EvolutionsVoid — Regal Cockatrice

#bird #birdofparadise #cockatrice #creature #monster
Published: 2018-04-18 20:46:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 2335; Favourites: 70; Downloads: 0
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Description The first thing I have to say is that there are no drawings or paintings in this world that will ever truly capture the extreme opulence of the Regal Cockatrice. My own sketches pale in comparison to such a colorful and extravagant creature! Though its anatomy is just like that of a common cockatrice, its sheer beauty will make it hard to believe it is related to such a simple beast! It has feathers of all colors, bright patterns coating its skin and so much more! It makes sense that this creature is based in the tropics, as that is the one place where such vibrant coloration thrives! It lives in the forests, jungles and rainforests, spending its life foraging through the undergrowth. Like all cockatrices, they are flightless. Their wings have lost the ability to lift their heavy bodies, and are instead used for non-verbal communication and mating rituals. While other land beasts may walk or run, the Regal Cockatrice sticks up its nose at such plain forms of movement. Instead, they strut! Like a floral dryad showing off her best petals and blooms, the Regal Cockatrice seems to flaunt itself during every waking moment. It walks about with the utmost confidence, always presenting its beautiful plumage to the world. I am sure its appearance dazzled many explorers and travelers, who stared agape as it strode through the jungle. I fell victim to the same thing, as there is no preparing yourself for such a sight! So many colors and patterns! You can't help but stare in awe and wonder! How many have stood frozen before such a creature, taking in its sheer splendor and cocky walk. They can hardly believe their own eyes as it struts its way up to them with all its grace and beauty, and then it barfs in their face. Despite its gorgeous looks, it is still a cockatrice. 

Much like its blander colored brethren, Regal Cockatrices are omnivores, eating practically anything that catches their eye. Fruits, fungi, reptiles, small mammals and seeds are just some of the many things they will consume. Their long, hooked beaks are perfect for rooting through the soil or probing dense vegetation for hiding morsels. While they are happy to snap up any piece of food that scurries past them, they do have their preferences. These favorites of theirs are rather fitting, as they are just as colorful as they are! Small, vibrant frogs are one, as well as brightly colored insects. Berries of certain plants are gobbled up in a flash, and they are ecstatic to feast on rotting corpses. As you probably already guessed, these selected food groups are mainly used to fuel their toxic vomit. Parts and pieces of these morsels are stored in their crop, which breaks it down into a nasty, sickly soup. When predators dare to disrespect the Regal Cockatrice, they will get a stream of toxin-rich, disease-filled puke shot right into their face! Needless to say, those who are hit with such a foul weapon don't live very long. These weapon of theirs is so effective, that scavengers and lesser predators will follow the cockatrice around in hopes of getting an easy meal out of an aggressor. Not only do they have the looks and beauty of a model, now they have an entourage! 

If you thought that these creatures were flashy and gaudy enough already, just wait until breeding season. When that special time comes around, they pull out all the stops. Males will either find or make a clearing in the jungle and claim it as their own. They will spend days nipping away intruding plants and clearing out any obstacles that may mar the area. Then they will begin to decorate, finding flowers, rocks and other pretty things to add to their territory. When all is done, they will have constructed a stage on which they will perform, and boy do they! Using their large casque and long beak, they will sing a loud, intricate song to catch the attention of nearby females. These tunes are just as extravagant as they are, and unique to each cockatrice. Tales say that certain famous composers got their inspiration from such birds, but I don't think musicians visit jungles that often. Regardless, their song will go on for hours, even days as they try to lure in females. When one of them comes around, the show begins! They will dance and sing for their new audience, doing their best to show off their bright plumage and graceful ways. Like their calling songs, each dance of a Regal Cockatrice is unique to the individual, having slight variations and twists on certain moves and struts. The taste of the females is just as diverse, as they just seem to pick whichever male has the dance they like the most. Despite years of study, no one can really say what the criteria is for a successful dance, and believe me, people have tried to solve that! Though an avid and patient researcher myself, I have respect for those who took on that study! The mating ritual of a Regal Cockatrice can last for hours, and it does not guarantee a victory! To try and decipher such a dance would take endless days of watching and note taking, only to lead to years of comparison and analyzing. If I were to take on such a project, I am sure I would despise the idea of dancing by the end of it!

