#dannyphantom #freakshow #gregor #tom #doas #pearl84 #dawningofasun #thomaschrome
Published: 2014-05-29 19:44:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 5443; Favourites: 99; Downloads: 4
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"They can't get enough of me""The Performer" is dedicated to who is the author of Dawning of a Sun. A story based on the lovable characters from Danny Phantom
Poor Gregory was abducted as a child from his home in the Dragon Realm and now serves as a minion of Frederich Isak Showenhower, also known as Freakshow, and as a weapon of Thomas Chrome, head of the GIW.
No one can serve two masters and Gregory is no exception. Will he be destroyed or be free?
Well, that remains to be seen.
YES, IT IS I! After 40+ hours of work, I'm ready to announce this as complete!
Still, this is probably one of the most epic things I've drawn and I'm pretty happy with the results! Anyone who knows me knows that I highly dislike drawing backgrounds of any sort so this was a huge leap into the unknown. I tried to, for once, do a digital painting the right way and so I was very careful with every step I took. For example, usually I just open up a random document and start doodling, often going for the first pose that comes to mind, and then I just crop around the edges to a reasonable size. Not so with this. I took advantage of one of my new drawing tools, the ArmatureNine Adult by Digital Double to create a more dynamic pose for the character. I made many poses and many sketches and finally picked this one. Also, I stuck to my original document dimensions and composed the elements in the picture to fit in this area in a more harmonious manner -- golden spiral, anyone?
The Performer was painted with both Photoshop CS2 v.9 and Paintool SAI (and Microsoft Paint, but that was minor stuff, lol) which allowed me to take advantage of each program's best features such as SAI's blending tools and Photoshop's layer effects. ::
Phtoshop is especially awesome because it let me use certain brushes to make things easier. Credit goes to:
Oh! Also, I used dgLari 's Dawning of a Sun fanart for reference. Go look at it, it's awesome
Danny Phantom (c) Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon, Viacom
Edit: It's been a little while since I finished it so I went back to fix some things, namely:
-Some of the muscles were corrected
-Gregor is more glowy
-The sky is darker
-Valerie is smaller and closer to the ground
Edit II: I went back to edit again, very few things. The biggest of which is that I made the whip thinner and I removed the black margins.
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Comments: 47
dreama-draws In reply to FallingNarwhals [2015-12-05 04:45:42 +0000 UTC]
Do you read DoaS? Isn't it great???
Thank you!
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FallingNarwhals In reply to dreama-draws [2015-12-07 01:02:20 +0000 UTC]
yeah!! it's so good ahh
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dreama-draws In reply to Veidara [2015-11-22 04:59:01 +0000 UTC]
It's Gregor, who can stop him?
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Wintermoonfeather [2015-02-15 18:45:31 +0000 UTC]
I'm about to spend an hour looking for and staring at your DoaS art. This is beautiful! >
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dreama-draws In reply to Wintermoonfeather [2015-02-15 20:05:04 +0000 UTC]
awesome! I hope you enjoy it
DoaS is the best! (Are you in the hidden Pearl club?? There's tons of other awesome DoaS drawings there )
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Wintermoonfeather In reply to dreama-draws [2015-02-16 05:52:30 +0000 UTC]
I MIGHT BE? I can't remember.
I'm at the point where I'm (figuratively) chompin' at the bit cos I know DoaS is due to update any time now
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Gryphonia [2014-09-04 18:16:51 +0000 UTC]
You will have to forgive my reaction, but I...ehem, c*me when I saw this. Pearl fan art is rather limited and when such outstanding pieces of art are made, this is nothing short of a celebration in our micro-community. THIS IS AMAZING!
Damn, you made him HOT with a capital "H". And that suit. DAT SUIT. *Steals him*
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dreama-draws In reply to Gryphonia [2014-09-04 18:29:30 +0000 UTC]
Don't take my Gregory!
Awww, you're so sweet Thank you so much <3 I love Pearl's work SO SO SO VERY MUCH and it makes me happy to be able to contribute to the community
There's is so much more that I still want to do but I'm still learning. Pearl's fics really have given me quite a bit of motivation to improve on my illustrating skills.
But Gregory is hot alll on his own xD I can't get enough of that guy! Oh, Gregor!
