EarthnAshes — GIVE HIM BACK!

#digitalart #nintendofanart #speedpainting #supermariobros #yoshisisland #earthsong9405 #nintendoheadcanon
Published: 2023-03-25 18:47:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 210618; Favourites: 942; Downloads: 0
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Melon tears into the slippery earth as he weaves through the wave of monkeys. His ears ring alongside the thunderous BOOM BOOM BOOM of minibombs, leaping this way and that as he dodges them with ease.

Everything is so loud, so loud; smells too sharp, feels too wet. There's static in the air as the bombs ignite, and Melon pants as he runs and runs and runs.

He feels like he's been running for hours. May as well have; these monkeys are nothing if not stubborn. They have their prize --stolen right off his back, alongside most of his gear-- and they've already delivered it directly into the mouth of giant monstrosity before him. Nep-Enut.

There is very good reason his pack rarely ever ventures here.

A bomb booms right beside him, barely missing by a tail, and Melon falls to the ground. He's so tired. The monkeys are closing in; their howls are drowned out by the roar of Nep-Enut, not unlike the rumble of thunder. 

But over it all, Melon can hear the fearful, tear-filled wailing of little Mario, tiny fits beating against the surface of his protective bubble. Melon feels adrenaline hum under his scales. Suddenly he's on his feet again.

The monkeys on foot frantically scatter as he barrels right through them. He produces an egg as he runs (boldly eating a bomb before it touches ground) and clutches it hard, ready to throw.

Nep-Enut roars again at the sight of the yoshi's fast approach, and Melon's teeth snap as he snarls back with all the might he can muster, his message clear:



<--PREV | NEXT--> Coming Soon!

Part 6 of the Yoshi's Island: Melon's Adventure is finally a go!

Melon and Mario stopped for a day's rest but are interrupted by a swarm of monkeys. But Melon's gotten this far with the boy, he's not about to just let him get eaten!

The levels that featured the lil monkeys were always super fun. A lot like the Chomp Chomp Hills level, when I was a kid I used to purposely wait for the bombs to fall close to Yoshi before I had him dodging them; in my head I imagined him bobbing and weaving all the thrown objects. I also liked to imagine that the monkeys kinda-sorta worshipped the swamp creature as a god, so in this scenario they were trying to bring Mario to it as a sacrifice. O:

Thank you all so much for your patience! More to come soon! ^.^

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