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Published: 2023-06-22 03:24:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 4077; Favourites: 87; Downloads: 1
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Lights on the Beach 2023 | OPEN
Horses's Name: ERR Miss Tea Mourning
Rider's Name: Justin McBride
Class Entered: Beach Race
Placed: First
Horses's Name: ERR Zoomba Speedball
Rider's Name: Sydney Brannon
Class Entered: Beach Race
Placed: Second
Lights on the Beach 2023 Results
Follows after:
(there is a summary underneath; for all your quick read needs)
"Oh, you got yer sex hair goin' on?" Justin asked pointblank at the first sight of Sydney . Like a true friend, "hello" wasn't how he greeted him. "Ain't it a bit hot fer that? Thought that was yer burly winter viking look."
Sydney's flat, grumpy expression didn't change. That didn't reflect how he really felt; those emotions just rarely made it to the surface to change his expression these days. He shrugged, "Figured I'd give life a handle since it's been fuckin' my ass for months now."
"That is so thoughtful of you," Justin encouraged with a laugh. What that really meant was Sydney stopped giving a damn. Not a guy that really gave a shit about what he looked like to begin with. Stepping into his rented house, Justin feared a lot worse than it really was. Clutter here and there but Sydney didn't tend to keep much. Much like the house he was raised in. The Brannon family were multi-millionaires but no one would guess that from what their house looked like. It was massive to hold all the children and grandchildren but it was pretty bare bones. Brandy, the matriarch, preferred it that way. Humble living. Have only what they need and give to charities rather than sit on a dragon's nest full of an unnecessary display of wealth.
Justin plopped on the couch, kicking his boots off, "Well, I'd like to take yer beach babe mug to the ocean for some TLC. Tender lovin' cocksuckin'-"
Sydney lowered himself unceremoniously onto a recliner, making it squeak in agony under his weight. His unchanging scowl remained as he leaned his elbows on his knees, "I don't want nothin' from you. Ain't you broke 'nough?"
Justin got comfy, leaning back and holding up a hand to wave off his concerns, "Ey, I have a rainy day fund. And you, my dude, look like a fuckin' rainy-ass day. I take it things ain't goin' great with Jarin yet? He still with what's his name? Ah," Justin saw Sydney's scowl lower into a hateful glower. "I see." Didn't need an answer from Sydney to confirm that. Justin didn't know why he was still trying anyway. Surely by now he should take a hint that Jarin was not interested in the dude that beat the shit out of him, for starters.
"Look," Justin sat up a little straighter, "Let's jus' go have some fun like we used to. It's a fun little show on a beach. It's got some fairgrounds 'round. Ride some horses, ride some rides, get fuckin' blasted, hit the water, maybe some other curriculars while we're there… Jus' you and me. What else you got goin' on 'sides mopin' 'bout?"
"Work," Sydney replied shortly.
"You'll have work there too, what's the difference?" Justin saw Sydney was thinking it over. He thought he'd put up more of a fight honestly. Probably meant Jarin wasn't around, making it a little easier to make a decision. "I'll bring the beer, you bring your unyielding charisma," Justin chuckled, nudging for Sydney to make the decision.
Justin's plan was working. He was getting Sydney out and about to have some fun. And fun started with handing him one beer after the next on the drive to Florida's beachfront. Christ, if he was this bad before the divorce, what was he going to be like after, Justin thought. He kind of understood to an extent. He had just gone through watching the girl of his dreams marry some rich arrogant asshole. It left a hole in his heart too. But Sydney was living through his dream come true crumble to pieces. He could only imagine the kind of thoughts Sydney had over it all. The stress and anxiety. Not that Sydney would ever admit any of that - no, not Tough Guy Sydney. Tough Guy Sydney didn't show weakness or emotion. Tough Guy Sydney was an idiot.
Sydney was buzzing the whole time they were in Florida. Some drunks could get unruly and unpleasant. Not Sydney. It lowered his reservations, making him a ray of sunshine compared to his usual demeanor. It made coaxing him into doing stupid shit so easy for Justin.
"Look at that cute lil' booty!" Justin slapped Sydney's chiseled ass cheek hanging out of the little shorts he bribed him into wearing.
Sydney chuckled, sipping on the beer it had earned him. "Where's my six pack? You said-"
"Right here," he teased the man, pinching the taut skin over his rippling abs. That got a boyish giggle from Sydney, slapping his hand away. Justin held it up the real six pack of beer like a trophy, pulling it away from Sydney trying to snatch it way too early, "Ah, ah, you get it only after you finish the Beach Race, biggen. You got it?"
"Wh-whaaa?" Sydney whined with confusion in his expression. He made another inaccurate grab at the glistening cans of salvation, missing wildly. "I ain't been no problem. Ain't even complained once. There's sand in my asshole makin' a goddamn pearl and I didn't even say nothin'. Why're you bein' a dick?"