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Pearl200084 [2014-06-03 04:51:40 +0000 UTC]
So, I would have posted this comment sooner, but my computer caught a bug that I could not remove no matter how much I tried. So, as I do when I get mayor computer issues, I restore my computer to its original factory state, which means EVERYTHING gets deleted, It sucks because it means I have to spend an entire day getting everything back and running on my computer, and she's an old gal, so it takes her a while. I really need to get a new laptop... I've been meaning to, but maybe it's time to do that.. Yes. Soon.
Anyways, long story short, I have not yet uploaded my microsoft word programs, which means, I cannot write. And right now I want to kill my brother because he told me the disk was at his room at our apartment and turns out it is not. It's at our parents house which means I will have to wait until the weekend to get any writing down and I am now limited to writing my review directly on DA's site. I really hope I don't lose this review... *wish me luck everyone*
So, ignore all my rant above. Just had to get it out of the way first. So, my dear friend! Now, that I am slightly calm and collected, I can share my thoughts with you on your awesome masterpiece! Seriously, your work should be in a museum!
I gotta say, for a girl who does not like to do backgrounds, you do them incredibly well! Better than well! But I think see why you don't like doing them. You just lost control, don't you? I mean, the amount of detail in this background is awing. In fact, I thought I had noticed everything until DeadAmongUs, pointed out Nocturne in the picture. I did a double-take and zoomed up and behold there he was! I grinned at the awesomeness of that! You know something is detailed when you can come back to it, and find new things within a picture you have seen several times already! Wow!
Okay, so let me continue.
I love that eerie look of the city. It has this feeling of being invaded and dangerous, which is exactly what it becomes at night! I just love the city background with Valerie in it. The Sleepwalkers with NOCTURNE around just gives me chills! And, of course, the 'big man' as Gregor called him is standing in the middle of it, looking smug and confident that he is going to blast all those ghosts to kingdom come! And why wouldn't he think that when he's not only the strongest ghost hunter (literally) and he has an all powerful dragon ghost at his side! Geez, even if Gregor isn't in his true dragon form, he is one tough cookie, eh?
So, on this side, our Gregor is feared by his 'audience' which are his ghost enemies...
And then we go to the other side of this life, in where he is revered by his 'audience', whom ironically have no idea he is one of the creatures they hate most.
Isn't irony fun?
Ahem. Anyways, It's also interesting how this picture represents Gregor's 'two masters', and I love what you said before, no one can serve two masters, and Gregor will have to realize that eventually. Question is, who will win out as his true master? While Tom reveres him as his weapon, Freakshow subjects him as his slave, yet Freakshow has one thing Tom doesn't have, and that is that Gregor's very soul is tied to Freakshow thanks to the controlling staff. Freakshow own's Gregor's will which is why he knows Gregor just couldn't live without him, as he told Lydia.
Anyways, I don't know who's more creepy to look at. Tom Or Freakshow. They are both just so evil, but in different ways. While Freakshow looks thrilled in this picture, Tom is not even looking at Gregor. So, maybe we in the end have more than one performer in this picture... heheh.
I love Freakshow's background as much as the city background. The circus background is so colorful and alluring, yet it still holds that dark feel to it, which keeps the feeling of the entire picture intact.
So, on to the main event, Gregor. Gregor... Gregor.
I love how you drew him. I really do. And I am feel happy that I was able to relate my vision of him enough in the chapter for you to also envision him as I did. I wonder what the 'show-Sam' would think of her 'ex-boyfriend', if she knew him from this AU! LOL!
But, who would not fangirl over this kid? He is eighteen years old and at his best. Just to think of our Gregor just eight years back, it's amazing to see him like this now. He has gone from scared, insecure, confused kid to confident, sadistic, and strong. Or, at least he plays the role well, because isn't this what this picture is about. Gregor is not just a performer at Circus Gothica, is he?
He also pays the role of ghost hunter. He plays the role of Tom's weapon. He plays the role of Freakshow's slave. And he plays the role of celeberity at the circus. He has so many faces, I don't even think Tom's aware of them all. Actually, I don't think. I know. Since, of course, I'm the writer of this story! LOL!
