythology, critiques it, and updates it. The Olympian Squadron are also my love letter to American superhero fiction and very much a send-up to the DC and Marvel stable of characters.
This piece reflects the foundation of the Olympian Squadron, featuring the six starting members of the team and their powerful mentor Gaea. They have a consistent aesthetic as a team, but their uniforms emphasize their individuality and reflect the Olympian Gods they are inspired by (along with some superhero counterparts as well). As a cast, they also loosely line up with some tropes as well in order to have some balance and give them roles. You've got The Leader (shared by Electri-King and Gloriana), The Lancer (Dire Wolf, who doubles as The Sixth Ranger if you re-jig the categorization), The Smart Guy (Mer-Master), The Big Guy (Harrow, ironically the shortest), The Chick (Pyress), and Team Mom (Gaea). The ensemble is quite strong and I'm happy with how they've turned out, visually and characteristically.
I did post the six heroes individually in my gallery with their profiles included in their descriptions, so if you're interested check those out for more information.
As always, I love hearing from you all so feel free to leave a comment to provide feedback and help increase engagement. Who are your favourites? Who do you want to see more of?
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Comments: 6
VBelleze [2023-12-21 10:18:52 +0000 UTC]
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HewyToonmore [2022-03-06 02:20:18 +0000 UTC]
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C-blaze21 [2022-02-04 00:21:30 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
Femmes-Fatales In reply to C-blaze21 [2022-02-06 18:41:04 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
Disagreeableduck [2022-01-26 20:40:36 +0000 UTC]
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Femmes-Fatales In reply to Disagreeableduck [2022-01-29 20:03:14 +0000 UTC]
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