#birthday #cartoon #chaos #chitters #comic #disaster #dreamkeepers #furry #graphic #mr #namah #prelude #novel
Published: 2015-04-18 02:11:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 5625; Favourites: 82; Downloads: 28
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Dave: I almost- *almost*- feel for the Viscount here. He really thought he was handing down a grand experience from on high. If only he had taken a minimal amount of time to understand Namah’s interests… But it does seem that certain adults can get a fixed notion about what kids like, and apply it like a fire extinguisher in hell. I think this approximates those results.Liz: Mr. Chitters is to marketing what Spongebob or Frozen is to today’s shopping experience. He’s that void of life cartoony face of joy that stampedes over the memories of childhood. If there’s an object for sale, say a rectal thermometer, his face is there to make you feel better. He has countless movies, shows, product placements, a theme song (yes, we wrote a theme song) and even a Loudhouse to ‘get your chit out’.
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Comments: 38
Piplup88908 [2017-05-26 19:52:33 +0000 UTC]
Well.... You have to give the Viscount for props for trying to be a father to Namah for once... even if it did set her off on a rampage
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GriswaldTerrastone [2016-04-01 22:17:46 +0000 UTC]
Maybe Wolverine, Blackbeard the Pirate, or Freddy Krueger would've appealed to her?
I'm surprised you didn't mention Barney!
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SuperflatPsyche [2015-04-23 18:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Namah looks really good in green! This is definitely my new favorite of her childhood outfits.
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solo-ion [2015-04-23 08:09:42 +0000 UTC]
Spongebob Squarepants... ugh. I can't believe that that show has had a plural amount of movies made.
I'm slightly surprised that Lilith didn't know which characters Namah does and doesn't like, but I guess she doesn't watch cartoon shows with Namah often enough.
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Draange [2015-04-19 13:02:49 +0000 UTC]
It's a nice attempt at parenting up until the point where he tries to tell her she's wrong for not being like other kids.
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TheRavensBastard39 In reply to Draange [2015-04-22 21:18:27 +0000 UTC]
Viscount Calah: one of the worst fathers ever. seriously, he only loves his children when it benefits his political status…he is a Class A prick
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dragonman1997 [2015-04-18 23:52:55 +0000 UTC]
Skipping over the "I hate Chuck E Cheese and FNAF" jokes...
The hatred of Giant Animal Costumes (G.A.C.) is mutual among most kids, I hope, or was I the only one? My parents have evidence, a photograph of me crying with some stranger dressed up in a Giant Easter Bunny Costume. I don't hate them anymore, I've just learned to pity the one wearing the costume. Yeah, I feel for you Bill, unlimited sympathies...
The Viscount cannot seriously be this dumb, can he? Then again, he is just like all the other rich parents that pay no attention to their kids. Analyzing this subject, the rich, wealthy, or people of great power generally call them "luxury items" to show off... The Viscount, seems to care more about the child that's easier to show off Dangit Lilith! Namah? I feel the most for her. I know what it's like to live in the shadow of your siblings.
When Liz compared Mr Chitters to Spongebob and Frozen, I automatically thought of Disney. Specifically Mickey Mouse... Man! I just feel for Namah the most in this Picture! I remember going to a kids party that was Mickey Mouse themed: the birthday kid hated it, and I hated it too. I'm not really into Mickey Mouse or Spongebob myself, I was more of a "Gargoyles" kid (if anyone remembers that series). Namah kind of reminds me of the same backwards child that I once was. I mean, my parents made me a cake that looked like Frankenstein's monster, and I loved it. Namah would probably appreciate a cake made to look like a dead body or have zombie hands climbing out of it...
An excellent picture, but I did notice something... I don't know if it was an intentional pun, or not, but if my eyes are not deceiving me, I do believe that cut out of Mr. Chitters is wearing a bib that says "Let's Eat". Was that just for aesthetic purposes, or were you poking fun at Five Nights At Freddy's?
On the bright side, Namah didn't have to wear an embarrassing yellow dress, oh, sorry Lilith...
Hmm... Scinter should plan Namah's next birthday party.
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Dreamkeepers In reply to dragonman1997 [2015-05-03 18:56:28 +0000 UTC]
OH YES you're not the only one that remembers Gargoyles- that was a fun show! Disney's answer to Batman. Good times... Any time I see something confusing or out of place, I sometimes pull out that favorite reaction of Goliath's, "What sorcery is THIS?!"
And the 'Let's Eat' was intended as a nod to FNAF. A little obvious, but we just couldn't resist.
Oh my... Scinter would either be incredible or horrifying when it comes to planning birthdays. That concept is going to stick with me.
