#durandal #eliwood #fe7 #fireemblem #nintendo
Published: 2016-01-31 19:53:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 4589; Favourites: 241; Downloads: 32
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My favourite lord, finallyDrawing swords is such a pain! And if I knew FE back when I was reading The Song of Roland I wouldn't make fun of Roland and Durandal.. or maybe I still would.
Fire Emblem belongs to Nintendo/Intelligent Systems
This art belongs to me
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Comments: 50
TOFUProductionz [2017-09-10 05:18:58 +0000 UTC]
The lighting looks fantastic! You have such a great understanding of it!
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PkmnTrainerLucas [2016-03-06 02:08:56 +0000 UTC]
I love Eliwood's animation while using Durandal!
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DucessaEva [2016-02-02 00:12:43 +0000 UTC]
Aah, Eliwood~! It's so hard to find good art of him~~
This is so awesome~
I'm actually currently working on a FE video, would you mind if I used this pic in it~? :3
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Eeveetachi In reply to DucessaEva [2016-02-02 00:28:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!! Not being able to find good art of him hurts me too :'D
As long as you give proper credit and link to me, I don't mind you using it!
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DucessaEva In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-02 00:42:57 +0000 UTC]
You're most welcome~~ Poor Eliwood gets so much abuse in the fandom too, it makes me sad
Yay, thanks~!
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InnocentiaSanguinis [2016-02-01 17:14:55 +0000 UTC]
Very nice piece of work!
I love Eliwood, too!
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Eeveetachi In reply to InnocentiaSanguinis [2016-02-01 18:22:02 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!Β
It makes me happy to hear more people love him
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InnocentiaSanguinis In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-01 19:58:20 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome
Oh yes, he was my first "Crush", as I played FE7 the first time XD" So I drew some fanarts of him and wrote a fanfic about him and Ninian. This was some years ago. But after all I still like him very much.
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DaPokemonMadster [2016-02-01 15:23:58 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, you and Ed seem to be in a very FE mood right now XD I still don't know much about Eliwood, but I like him just from your awesome drawings!! Great job!!
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Eeveetachi In reply to DaPokemonMadster [2016-02-01 15:42:32 +0000 UTC]
Hehe I guess we really are
I hope one day you'll get to know him~ but thank you!
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DaPokemonMadster In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-03 05:00:56 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!!
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ZoruaSparda [2016-02-01 03:09:44 +0000 UTC]
Wow! He looks amazing! I never actually tried FE 7 so I don't know much about him.
Awesome job!Β Β
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LadyKuki [2016-02-01 00:01:48 +0000 UTC]
Hnnnngh he's so cute~~
Sorry about the fangirling, lol. I get so happy whenever I see Eliwood art. It's really hard to find such good art of him, which is why I draw him a lot. : X
The coloring's excellent. I definitely feel some sort of atmosphere going on in this drawing. The yellow highlights and the purplelish-blue shadows complement each other very well.Β
The shading is also very neat; everything looks pronounced and I can definitely see shadows here and there. It's very obvious where the light source is coming from. My only complaint on the shading is that it looks a little blurry in some parts? Specifically around his collar and face? Totally a preference of mine; I like to see a lot more hard shadows in artwork, but that's just me.
And yeah the sword's a TAD bit wonky, but I have the same problem. It's barely noticeable anyway; you drew the sword pretty well.Β
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-02-01 09:30:32 +0000 UTC]
AAaaa never be sorry for fangirling over Eliwood! I love your art of him by the way!!
And thank you! I'm still learning about the colour usage, and shading is quite difficult for me.. But I consciously chose smooth shadows over hard ones for my drawings, but it's a preference, as you said.
Yeaah I knew there still would be something off with the sword.. next time I'll try more geometrical approach to drawing it.. But nice to hear it doesn't look bad
Anyways, thanks for the comment, it really means much to me!
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LadyKuki In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-01 23:35:26 +0000 UTC]
Aww thank you! I always wish he was a bit more popular just so I could see more art of him. I don't mind doing art of him, but it gets kind of boring when I'm the only one doing Eliwood art. Pictures like this make me happy because I want to see how other people view the character and not just me. Why is he your favorite lord anyway? I'm wondering if you like him for the same reasons I do. I mean, you even say that Eliwood x Ninian is your favorite FE ship for crying out loud, and that's my favorite too. Good taste all around. :3
Eh, you're doing fine with coloring. Just keep doing it. You'll only get better and better once you're past the point of shading with blacks/whites and dodge/burn tools etc.Β
Really, you're doing well in general. My only advice is to just keep experimenting; eventually you'll find an even better style and all.