Anyways, I could go on with all the meaning I see in this picture, but let me just keep going to the physical side of it. I LOVE LOVE Gregor's ghost hunting suit! It just rocks all the way. I love the blackish purple highlighting it. In fact, I think I'm going to start describing it as such in story. It is just so amazing to look at. It's pretty cool how in spite of him being in a full suit, you can still see the features of Gregor's body, the muscles, and body structure. I find that quite awing. You are a true artist, my friend. Really, the amount of detail in your drawing says it all. It's amazing. Truly amazing.
Gregor's other side...
*Vlad muse sighs* Could you please not drool? What will your writers think of you?
Pearl: *glowers at Vlad muse* I was not drooling!
Vlad muse: *rolls eyes*
Pearl: Ahem, Anyways. The first thing I noticed (*coughs* After all the muscles *coughs*) is Gregor's shoes! Ha! They are quite clever and very believable. As I had mentioned in my email, he wears shoes, but they are the type that allow performers flexbility in their feet. I described them as ballerina type of slippers. Thank goodness you did not draw him with ballerina slippers! hahaha!
No, but the toed shoes are sooo cool and so Gregor! I love them! I really do! Again, awesome job with his attire. It was how I had imagined it, whip and all! haha!
I must also congratulate you on the hair. You did a superb job on it. I mean, it's perfect! It is spiked back like Gregor's on the show, but it also has it's own style! AND you remembered the black tips! By the way, I didn't just decide I wanted Gregor's hair to me like this. His hair has a significant importance, which you'll learn later in the story. But yeah, just perfect, my friend!
I think my favorite part of the all the drawing is Gregor's face. I think it's the best face I've seen you do, and that says a lot, because you're just awesome with facial features!
But this is one of a kind. That confident smile is there, and he looks like the perfect hot-shot performer, yet in his eyes, you see that hidden evil. It somehow brings this darker feel to this picture, even if he is seemingly just performing. I love his eyes, they are so full of meaning, and it seems as if his malicious look is directed at the ghosts around Tom. Not sure if that was your intention, but I find it fitting, considering Gregor's deep hate for ghosts.
He reveres in making them suffer, at seeing them flee from him. He looks at them like a predator would prey. He enjoys the hunt, no pun intended! Question is, how much of this desire is Gregor's own, and how much is Tom's own doing. As I said, Freakshow own's Gregor's will and body, but Gregor's mind is owned by Tom. At least for now.
Gosh, poor kid. Torn between two evil men. As if he does not have enough going on in his own mind will all he has lost.
Anyways, thank you so much for this picture. It is definitely going to serve as inspiration as I continue to write Gregor. He has really grown in this story. He had taken his own spotlight without my meaning for him to. But I think it works because his story is very different from Danny's own. So, I think they compliment each other because they so greatly contrast each other.
Thank you again, my friend. I am in awe of your talent yet again! :glomps:
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dreama-draws In reply to Pearl200084 [2014-06-03 16:17:24 +0000 UTC]
Oh, wow, you weren't kidding when you said long comment xD haha, no worries! I love long comments and reviews and chapters
You definitely need a new computer. I hope you find one that suits your needs
I'm not sure what's going on in the City side, I just wanted it to look cool and complex. I guess the shields have come down in some areas which is why the ghosts got in . Drawing all the ghosties and buildings was fun
Oh, oh, oh! Tom IS looking at Gregor, it's just really hard to see because he's so small. That's my fault.
Man, I see so many more things that I should have changed x.x I should probably just let it be....but then again.
maybe later. I think I was thinking too much like an artist (composition) and forgot about some basic laws of perspective. whoops
I learned SO much from it and I'll make sure to learn from my mistakes. Next one will be better
Speaking of composition? Did you notice the spiral? How about the color palette? This might be a little beyond you but I had a lot of the Green vs Red, Purple vs Yellow, warm and cold, light and dark contrasts. See?
