Published: 2010-02-26 07:35:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 17844; Favourites: 345; Downloads: 246
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Another of our old commissions, done for RedFox [link] [link] of his character Leon Dota.He’s in a dark alley of Anduruna, using his power in retaliation to a street-gang attack. The situation isn’t going so well for the bad guys, and I think they’re just now realizing how screwed they are in this climactic moment where, and I love typing this, he is PUNCHING A GUN!! No, not jumping the gun - punching it! There’s just something about that phrase that I find irresistibly awesome.
“What were you doin’ last night?”
“Oh me? Nothing much… punching a gun.”
Another point to this commission which I had fun with was Leon’s forceful chokehold on the much burlier gangster - it’s fun illustrating the effect that supernatural strength can have on an engagement, where the uneven strengths are flipped. Adding the snow into the scene really polishes it off for me, creating the perfect atmosphere and depth to make the action really come alive in a flurry of violence suspended between the flakes.
The same art can be seen in his gallery here: [link] or in his FA gallery [link]
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Comments: 79
origami388 [2013-12-25 01:22:41 +0000 UTC]
reminds me of something that happens in France: three guys tried to stole the credit card from a man and ended up calling the cops (3 times) after realising he was in the Raid (elit units of the police)
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Isura--LizardOfLust [2013-06-07 17:37:06 +0000 UTC]
i love the guy half way into the window just hang there. lol.
Very awesome.
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Oktos [2012-07-30 20:56:52 +0000 UTC]
The person on the bottom right hit their funny bone I bet.
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HuffingtontheOnly [2012-05-10 12:28:37 +0000 UTC]
again... really cool. is he a fallen angel? because i see a lack of angelic wings. again awsome
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CalvinCopyright In reply to HuffingtontheOnly [2012-09-27 01:09:14 +0000 UTC]
Eh? He's a Dreamkeeper! They all have halos when they're using their powers...
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FurryFreakLover [2011-03-16 19:45:59 +0000 UTC]
i love the way you did this. such smooth blending and coloring. the snow is also done in a brilliant way that makes it looks like the wind is blowing it down the alley way. at least i think its snow. anyway great job. faved
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Scubacat17 [2011-02-15 01:24:53 +0000 UTC]
Woah! This is really good! I hope that I can figure out my computer enough to do this with my work.
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GrUe101 [2010-12-28 19:05:31 +0000 UTC]
that is most definitly an 'oh bugger' look on the lady gangsters face
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GabrielsThoughts [2010-04-08 16:39:49 +0000 UTC]
I know this comment is going to be ignored, but seriously this page should be the cover to book 3. its a shame you made it as a commision for someone else.
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Dreamkeepers In reply to GabrielsThoughts [2010-04-25 22:38:11 +0000 UTC]
...But even ignored comments are read and loved.
...Would make an awesome cover, but I'd feel bad since it shows a scene that isn't in the book. I hate when other comics do that.
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FurryLoverz [2010-04-04 13:24:07 +0000 UTC]
It gets even crazier if you actually EAT the gun right after you punch it... Nice, though ^^
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Kal-aMari [2010-02-28 18:02:35 +0000 UTC]
Too bad he gets arrested the next morning when the gang reports him for abusing his powers :<
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origami388 In reply to Kal-aMari [2013-11-01 21:02:08 +0000 UTC]
they won't. they are also breaking an essential law: no weapons outside the hands of the city guards
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to Kal-aMari [2010-03-02 03:00:48 +0000 UTC]
Well too bad I fled the scene and all the gang members were TAUGHT A LESSON IN AWESOMENESS.
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Pyratn [2010-02-28 10:33:25 +0000 UTC]
Epic picture is epic please? Love the details on the gun that is splintering!
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BanditRingtail3 [2010-02-27 10:08:14 +0000 UTC]
The girl with the gun has that "Oh sh--" look going on. She's probably reaching the conclusion that this was a bad idea, and in record time too.
I just hope what passes for the police don't show up real soon. IIRC, our friend here is breaking a pretty big law right now. No halos allowed in the big city.
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to BanditRingtail3 [2010-02-28 02:51:49 +0000 UTC]
I'm using it for good though D:
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BanditRingtail3 In reply to DJRad-Foxx [2010-02-28 06:21:29 +0000 UTC]
Not sure self-defense is a valid exception. Politicians can be very touchy about you breaking their laws, even if following them would get you killed.