It should be no surprise that Regal Cockatrices are popular creatures, just look at them! Something with that much color and beauty almost guarantees that someone is going to try and turn it into a pet! Exotic collectors and rich folk love these birds, keeping them on their grounds and showing them off to guests. While this would indeed be a pretty sight, these cockatrices are a bit more ornery and temperamental than the common ones. They adore attention and respect, and those who don't give them that should watch out. Ignoring them will earn you some hard pecks to the head, as any attention is good attention in their book. Mussing up their feathers or dirtying their looks can lead to more jabs to the noggin, or a nasty kick with their talons. Once the offender is knocked back, the cockatrice will storm off to preen its feathers for a few hours. While these insults to the cockatrice are bad, the worst thing one can do is show them up. Now, that does not mean you have to intentionally try to outdo them. You just have to appear like you are trying to compete with them when it comes to color and beauty. Quite a few lavish outdoor parties have been ruined when the owner's pet escapes its corral and chases one of the more extravagantly dressed guests. If you ever get an invitation to one of these outings and notice that there is an oddly specific dress code, then that mostly likely means the host of the event owns a few of these birds. Don't wear a super bright and frilly dress there, as it might get ripped off of you if you wind up offending the creature. 

Outside of pets and party crashing, Regal Cockatrices are also loved for their plumage. With so many colors and feather shapes, they are a must have when it comes to decoration. If you believe that you own a fancy hat, check to see if it has any Regal Cockatrice feathers on it. If it does not, then no, you do not own a fancy hat. The more that are on it, the better it is! You can find hats, headdresses, necklaces and even quills sporting these plumes, and those who own such items are probably quite fancy (or vain, take your pick). With the desire for these beautiful feathers, people have raised them, like the common cockatrices, to take advantage of this market. Since a change in diet can take out the deadliness of their toxic vomit, all one has to worry about is their talons, spurs, beak and nasty attitude. With their pride and temper, Regal Cockatrices are bit more of a hassle to raise. Every farm I have ever visited had an owner who wore several bandages at a time and may have occasionally walked with a limp. If you can put up with such injuries and these temperamental birds, then you have the chance to make a good chunk of money, especially if you are wise enough open a trade route with a floral dryad settlement.

While those native to their homeland may love and take pride in their local fauna, I am pretty sure floral dryads love these birds even more (which is funny because I am sure one of these birds would attack them if they ever met). If they weren't so caught up worshiping themselves, they probably would do the same to these creatures. The feathers of a Regal Cockatrice are like gold to them, as they are used to make gorgeous garments and accentuate one's head flower. If one wants to look good at the ball, than they absolutely must have some of these feathers in their arrangement. Not only do they adore their plumes, but floral dryads are crazy about their meat. This comes from their superstitions and home remedies they concoct in order to better their petals and blooms. One of the most well known beliefs of theirs is that the flesh of a Regal Cockatrice can brighten your colors and add hues to your petals. I call bull on such a superstition, as I don't recall any jungle natives looking like walking rainbows. Regardless, floral dryads find the meat of these cockatrices to be the best out of them all, and it is a required dish to be served at any high society ball. If you ever find yourself being invited to a floral dryad party, expect there to be cockatrice on the menu. Also, if you find yourself being invited to one of these things, don't go. They are the absolute worst. Not only will you show up under-dressed (which is impossible not to do. You could cover yourself in glue, go streaking through a lace shop and still get comments about how it was "cute" you decided to wear your sleeping gown to the event), but the insane amount of ceremony, finesse and daintiness is absolutely maddening. The reason these balls last all night is because they eat with such delicacy and etiquette that it would make a marble sculptor impatient! Such tiny bites! And so many utensils! It's food! Your supposed to eat it with your FACE! That is why I have been to exactly half of a floral dryad ball, as I wound up being too "unsightly and foul" (Translation: I accidentally slurped my soup. Once.), and was promptly "removed" (in a rather polite fashion, which was creepy). Speaking of, that is another reason not to attend. If you offend them, then you will mostly likely be taken out back by the servants and worked over for your rudeness (which they also did politely, which was even creepier). Thank goodness our limbs heal quickly, as doing research with an arm cast was no fun at all. 