Back when I was working on this I was trying to find the perfect title. My first thought was "The Entertainer" (yes, thanks to that song and is apparently stuck on everyone's head) but Gregor is not entertaining. He is fulfilling goals, which led me to Performer. The definition of it is perfect.
per·form /pərˈfɔrm/ Show Spelled [per-fawrm] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to carry out; execute; do: to perform miracles.
to go through or execute in the proper, customary, or established manner: to perform the marriage ceremony.
to carry into effect; fulfill: Perform what you promise.
to act (a play, part, etc.), as on the stage, in movies, or on television.
to render (music), as by playing or singing.
to accomplish (any action involving skill or ability), as before an audience: to perform a juggling act.
to complete.
He's such an important piece for both Tom and Freakshow's goals.
I loved drawing and coloring his face, it was so much fun! Remember when you asked me for a zoomed up eyeball? Even at that stage the eyes were too powerful!
Well, I'll see if I can do some delayed fixing of some things that are bother me and then I'll send you the Full Resolution file. It's really BIGG.
I'm so happy you like it. I love your fanfictions SO much it makes me happy to do a little in return. I'm glad you keep putting up with me and offering such kind thoughts, they mean a lot to me.
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Pearl200084 In reply to dreama-draws [2014-06-07 23:20:11 +0000 UTC]
Oh, wow! That little info about the contrast in the colors you used was cool! Of course, I know nothing about that, but I still love it all the same!
I really think you picked the perfect title for this picture, and it defines what Gregor is perfectly!
Yes! There is indeed a lot of parallels between Gregor and Danny but also similarities! So glad you notice them since that is what I am going for!
Thank you soooooo much again! And I look forward to seeing your draft files! Anything from you is like chocolate to me! haha!
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malphigus [2014-06-01 09:28:00 +0000 UTC]
Even after those edits and stuff... you still came back after it was finished!
Wow, this is so cool and I haven't seen this pose for quite a while now! Excellent work!
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dreama-draws In reply to malphigus [2014-06-01 11:53:44 +0000 UTC]
Yeah... I saw some things that could be improved after I uploaded it so I just went for it
Thank you
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DeadAmongUs [2014-05-31 23:12:23 +0000 UTC]
Awesome picture! Gregory looks amazing! I can see why all the girls are falling for him! I know I am... And then I noticed Valerie and Nocturne. Valerie was easy to spot but when I noticed Nocturne I was like "That is totally epic! Keep up the great work, Dreama!
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dreama-draws In reply to DeadAmongUs [2014-06-01 00:31:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you I'm glad he came out as good as he did! Oh, it was so much fun to draw him
Hehehe, Nocturne is sorta hiding in the background. I'd really like to put Lydia in it but I need to figure out where to put her first, there's not much room on that side.
I'm really happy you commented, this is such a small fandom is great to share and fangirl with others, thank you!
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Pearl200084 [2014-05-30 01:52:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh my Good God.... Dreama, you are trying to kill me out of sheer happiness! I was at work when I got your email, and when I clicked on the link and so this masterpiece, I had to cover my mouth to quiet my squeal of excitement! I wish I had the words. I really do! If this picture was a guy, I would marry it! haha!
Yeah, a little extreme, but it's just So beautiful. I absolutely love the angle in which you drew Gregor. And the blending of both his lives... It's just amazing and so creative!
He is quite a sight, isn't he? No wonder 'they can't get enough of him.'
I want to say more, but I'm so emotional about this picture that I can't focus my thoughts. See? You do the same to me, too, only with your drawings; so I'd say we are even, my friend!
*Take a deep breath* I will come back to this when I've calmed down some, and share with you my thoughts on the beauty of this picture...
Beware of a future long comment! Beware!
*Grabs Vlad muse* Come here. I need something to squeeze while I scream in happiness!
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dreama-draws In reply to Pearl200084 [2014-05-30 06:55:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh, you remind me, I still owe you a review~ I'll get that in the morning. Well, later in the morning
Eeee! I'd love to see what you have to say about it! It's funny because most of the time I just draw random crap and then you find meaning in it somehow (?) but this one is actually thought out! hehe.
We can share Gregor. I was quite literally fangirling over my own drawing. I do like his face, mad glint in his eye and all. My only regret is that I was not able to find a way to draw his tattoo, but even Gregory is not that flexible. I don't think he's a contortionist.
...another drawing, perhaps? maybe just a sketch. I'm glad I finally drew him. I still have several unfinished drawings of him as a child but I could never make them work. Ah well.