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dragonman1997 In reply to Rutgerman95 [2015-04-18 23:55:48 +0000 UTC]
Notice how the Mr. Chitty cutout is wearing a bib that says "Let's Eat"...
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SuperflatPsyche In reply to Rutgerman95 [2015-04-29 22:04:17 +0000 UTC]
Then there's the fact that Bill says "It's me"...
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ezioauditore97 [2015-04-18 16:38:19 +0000 UTC]
Well that's certainly one way for him to belie ignorance for a child.Alas Namah has always had a knack for wreaking havoc!
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HazzardousEco [2015-04-18 14:23:41 +0000 UTC]
Good intentions...but very, very, VERY poor execution...
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Dreamkeepers In reply to Corsair43 [2015-05-03 18:57:06 +0000 UTC]
Perhaps someday. If all of you anger us enough.
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Corsair43 In reply to Dreamkeepers [2015-05-04 00:01:48 +0000 UTC]
Should i be taking that as a challenge?
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Dreamkeepers In reply to Corsair43 [2015-05-18 03:20:09 +0000 UTC]
...More as like a sad inevitability.
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ks-claw [2015-04-18 08:08:04 +0000 UTC]
And thus another reason for why the Viscount constantly gets nominated for the "worst dad" award.
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Fruitso In reply to ks-claw [2015-04-18 20:05:32 +0000 UTC]
I'm honestly surprised he even showed up for the party at all.
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T3ragram [2015-04-18 05:20:42 +0000 UTC]
oh this hits a little to close to home for me T___T
Love Namah. Great job guys.
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DEMarq [2015-04-18 05:04:30 +0000 UTC]
Ok, this is me when my mother thought having a clown show up on my 10th birthday would be a great idea as a surprise...Be it my father wasn't to happy paying for the clown's medical bill...Boy I had problems...
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Dreamkeepers In reply to DEMarq [2015-05-03 18:57:41 +0000 UTC]
Any experienced clown should be packing kevlar- just in case.
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DEMarq In reply to Dreamkeepers [2015-05-04 00:58:39 +0000 UTC]
Nope, a tazer-rod would've put me down sooner...
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Lord-Kiyo [2015-04-18 05:03:51 +0000 UTC]
I am actualy surprised her father was even there. But too bad she went all loco about it.
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AssassinOfAncients [2015-04-18 04:00:07 +0000 UTC]
While Namah frequently gets the short end of the stick, she'd do better if things like this didn't happen all the time. That being said, I doubt she'd do these things if the viscount did more than accept the 'father' title and actually be a father and not a figure.
At this point, though - both in the prelude and the comic - it's going to take a lot more than a conversation to reconcile all that time he spent ignoring her.
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TheGutterBunny [2015-04-18 03:21:43 +0000 UTC]
I gotta read this series from the start. My curiosity is piqued.
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BladeWielder19 [2015-04-18 02:59:16 +0000 UTC]
How did they get the blindfold on Namah in the first place?
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Dreamkeepers In reply to BladeWielder19 [2015-05-03 18:58:26 +0000 UTC]
It had to be transactional in nature- promises and sunbeams wouldn't do it.
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T3ragram In reply to BladeWielder19 [2015-04-18 05:18:00 +0000 UTC]
LOLS that's a good point xD
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Colorfulmoongato [2015-04-18 02:26:21 +0000 UTC]
That was me with baby dolls :T
I remember when I was about 7-10 my mom and my 2 older sisters called me from my room all excited and said they had a gift for me.
I was so happy and thrilled, I thought it was gonna be a stuffed animal or a movie I've been wanting but...............as my mom turned around, I saw the "gift"
It was a baby doll puppet that you could put your fingers in hte hands and feet to make it move and my face was EXACTLY like Namah's in the third panel, only more bored and with a face that said "Really?"
I said thank you but said they could keep it and went back to my room to play with my beanie babies lol XD
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KaurisAzurai In reply to Colorfulmoongato [2015-04-18 14:55:15 +0000 UTC]
Yanno, unless you're a special case like Namah who has been mistreated and misunderstood(not saying you haven't) it is generally polite to at least thank them for the thought but tell them you wouldn't use it, because you don't like that sort of thing.
or you can just create animosity, if you so desire.
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Colorfulmoongato In reply to KaurisAzurai [2015-04-19 19:27:46 +0000 UTC]
lol, I was polite about it, and I was grateful but it just kinda caught me off guard.
They knew I didn't like baby dolls but they still expected me to like it.
My female family members always tried pushing me towards more "girly" things but I was a kid who liked weird stuff and animals.
Not dolls.
Creating animosity is fun though l3
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KaurisAzurai In reply to Colorfulmoongato [2015-04-20 16:14:29 +0000 UTC]
What's the fun in making sense!?! ALL TEH ANIMOSITY!
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