Chlora Myron

Dryad Natural Historian


Here is one of the cockatrice variations I had promised. And what a blast this one was to make, just going crazy with the colors!  
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Comments: 23

TheGuardianofLight [2023-08-24 16:35:21 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to TheGuardianofLight [2023-08-25 18:49:08 +0000 UTC]

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TheGuardianofLight In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2023-08-26 09:00:36 +0000 UTC]

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to TheGuardianofLight [2023-09-02 13:52:14 +0000 UTC]

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TheGuardianofLight In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2023-09-05 07:59:58 +0000 UTC]

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DreamTheorem [2018-09-12 17:42:18 +0000 UTC]

This design is FANTASTIC I love the colours and details. Amazing work!

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to DreamTheorem [2018-09-13 14:47:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! This one was a lot of fun to go crazy with the colors! 

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Lediblock2 [2018-05-11 07:34:00 +0000 UTC]

I like how you also integrated the floral dryads' wonderfully fucked-up nature.

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to Lediblock2 [2018-05-11 11:58:29 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! One of the reasons I like writing about species and monsters in a journal sort of fashion is because it allows for it to flesh out other species and cultures in the same entry. Makes the world seem a bit more cohesive and connected. And with a creature this colorful and pretty, I felt it was obvious that the floral dryads would have something to say about them (though in their own weird way)! 

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Godzillaworld1516 [2018-04-20 19:16:32 +0000 UTC]

i want it 

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KingOfWarlocks [2018-04-20 17:48:18 +0000 UTC]

Jur: 'With such an attitude, these fancy chickens would be more appropriately named Cockytrices.'
Thelma: 'With such bad humour, you would more appropriately be called Blight Upon Existence.'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EvolutionsVoid In reply to KingOfWarlocks [2018-04-20 21:34:33 +0000 UTC]

I don't know, Thelma. Cockytrices is a pretty good one! 

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KingOfWarlocks In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2018-04-21 20:44:51 +0000 UTC]

Thelma: and also as obvious as a leaf in a fore-- wait, where did you come from?! Do you know where he came from, Jur?
Jur: Where did he come from, where did he go, where did he come from, cotton-eye Joe...
Just kidding, Thelma. I can explain it, or at least i think so, but that would take a while...

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DarkSideDuck [2018-04-19 18:44:36 +0000 UTC]

If you wanted a ride in one of these nice creatures, you'd probably need to be careful to not ruffle feathers.

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to DarkSideDuck [2018-04-19 23:47:38 +0000 UTC]

That, and they probably wouldn't want to be ridden anyways. Such elegant gorgeous creatures would never deign to be some common beast of labor! 

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DarkSideDuck In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2018-04-20 09:10:56 +0000 UTC]

Only if the rider is an accessory to enhance their beauty.

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to DarkSideDuck [2018-04-20 21:31:46 +0000 UTC]

That rider better dress up good! No way are they going to let some drab peasant ruin their color scheme! 

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DarkSideDuck In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2018-04-21 11:09:01 +0000 UTC]

You'd need to be rich to ride one , then.

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EeVeeEe1999 [2018-04-19 01:00:12 +0000 UTC]

So royal, so beautiful, I'd like one for a pet, I'd also ride the big boi

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EvolutionsVoid In reply to EeVeeEe1999 [2018-04-19 23:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! A pet would work, but riding one would be a bit difficult! They don't take to well to those who may mess up their plumage! 

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EeVeeEe1999 In reply to EvolutionsVoid [2018-04-20 01:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Makes sense

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AgentEASTER [2018-04-19 00:47:37 +0000 UTC]

The colors on the Cockatrice is really neat! Such vibrant bold contrasts of colors!

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EvolutionsVoid In reply to AgentEASTER [2018-04-19 23:45:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! Glad you like it! 

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