Well, I'm glad you like it good for inspiration, eh?
Til Later~!
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Pearl200084 In reply to dreama-draws [2014-06-03 03:57:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I'd love to share him! Haha! I don't think I've fangirled over a cute boy drawing in a while. You did it for me in this one!
I think you made him perfectly. Yes, that little evil glint in his eye is what gets you! LOL!
As for being a contortionist... maybe in ghost form! heheh! But, I agree, I think this was the best pose for him, so it isn't a big deal, we don't see his hot tattoo in the back... My, hear me, I don't even like tattoos and I'm calling Gregor's hot! Ha! I'm so far gone with my fangirling!
You know what I would like to see, though... just a small request, really, and I'm just terrible because you already do enough for me. But, do you remember those doodles you did for Serenity with her many different facial expressions? Well, when you have time, think you could do a similar doodle sheet for Gregor? I just loved how you did it with Serenity. Believe it or not, I always go back to those sketches of her expressions when I am writing her because it helps me picture her reactions better. Gregor is in a way an OC character, even if he was on the show, so sketches of his facial expressions would be SO helpful to me, and fun to look at! Haha! Heh. Maybe you can sneak in his tattoo in there, too. But it's just a request, you know I'm already more than happy with this picture. Lucky for you, you're not close by or, I'd be baking you so many cookies, you would not know what to do with them!
So, yes, my dear! THANK YOU for your inspiration, because this is what every one of your drawings is for me! Just makes me want to go write Doas! haha! But then I gotta calm down Vlad muse and remind him, we still have to finish revising the next chapter of EG. He eventually agrees when I tell him we're finally getting to the juicy part! HA!
On to my review!
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dreama-draws In reply to Pearl200084 [2014-06-03 15:34:26 +0000 UTC]
It's impossible to resist Gregor, especially with a hot tattoo on his back xD I don't usually like tattoos either, but I guess he can just really pull it off!
Lol, you should have seen me when I was first starting the drawing. My younger sister was with me and I kept going to her to ask her for advice (outside opinion and everything) it took me a long time to decide just exactly where to place Gregor and how much tilt to give him. I wanted some of the head to be covered by both sides, though his whole face needed to be on the circus side. Also, it needed to be balanced. For a long time, most of his chest was on the ghost side and I had to do serious alterations to get a bit of it on the circus side, I just really wanted to draw some muscles! hehehe. every time you mention looking at any of my old drawings I get so embarrassed! They need SO much improvement! I'll try to do as you requested. I've already been itching to draw more Gregor so it's no bother. I might even throw in one of child!Gregor in honor of all the incomplete ones laying around in my hard drive.
Oh, gosh. Juicy part? this next chapter is going to hurt, isn't it?
of course.
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Pearl200084 In reply to dreama-draws [2014-06-07 23:25:05 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I can tell dividing Gregor as you did was tricky; I don't even know how you did it. It came out so flawless, which is really what struck me most about this picture--at least in an artistic point of view. But the fact that a non-artist like myself noticed the complexity of Gregor's pose and division speaks of how difficult this drawing had to be! So, I applaud you my friend! I can't think of anything other than 'brilliant' to describe this awesome drawing!
Oh, yes, I am loving your sister! She's like YOUR version of Vlad muse!
Oh, thank you!!! Anything you can do, I will happily receive!! Another of my favorite pictures is the one with Serenity and Clockwork!!! I am so excited to dive into the whole story behind those two; so looking at that pic makes me giggle then grin! So, awesome!
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dgLari [2014-05-29 19:55:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh and I forgot... now I have that circus song in my head. Again.
Thanks for that too!
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dreama-draws In reply to QueenCordite [2014-05-29 20:05:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh! The creator in person! Thank you they were SO useful! I detest drawing buildings with a passion and these worked great
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QueenCordite In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 20:49:41 +0000 UTC]
No problem! I'm glad you found them useful. They're super old though, so I may make a new set soon.
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dgLari [2014-05-29 19:54:28 +0000 UTC]
He is so shiny!
Oh look at him Greg is so big and strong and pretty now!
Anyways, I think you did an excellent job on our favorite ghost boy who is this Danny you keep speaking of? I love the composition and the colors you used Fantasy! They're delicious.
