Published: 2014-02-16 07:33:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 2825; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 12
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Buffalo Community
Neema Territory lies in the middle of Arhzung. Having both rainforest and savannah within their borders they have the best of both places. Citizens that choose to stay in Neema usually do so because they don’t side with either of the alliances, instead seeking shelter within the peaceful buffalo Tribe.
Neema is an economical powerhouse; meaning it is the center of most trade in Arhzung. People flood from miles around, even outside of the country to trade goods at the market. Being a neutral zone, it is easy to cultivate trading routes between all three sections of Arhzung. Samawati and Raslimali might not get along, but Neema has no trouble circulating their goods. Being home to trade of all kinds also means that jobs are abundant.
Smoked fish is an iconic product of Neema.
Buffalos: Big hearted, kind and often seen as a bit slow. The buffalo tribe chose not to take part in the fight between the tribes, as they see no reason for it. They often fight for what they see is right, either alone or in a group. Their body is muscular, they are very tall and even though they are slow their attacks are strong. They take care of the animals that are in the Neema Alliance, don't allow any fighting in their territory, especially not if it's a fight between the alliances. You can be banned from the Neema alliance for this, which means they will kill if they see you in their zone.
If you would like to join Buffalo Community for your FIRST character, they must be a Cape Buffalo.
Leader: Jyoti Alliance: none, Neema is neutral ground
Common Species:
African Buffalo
Secondary Species
Wilde beast
Population: Buffalo Community is the largest area in all of Arhzung.
Climate & Geography:
Being stuck between two very different -but very warm- climates, Neema has a peculiar mix of land. Towards Raslimali the air gains more moisture and lush trees are present (fruits and green foods are grown primarily here). Towards the Samawati alliance things start to dry up, and Neema opens to an expansive plateau of grass and hillocks (prime grain and wheat growing is here). Neema also connects to the ocean. The southernmost area of Neema is hilly and tough. Being near the ocean means sand and clay, and most farmers who choose to build their farmland there deal with hard soil conditions. Wind is almost constant in these beachy areas, and commonly scrubgrass adorns the hilly sands of the inner beachland. It is fairly cooler here, due mostly to wind, but rain coming in from the sea washes the tough ground and makes good growing for potatoes and other food tubers/roots.
City Guard
Cooper (Makes barrels, buckets, et cetera)
Logger (Cuts trees)
Prisoner (hard labour)
Stone Mason
Thatcher (Makes thatched roofs)
Weapons instructor
Wheelwright (Makes wheels)
Different from the flowing cloths and fibers of Raslimali and the hides of Samawait, Neema carries a mixed but well defined variety of clothing. People of Neema dress for necessity rather than looks, and accessories are limited to different working environments. Thickly woven leggings, tunics, and cloaks are often worn. Leather bags, satchels and vests are an opportune accessory. Clothing is also defined by a variety of furs; some worn as cloaks and linings in coats. Boots and tough leather foot bindings are commonly worn in more hilly or rocky areas of Neema. The coloring of these garments is more earthy tones with a variety of browns, clays, and tans, but red and blues are found regularly
Houses are of varied type, Since the historic burning of Neema nearly everything was razed to the ground. Due to the vast array of species and cultures that have gathered in the cities border a new type of architecture has been going up in place of the old. The newer buildings are much more sturdy in nature and made of flame retardant materials. The most common are rectangular and of modest size, enough to house a family comfortable. They are made of a small variety of materials including stone and clay. Floors are commonly made of stone or tile. Roof tiles are slanted which helps drain rain water.
Workshops lie withing the fencing of farmlands and hold supplies and tools. Stationed directly next to them is a small house that contains a single bed and little else save some medical supplies should accidents occur.
Near beaches, architecture is distinctively different from inner Neema establishments. Communities of fishermen build sturdy driftwood shacks and beach wood houses. A common roofing material is seal and other water-mammal skin, which can endure windy and rainy conditions. It's uncommon to see a large fishing vessel. Most fishermen use small two to three-man skiffs and dinghies, and there is the occasional canoe, plank boat, or dugout.
The crime rates are fairly small. Farming residents are spaced out and the size of the small city leaves little room for large crimes. The only real area of threat is the market place; where thieves try to nick their bounties from the merchants. Neema is mostly an economic farmland. The worst crime that could get attention would be stealing a farmer’s yield, and is not attempted much, lest there be a hungry traveler. Even then, these small occurrences can go unnoticed, and small thefts are mostly dealt with by the robbed party.
Due to the mix of heritages and cultures Neema has adopted, religion can be far stretched from end to end. Just like its people, Neema’s religion is varied and most residents find their own practices without much fuss. People of different occupations may turn to specific gods for their fortune. Farmers may pray to Cinta and Zeru for good harvest and rain, while a fisherman might give offerings to zeru to prevent storms while at sea, and Itsatso to bring in a large catch and keep a sturdy boat.
Customs and Traditions:
New Years
The buffalo village will hold the event and the tables are all set out, they have decorated the whole places in lots of colors and there will be a lot of food and things to drink, since it’s new years they usually make one of the biggest parties during this time, a bonfire, of course, food for all kinds of animals in loads
Festival of the Dead
Be alert, for the time of spirits is soon upon us. Every year the path to the spirit world, usually sealed shut, weakens towards the end of October meaning that the dead can walk the earth. But this is not a bad thing. We get to see our loved and lost ones and give gifts to them, ensuring they are happy in the spirit world for the rest of the year.
To celebrate, our tradition dictates we wear masks to pay tribute to the Gods and ask them to be kind to those who are dead. To begin we will gather at the entrance of the Graveyard. Please mind your manners; we are paying our respects to those who are dead. Insulting the Gods with fooling around is the last thing we want to do.
Unique Locations:
The watering hole can be found in the northern most edge of Neema, half of it spilling into Samawati and is the largest body of freshwater in Arhzung. Like the rest of Neema the watering hole is a place of peace, where the feud between alliances can be forgotten and people can swim, rest, or quench their thirst in silence. Although that is not to say that everything around the water is always calm. Crocodiles and even the odd hippo dwell in the cool waters and are always looking for a quick and easy meal. Unless you're looking for a thrill, sticking to the shallows is a good idea. The middle of the watering hole is quite deep, with tangles of underwater vegetation just waiting to catch and grab at the feet of inexperienced divers.
I shamelessly stole the monument thing from google. - wpcontent.answcdn.com/wikipedi…
A huge thanks to Desrteskimo for drawing the peeps for me!
And another massive thankyou to Yelsah Akatix Desrteskimo For helping compile the information ;v;/
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Comments: 5
Spockirkcoy [2014-02-16 21:52:16 +0000 UTC]
yay! It turned out fantastic 8D
rrrrr Neema's got to be my favourite colour-palette wise. All those earth tones, reds and blues mmmmMM
good work ;v;
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheUndeadGoddess [2014-02-16 07:40:21 +0000 UTC]
*picks up that tiger girlie and ran for the hills*
This also looks amazing. Such info. So gorgeous. Dat monument QuQ
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Ekatii In reply to TheUndeadGoddess [2014-02-16 07:50:08 +0000 UTC]
shes an ocelot
thanks bro
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheUndeadGoddess In reply to Ekatii [2014-02-16 07:52:21 +0000 UTC]
ouu. was the orange and the ears that made me think otherwise. Still gonna take her home tho //squishes cause ocelot's are fuckin presh too
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