Yeah. Your problem with the Durandal reminds me of how I had trouble drawing Sigurd's sword; it was a tad lopsided haha.Β
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-02-02 22:35:22 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear, I think no one's ever asked me why I love a character! Let's see... he's just.. so kind and gentle and noble, and he doesn't even want to fight in a war, yet he does it to save the ones dear to him, and then they die on him anyway.. He's the kindest soul and he has to suffer so much. Oh, and he's emotional too, I love guys who cry.. And then he's just cute, I love his eyes, and he's a redhead (I have a weakness for redheads)! I love his look, and his clothes, especially these longer sleeves showing from under this blue tunic sleeves (don't know why but I love it). So, yeah... I don't even know if these are all the reasons I love him, in fact I've never thought of it so much ^^'
Thank you again, actually I think experimenting is not an easy thing for me, but I'm trying to develop my style into something I like more, so yeah.
It really looks a bit lopsided, now I cannon unsee it... Oh well, at least it's not wavy.. next time I'll do it betterΒ Β
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LadyKuki In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-03 02:07:27 +0000 UTC]
Yeah those are pretty much the reasons I like him, although it took me sometime for me to like his personality.Β
You see, I originally liked Eliwood for shallow reasons; I liked Roy, so I read about him out of curiosity. I learned that he has a father, who is playable in the game after his. I was a bit unimpressed by his design, because honestly as cute as he is, his official art work (the one where he is just standing) is a tad boring. It wasn't until I saw more pictures of him when I started liking him more; he has a pretty cool design, but his design looks much better when he's doing something other than standing. I think his pairing pictures was what got me; he looked so adorable in those.Β
I didn't even know Eliwood's personality very well until last year, when I began playing the same more seriously. I began reading some of his supports, and I read his dialogue more carefully. So adorable, ugh. I heard in the Japanese version he is a little more reserved and polite and it's so cute. Didn't even know it was possible to make him cuter, but they did.Β
Yesss his eyes are so adorable~ They're so innocent looking, I can't help but to die ugh. Don't get me started on his hair; I love redheads. They're really cute. Trying to make a doll of him in sewing class because I've always wanted one, lol.Β
You're welcome! Don't force your style; it will come to you naturally.Β
It's okay. I still think it looks pretty good. c:
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-02-04 19:39:00 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I can see it! It would be impossible for me, since I knew Eliwood before I really knew Roy, as FE7 was the first Fire Emblem game I played, and before that I only knew Marth and Ike because of SSBB. I've just started playing FE6 though so maybe I'll get to know Roy better too now.
I've heard that in Japanese version Eliwood's personality is even cuter, I wish I knew Japanese better so I could actually see it in game...
So you sew dolls too? That's so cool, and I think you've just given me an idea for the next one after I'll make the Ness doll I'm planning!
Thank you again!
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LadyKuki In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-05 22:30:06 +0000 UTC]
It's funny. I knew about FE before SSBB or Roy for that matter; I had a friend who had FE8 and he would always talk about it. I also remember getting a RPG booklet along with my Minish Cap game, and inside the booklet, FE7 was being advertised. I got into FE around 2010-ish or so; I looked back at the booklet and I mistook Hector for Ike, haha. Had no clue what to think of Eliwood; I guess I thought he was Roy? In the pic, he's kinda far in the background so he didn't seem nearly as important as a character.Β
His personality really is cuter. I go on the FE subreddit, and someone made a translation of his A support with Ninian; it's closer to his original dialogue, so you might like it:Β www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/coβ¦
Yeah. I just started learning how to make dolls. I made two or three before hand, but they looked pretty bad. I made those plushies before I learned about patterns and stuff. So far, my Eliwood plush is looking good; his outfit has pretty decent detail and the face doesn't look too bad. I'll upload him when I'm done.Β
And you're a Mother fan too I've noticed. So cool. I remember as a kid, I always wanted a Ness or Lucas plushie. I got so bummed when I found out none existed. I really need to get back into Mother; it's such a good series.Β
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-02-06 00:08:11 +0000 UTC]
From what you write, I've already guess you live in the US... Where I live, almost no one plays Nintendo games, so I haven't even heard of most of them except Pokemon, for most of my life. I got into other Nintendo stuff around two or three years ago, and it was just last year when I started playing Fire Emblem at all, starting from FE7 because it seemed a good one for start, as the first one to be released internationally and all.
How?? How can you make Eliwood even cuter than he already is?? Thanks for the link tho, I must admit that I feared it would be completely different than official translation and my whole life would turn out to be a lie, lol. But the way it was written, that was the cutest thing ever. I already die when I see their supports, and this made me die twice.
