Published: 2011-03-27 07:01:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 2022; Favourites: 68; Downloads: 0
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This is copyright by Sanne van Kalken AKA *Fahlaemee . Please do not use, redistribute or alter without my written permission.Please fullview
. . comments
Sounds of freedom
Err, it's a human! Not really what I'm used to do, and probably not what my watchers are used of me either. But it was a greatt practise, and I'll probably do more of them in the future
EDIT: Removed the wings. They bugged me too much as they just didn't fit with the dress.
Adobe Photoshop CS5, Wacom Bamboo, 5 hour.
. . stock
model by ~dazzle-stock , background by ~riviera2008 , sky by #resurgere
Rest by myself.
Manipulation copyright by *Fahlaemee .
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Comments: 17
Kawaii-Lala13 [2011-06-08 04:30:40 +0000 UTC]
I'm amazed at how you fit the pictures together! I just took some really cool pictures of my friend jumping off some rocks at the beach in a pretty wedding dress, but I'm hopeless at putting new backgrounds in. I know you're probably busy, but would you consider looking at them and seeing if maybe they inspire you?
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Kawaii-Lala13 [2011-03-27 20:52:00 +0000 UTC]
Oh, and I wish I had seen it with the wings in!! D:
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Esveeka In reply to Kawaii-Lala13 [2011-03-28 03:21:07 +0000 UTC]
[link] (: the version with wings is still floating around on my facebook ^^
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Kawaii-Lala13 In reply to Esveeka [2011-03-28 18:12:38 +0000 UTC]
Link isn't working. D: I would love to check out your Facebook, though!
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Esveeka In reply to Kawaii-Lala13 [2011-03-28 18:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Ohh fail D: lets see if this works then xD [link]
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Kawaii-Lala13 In reply to Esveeka [2011-03-29 01:41:03 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Friend request sent.
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Kawaii-Lala13 [2011-03-27 20:51:25 +0000 UTC]
Heart breakingly beautiful. I can hardly stand it.
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Kiwiaa [2011-03-27 08:37:09 +0000 UTC]
Heel mooi, rustige kleuren en vind de compositie geslaagd, 't heeft echt 'n geweldige sfeer! Wel stom dat ie zo weinig faves krijgt zeg bah.
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emsen [2011-03-27 08:29:11 +0000 UTC]
I adore it! You are really good at doing humans! You are in the same situation as me, my non-equine artworks hardly gets any faves cause my watchers aren't used to it. But you are incredible at manips of humans so they totally will love it!
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Esveeka In reply to emsen [2011-03-27 08:33:35 +0000 UTC]
Heh, I hate that so much D: just because there's no horse or other animal in it gets wayyy less faves than my normal works ): I'm going to look at your human manips later today ;D going to take some photos outside now (:
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emsen In reply to Esveeka [2011-03-27 09:10:06 +0000 UTC]
Yea, it sucks big time! Even though the manip is great, the watchers doesn't care cause it's not a horse. So sad. This manip of yours is actually in the league of the pros. I know a few people who got DD's for works worse than this. If you enjoy doing humans, do not stop! Your watchers might get angry, but you might get new watchers as well. Okay not might, you will! haha
Oh by the way, what's the name of your camera? I have always wanted to ask that cause you take AMAZING photos! I'm going to buy a new camera soon, but I have no idea what to get.
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Esveeka In reply to emsen [2011-03-27 12:21:46 +0000 UTC]
Aw <3
I own a Canon EOS 450D, it's absoluuuutely amazing <3 I'm going to upload one or two pictures to deviantART I think, but if you want to see more you're always free to add me on MSN -fahlaemee@hotmail.com
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emsen In reply to Esveeka [2011-03-27 15:17:09 +0000 UTC]
Oo thanks for telling me! Gonna check it out cause your photos are incredible!
I just added you to msn by the way I'm the one with the "charmed" name haha ♥
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PoeticPessimist [2011-03-27 07:15:39 +0000 UTC]
variety is always good! its good mix things up. and you did an amazing job on it.
well done. ♥
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Snappieta [2011-03-27 07:10:27 +0000 UTC]
you're soooo good at art!! xD i give it 5/5 on everthing
it's just... so amazing
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