Also I love how you included Freakshow and Tom - heck even Valerie - in the mix! Very interesting! Like seeing the 'best' of both worlds. And the movement and dynamism in this pic. Oh God I'm fangirling. Thank you for that. Anyways I'm glad you're happy with the results! You should totally be! The BG came out great!
Also your darn beautiful art is making want to draw DoaS...not cool. Not cool dude. Haha!
Seriously great job though.
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 20:04:24 +0000 UTC]
Eeeeeeee, thank you <3<3<3 but, GO BACK AND REFRESH, I updated the file (turns out I had left something out, hehehe)
Oh, I see you found Valerie I wanted her in it but I didn't want to really draw her so silhouette it is! Lydia was also in one of the early versions but she had to go~
Oh! I forgot to say! I went back and used your DoaS title pic for reference on Gregory! I just couldn't get the hair to work until I sorta followed what you did DoaS pictures are the best
lets fangirl together >u<
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dgLari In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 20:19:46 +0000 UTC]
I know! It is strong. I actually left everything I was doing when Pearl updated. To heck with all the fandoms DoaS comes first! xD
Really what did you leave out? I sweat I did not notice!
Haha I actually wodnered about Lydia in this picture at first. Since you included Val, but it's understandable that Lydia didn't make it to the final pic... sometimes for the greater good of the art we must kill our darlings. If she did not work in there she had to go.
Wait what? You used my old ugly DoaS picture for reference?! D: Dude that thing is so painful to watch.. and ugh- I cringe whenever I see it! xD I want to update it, but just thinking about how long that stuff took me the first time, pains my muse. xD
I'm amazed your hair turned out amazing... you know considering the shameful reference, but I'm glad it was able to help! xD
Yes let's fangirl together! I miss my DoaS fellow fans! T_T
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
Pearl200084 In reply to dgLari [2014-06-03 04:59:00 +0000 UTC]
WHAT? Are you talking about your titlecard of Doas you did? NOOOOO! Is is beautiful! I still go to that picture when I need some inspiration for DoaS. So, shame on you for saying it's ugly! Vlad muse is not pleased! LOL!
But seriously, don't sale yourself short. Because the amount of work and detail in that drawing speaks for itself! It was just amazing! Still is!
But I understand! We are our own worse critiques. I cringe whenever I have to go to the beginning chapters of Checkmate. My writing was SO hideous. I don't even know how people even got through it. I have been meaning to go back and revise those chapters. Still am trying, but it is a lot of work and time, which I rather spend writing NEW chapters. But it still is painful to have to go back to those old chapters... So, I understand. heh.
Thanks to you, too, my friend! You have kept this club still going, and it is also quite inspiring!
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dgLari In reply to Pearl200084 [2014-06-04 03:40:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, darling! x3 That means a lot, especially coming from you! <3
Noo! Those chapters were beautiful! But it's only natural that after all that writing you've done, you have gotten better! Anyways, I rather read new stuff too, so I completely understand the feeling! I rather do the same with my own work!
And no prob! ^^ I'd like to keep the club more active than it already is! D: But lately a lot of RL stuff has kept me otherwise occupied.
Hopefully I'll get more free time in the future.
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 20:36:02 +0000 UTC]
When It comes to Pearl's work, I'm really strange. Like, I know it's going to be super awesome, but also super painful (which I love) so I put it off until the constellations are the in the right place or something xD THE TIME MUST BE RIGHT.
Look at tom His ecto gun thing was not as bright before.
Lydia changed places several times. First I had her next to Freakshow (he was holding the staff with one hand and caressing her face with the other) but it was too distracting and there was not enough space to fit them both comfortably. I moved her to the top of the tent where she was kinda like hanging on the ropes but then I altered the decoration of the tent and she didn't fit anymore. It was sad sad sad. I probably could have found a way to fit her someplace if I kept looking but she was not that important so I just went ahead and cut her off. I thought about doing the same to Valerie just to balance things out but she was not causing as much trouble so she stayed. I kinda wish Lydia was in it but I'm still lost on where to put her, she'd be a silhouette as well, of course. I should probably go back and make Val less prominent...
We're still learning, right?