Making plushies can be difficult.. I've made a Lugia plushie once, but I haven't started the Ness one yet, I've only made some prototypes to test the pattern. I really hope I'll make it when I'm back home from a student exchange, which unfortunately will be in June. But I definitely want to see your Eliwood plushie when you upload him.
Yeah, Fire Emblem and Mother are the two series I got to know last year and love them... Now I just regret not knowing them for all the years before..
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LadyKuki In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-10 04:57:02 +0000 UTC]
So sorry for not replying; I'm busy and tired.Β
Yep. I'm from the US. Didn't grow up on Melee, so I didn't know anything about Marth or Roy until years later. I've been into FE for a bit, but I've never beaten a game from it, because I'm not good at strategy games. I mostly like it for the story and characters.Β
That's what I asked myself before reading that. And yes; his support with Ninian is stupidly adorable. Always brings a smile on my face whenever I read it.Β
It can be, yeah. I have my sewing teacher helping me out on the plush; I've made several plushies before and failed, mostly due to my lack of knowledge in patterns. Now that I know better, I could probably make better looking plushies. Anyway, my plushie won't be finished until mid March or so. We're almost done with the robe, but we need to work on his boots, his cape, his shoulderpads and his hair soon after. Have to embroider the face to.
Hey, at least you're into them now right? It's not like you've went your whole entire life without these two games. c;
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-02-13 17:41:37 +0000 UTC]
It's okay, I'm busy too, and I always procrastinate with replying too.
Actually I'm not very good at strategy games either, but I'm getting better at Fire Emblem. But the old ones are so difficult compared to the newer ones; Awakening was really easy but now I'm struggling with FE6 (it's especially hard if you just can't let anyone die, I always restart levels when it happens....)
And yeah, Eliwood and Ninian's support is so adorable that I couldn't help but to draw them in my sketchbook after reading it; I wanted to draw something else, but I couldn't resist.
It must be nice to have someone to teach you these things, I'm entirely self-taught when it comes to sewing plushies, I've been making them mostly by trial and error. And how do you embroider the face? Myself, I gave up on it and chose to paint faces instead, because they didn't look good when I embroidered them manually.
You're right, better late than never, and I still have many years to spend with these games
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LadyKuki In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-29 00:43:34 +0000 UTC]
Yeaaaahhh as you can tell, I've procrastinated a lot too. I've been sooo busy lately I just haven't had time to reply to anyone. Senior year's a pain.Β
I miss the rescue option from the older games. :T I don't really like Pair Up for some reason. I guess it's because it makes both of my units vulnerable instead of just one. Also sucks when your enemies are using Pair Up. Then again, I've only played FE13/14 for a small bit, and while they're both fun (especially 14, oh my gosh), I do kinda miss the older FE. There's something about the new art style that bugs me. Everything looks kinda modern and a lot more anime. I actually like Kozaki's style a lot, but for a FE game, I don't think it fits much at all. The faces are a lot simpler and it's a lot more cell-shaded than painted. Eh while I may not be a fan of the whole, anime-esque direction FE is going, I'll just have to get used to it. Older fans are becoming less and less, so they're more or less like a vocal minority at this point. I highly doubt IS is going to go back to its roots with FE since the opinions of older fans probably won't make them as much money.Β
Haha I did an EliNini drawing in my sketchbook too at school one day. They're such a cute couple. It's disgusting.Β
Hey, it's better than nothing! I don't have any access to sewing materials and stuff, so I would rather just go to my sewing teacher and learn. My teacher has a friend who owns an embroidery machine; she does the embroider for us.Β
I would paint the faces on, but I'm kind of a perfectionist; I'm afraid I may mess up the face if I paint. :T
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Eeveetachi In reply to LadyKuki [2016-03-03 22:06:38 +0000 UTC]
I, on the other hand, after playing FE13, had to get used to "rescue" again; Pair Up was one of the things that made the game much easier for me. And as I'm in Europe I'm still waiting for FE14 to get released here...!
I'm not a big fan of the new art style though, I don't mind anime-like art, but the way characters look doesn't appeal to me so much. Their faces look quite similar too each other too, and their clothes may be detailed and all, but they look too modern for me.
But I think it's not that the older fans are becoming less and less, it's just that there are more and more fans of the newest games. I, for once, am a new fan of the old games! But I wish the new fans were interested in the series as a whole, too. Now it seems that FE13/14 have their own fanbase, separate from FE fanbase.
I can't buy good materials for plushies anywhere in my town, so I mostly buy them online... An embroidery machine would be a cool thing; I always embroidered things by hand, but it was time-consuming, and for some reason the white thread got yellowish after some time... So now I prefer painting.