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to BanditRingtail3 [2010-02-28 18:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Well I'm not a politician...I'm an actor. I get paid to be awesome
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BanditRingtail3 In reply to DJRad-Foxx [2010-03-01 00:11:36 +0000 UTC]
Point, but still... might wanna vacate the crime scene, just in case.
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BloodyKillOokami [2010-02-26 21:33:28 +0000 UTC]
Ok that is TOTALLY kick ass! not just literally lol! I LOVE the intensity of his expression! If I could punch guns...and break them... That would be a good day XD.
I totally agree with you something about the snow just sets the whole thing off! Plus your eye is guided around the whole thing. I'm practically dying to commission you XD
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guiltyORION [2010-02-26 19:10:31 +0000 UTC]
Similar to what I said about your equally awesome piece "Storm Front", you really have knack for capturing motion in a still image. The colors, the lighting (especially the halo's light reflecting on the subject), and the snow effect all add up to make this whole image a joy to look at.
And yes, the gun punching and exaggerated throat grab make me love this piece that much more.
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Star-Seal [2010-02-26 17:39:48 +0000 UTC]
I think this is one of my favorite works of yours. So much happening and so dynamic and clear. I can really see you improving every time you submit new stuff.
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Hexabeast [2010-02-26 17:09:26 +0000 UTC]
It took me a minute to figure out he was actually punching the gun to figure out what was happening to it. I don't really see his fist making contact with the gun, it looks more like the force of his punch forced the air to disintegrate the gun... ...which is just as awesome. O:
That being said I just adore the exaggerated poses and expressions. They're all so dynamic that even the one clutching his hand seems very powerful and epic. Nice job! I really like this image!
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Dreamkeepers In reply to Star-Seal [2010-03-01 00:17:26 +0000 UTC]
OF course not - If I was a dork, would I do THIS? --->
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Star-Seal In reply to Dreamkeepers [2010-03-01 02:10:32 +0000 UTC]
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VengenceMkII [2010-02-26 16:41:22 +0000 UTC]
Not to be nitpicky or anything, but does that strength also include... um... disintegration fist? Cause punching the gun would certainly drive the gun into the victim's shoulder, shattering it and all. Ooo this makes things even better! Disintegration fist AND super strength .
Or just do this for the sake of awesomeness haha. Laws of physics do not apply to photoshop.
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Dreamkeepers In reply to VengenceMkII [2010-03-01 00:15:52 +0000 UTC]
Hmm... I don't think the character's power includes disintegration, you would have to ask the commissioner to be certain though.
The answer I *like* is that the gun's shattering absorbed the force of the blow, redirecting it outwards rather than into the character's shoulder.
The real answer is that I didn't think of the stock ramming into the person's shoulder.
Artistic honesty - OW, it HURTZ!
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VengenceMkII In reply to Dreamkeepers [2010-03-01 02:34:24 +0000 UTC]
Haha I understand and don't mind . Artistic license eh? Hold one moment as I find a bandage for that injury... Oh dear, I don't think it can be healed. Not like it needs healing though
. The idea is better than the actual physics involved anyways.
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to VengenceMkII [2010-03-02 02:59:31 +0000 UTC]
No, Leon's power is just Super Strength, for the record x3
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VengenceMkII In reply to DJRad-Foxx [2010-03-02 13:34:35 +0000 UTC]
Hehe yeah I know, I was just kinda joking
Cool character too.
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DarznWolfe [2010-02-26 16:17:51 +0000 UTC]
I'll give $100 for the gun that he punched, i want to mount it on my wall.
thats just amazing,
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to DarznWolfe [2010-02-26 17:43:25 +0000 UTC]
AND THE BID STARTS AT $100! Any takers? Any takers? $100??
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DJRad-Foxx In reply to DarznWolfe [2010-02-27 06:59:20 +0000 UTC]
I think you're safe, buddy.
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BanditDragoon In reply to DarznWolfe [2010-02-28 02:31:45 +0000 UTC]
hmmmmmmmmm * looks at bank acount * >.>.......im out oh well ^.=.^
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