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dgLari In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 20:55:03 +0000 UTC]
I know right? When I see the update it's like:
1. Hopeless fangirl squeal in front of the computer for five minutes straight without forming a straight sentence.
2. Take in cleanshing breaths.
3. Double check if emotionally prepared for this shit.
4. Let's do this. Open's link.
5. Read, followed by strange fangirl noises and talking to myself.
6. Innevitable aftermath and review.
Oh I've been there! In the DoaS titlecard Tom was not supposed to have a full body shot. But he jus looked wrong so I changed him. There's a bunch of pics I've changed during the process because they didn't look anatomically correct or they just pissed me off. It's a hard thing to do but necessary. I think the lack of Lydia is fine. Since Val is more relevant to Greg than Lydia is. Not that Lydia is not a complete outsider to Gregory, but Val is special.
In any case the pic as a whole looks asymetric which is good. So no worries on that side! But if it makes you feel better you could always make Val stand out less... though she is not distracting or anything for me. So yeah.
Haha thank you sweetheart! Yes we're all still learning and like I've said before- with some turtle friends- we're our own worst critics. So it's natural for us to see areas of opportunity in the pics! And you had my pic as a screensaver? Aww ;A; Thank you so much that is such an honor!
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Pearl200084 In reply to dgLari [2014-06-03 05:00:54 +0000 UTC]
Vlad muse: You both realize how much I am enjoying this, don't you?
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dgLari In reply to Pearl200084 [2014-06-04 03:35:57 +0000 UTC]
Haha silly little muse, maybe that's what we want you to think!
Okay fine, you do make us suffer with wonderful fanfiction. >_>
But I still don't like you.
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 21:09:39 +0000 UTC]
That is very true. I always made sure I have some long time together because not only is it going to take a while to read, but I also need several hours to sit by myself and just process it
Oh, I fixed it and gave you some well deserved credit
I'll fix up valerie later, I still have most of the layers separate so it shouldn't be too hard. I was thinking about Gregor so Valerie definitely had to be in it (I thought about doing a Sam silhouette too but decided otherwise) Lydia, however, well, she's still being controlled by Freakshow so SHE doesn't really matter much to Gregor. They don't have much of a relationship that I see. Putting her in just took off the attention from Freakshow.
I reallly like your DoaS pic
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dgLari In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 21:21:35 +0000 UTC]
Haha true!
And thank you, it really wasn't necessary.
I agree with your point regarding Lydia! I wonder if she'll ever be able to make it out of Freakshow's control and remember who she really was. Anyways I hope she interacts more with Greg eventually.
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 21:32:31 +0000 UTC]
ps: have you notized how weird the DP fandom is on tumblr? I tried to hang out in the DP tag for a while but it was so odddd O.o I mostly do HTTYD and OUAT now. I do miss GLTAS and YJ ;_;
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dgLari In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 21:46:49 +0000 UTC]
Haha I haven't actually... I hang out with the shellheads now. xD I did find a GhostBox blog though! He jumps from fandom to fandom screaming 'I am the Box Ghost, Fear Me!' It was hilarious. How come the Tumblr Phantards are weird? We've always been a strange crowd! xD
I miss YJ too.
I like HTTYD but I've never interacted with the fans... are they nice? Never watched OUAT but I heard it was good! I don't know what GLTAS is... .-.
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 22:10:01 +0000 UTC]
Really? That's so cool!
Idk. I was on there for a little while and all I saw was ectoplasmic Danny xD It was fun though
Yeah! The HTTYD fans are really nice :3. GLTAS is Green Lantern: The Animated Series, I highly highly highly recommend it. Beware the feels. The show had the best fandom of all, expecially since both producers and others from the GLTAS crew hanged out on tumblr a lot.
I'll watch turtles if you try GLTAS? eh, eh, eh?
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dgLari In reply to dreama-draws [2014-05-29 22:26:14 +0000 UTC]
Hmm sounds like an interesting and fair exchange... where can I find GLTAS episodes? You can find the turtles one here www.animeflavor.com/node/42788
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dreama-draws In reply to dgLari [2014-05-29 22:31:29 +0000 UTC]
Same site animeflavor.com/node/26643 They're also on Netflix
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