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Yusuna-chan [2016-01-31 22:39:12 +0000 UTC]
I love this, great!! <33
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Eeveetachi In reply to Yusuna-chan [2016-01-31 22:47:18 +0000 UTC]
I guess you're happy to see him
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Yusuna-chan In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-01-31 23:22:03 +0000 UTC]
There is no such thing as too much Eliwood. NO SUCH THING. But yes iΒ΄m happy, the Elibe-story is the best. *-*
YouΒ΄re welcome. <3
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Nandronjay [2016-01-31 21:02:21 +0000 UTC]
AaaaaaaaaAAAA amazing job on the lighting here ;7; I can see why you'd have a difficult time with the sword, but it turned out fantastic love seeing some good art of Eliwood
okay any good art of FE characters, really
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Eeveetachi In reply to Nandronjay [2016-01-31 21:08:57 +0000 UTC]
Nice to hear from you again! and aaah thank you! I dunno if it's good, but I'll definitely produce more art of Eliwood and Fire Emblem in general!
Btw, I've seen your comment on Ed's drawing. Explain to me, how was it obvious I'd love an asshole such as Shinon?? Even I didn't expect this from me! -3-
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Nandronjay In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-02-18 18:05:31 +0000 UTC]
Aww thanks!! Recently, I've been more inactive than usual ;7; I'm not even drawing that much aaaa
:^) I see lots of Eliwood and FE in your gallery but I wouldn't at all consider that a bad thing. Keep it up, yo
oh my god, Itachi. Just seeing the types I see you favoring, I'd assume it was a given. More or less. Shinon needs a punch to the face tbh. Ed keeps telling me of how much he's been drawing Shinon and I just. Smh at both of you.Β Even if he is pretty
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Foxofwonders [2016-01-31 20:35:25 +0000 UTC]
Lord of the first Fire Emblem game I played, and probably still my favourite, too. ^^
Fantastic job on the light effects and the atmosphere! And also so happy to see such gorgeous art of Eliwood, he deserves more love.
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Eeveetachi In reply to Foxofwonders [2016-01-31 20:38:11 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much!
FE7 was also the first Fire Emblem game I played and made me love the series
And you're right, he deserves more love, but I hope to draw more of him :3
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Dragoonzia [2016-01-31 20:28:14 +0000 UTC]
WOW the lighting and shading on this is awesome. Amazing work!
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Eeveetachi In reply to KittySib [2016-01-31 20:26:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! Swords are a bit difficult to draw for me, so nice you like it
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Robinstic [2016-01-31 20:13:45 +0000 UTC]
And again your lighting is marvellous!
Haha, you really must have had some huge FE-related inspiration lately, you're kicking out FE fanart like Henry and Tharja curses at the moment... ...
Oh my gosh please someone burn me on a pyre... That was so damn horrible...
But anyway... Which part of drawing swords makes you struggle? I never (fully) drew one, but I'm curious
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Eeveetachi In reply to Robinstic [2016-01-31 20:23:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
Well, I've just beat FE7, that's all. For the first time. And started it again. For the 4th time
What makes me struggle in drawing swords? The fact that they have to be so straight...! I can't draw a long straight line so easily.. And I have to, or else the sword will look like my Ike amiibo's Ragnell (bent) :'D
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Robinstic In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-01-31 20:36:48 +0000 UTC]
Aaah that's why! I see! Keh, I feel ya, though... Classic Fire Emblem with permadeath 'n' stuff probably lead many players to starting it anew more often than they originally wanted XD
Oh, yes, I can relate to this! Long straight lines really are a pain! On a tablet even more than on paper
*gasp* What happened to your poor Ike amiibo that made his Ragnell bent? Did Ame kick it over or chew on it? After all you told me about him, that wouldn't even wonder me anymore
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Eeveetachi In reply to Robinstic [2016-01-31 20:43:25 +0000 UTC]
But I was actually happy to start it over so many times, I love this game And I dunno if I told you already, it was mainly because I didn't recruit Lucius for the second time...
That's true, drawing straight lines on a tablet is awful.
Are you serious?? I wouldn't let Ame even get close to my precious amiibos! It was like this from the start actually... But it's not very visible, and I think Ed's Marth also has a slightly bent Falchion... these amiibos aren't perfect.. ^^'
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Robinstic In reply to Eeveetachi [2016-01-31 21:02:15 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, we talked about this
Chill, I was just kidding Luckily, Chubby and Retard only show interest in (and their claws to) fluffy things, which my amiibos aren't
Ouf, I checked my figures and... Their swords also are slightly bent... Seems to be a pretty common thing
I'm just glad the Levin Sword, the Monado, Dark Pit's Staff and Palutena's staff in my collection are straight, these are the coolest weapons among the amiibos in my opinion
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