Justin snickered, holding back louder bouts of laughter. He shoved the big oaf straight again before he toppled or else there'd be sand in more places than his buttcrack. "Cuz' I ain't even sure yer gonna get through the race without fallin' off yet!"
"Ey, I agreed to come cuz you said-"
"And yer gonna get yer little prize so long as you make it through the race, buddy," Justin explained again. "C'mon, let's get that cute booty of yers on a horse and see if yer gonna make it or not."
Was this a terrible idea? Yes. Undeniably so. These horses were competitive race horses borrowed from the stables. Justin promised they were getting valuable racing experience. Which was true. Jennie knew the show wasn't exactly Belmont but she liked the kind of exposure they'd be getting. So she agreed to let them take them.
"Heeere," Sydney growled, slipping over the back of the stallion he had. "Settle your shit down, you turd head." Even buzzing into oblivion, Sydney could settle an antsy race horse. Although, Zoomer was getting very riled up as more and more horses started to join the lineup nearby.
Justin had his own set of challenges too, crawling up on Tea . She about blasted off on him a couple times but he wasn't dealing with the only antsy horse. A few of them were chomping at the bit to take off into the sand and shoreline. "Whooooa, baby girl," Justin chuckled. It had been a while since he regretted his life choices and that was coming from someone who willingly climbed on broncs and bucking bulls for a living.
He looked over his shoulder, busting out in giggles, catching Sydney reaching for a beer trying to be sneaky. He gently pushed his greedy hand away and reminded him, "After. I promise, big guy." He gave his cheek a pinch, knowing he was about as lethal as a decaying tree. All was well unless he fell on you.
Sydney only got to think about trying one more time before the bell sounded loudly and the whole track blasted alive with energy! Horses thundered off the line and bolted down the track, spraying sand into the air! The horse Justin was on squealed and let loose followed by Zoomer in a manic hurry. Sydney grunted with each stride, trying to save his manhood from getting beat into his own asshole. He had to take preventative measures, cupping himself and grabbing mane. All he had to do was hang on really. The horse could just follow the others. More importantly, Sydney's eyes caught a twinkle ahead of him. A beautiful can of liquid gold.
Justin pulled one can from the six pack, cracking it open as the horses thundered down the track. He called loudly over the wind whipping by, lifting the timbre of his voice, "Come and get it, big boy! Don't I look so tasty!?" Justin laughed as he saw Sydney hone in on the can. Was he encouraging Sydney to become an alcoholic? Eeeehhh, maybe. But it wasn't like Sydney drank like this often… well, Justin hoped. Hmm…
Before Justin could wonder if the long term ramifications of this vacation would leave a lasting negative impact on Sydney, Justin felt Tea lurch forward, followed by the sensation that she was leaving the ground! "Oh shit!" Justin had to let the can go and grab mane before he was left at the launch pad. Tea had taken liftoff to beat the ocean's wave and crash into the waters below!
"Nooooo!" Sydney bellowed, watching his friend, the beer can, spew its beautiful amber guts through the air, somersaulting to the ground with a beautiful golden halo only to be crunched like an ant under a boot by the next horse behind it. He didn't even get to try to salvage it from its sandy death. Just a murder victim left in the unforgiving sands, the wasted beer pooling around its corpse.
"Sorry, Syd! There's more, I promise!" Justin called back to him.
"Why would you do that!?" Sydney was still in disbelief at the abuse of alcohol he just witnessed. And from someone he trusted too! Betrayal. He came out here with the promise it would take his mind off things. Not to reintroduce the weighty sadness he had been trudging around with. "You dickhead!" Sydney shouted to make sure Justin knew exactly how he felt.
"Love you too, Big Bear!" Justin laughed into the wind! The big guy wouldn't even remember that instance by tomorrow morning. It was moments like this, people had to have some kind of escape. Something to put the quiet suffering on hold. The soul needed rest to rehabilitate too. Today was just as much for Sydney as it was for Justin. He'd rather be here a thousand times over than one second back in his trailer, drinking alone, thinking about the could have's, and feeling like a failure. Neither one of them were failures. Just a couple of guys with girl problems and soon to be having some major sand chafing.
(1703 wordcount)
tldr summary;
--Justin takes Sydney to the beach from bro time
--Sydney is 4000% very drunk for most of this trip
--Justin dropped a beer
--Sydney is sad
Previous: Fully Automatic || Next: TBA
: D
Handsome lads in their skimpys on some cute ponies. I am a simple Dras that appreciates simple things in life. This is one of them <3
I wasn't going to make this all "grand" looking but I got carried away xD Once the background started taking off, everything else followed lol I just got a dumb idea and welp, it escalated from there.
Getting Justin into a pink leopard speedo - easy. He volunteered. Man hasn't had enough attention in a while and jumped at the chance xD Would literally ride anything, he does not care.
Getting Sydney into tiny shorts AND let me give him a man bun - phew. Many beers. Lots of beer. There's more to come. He despises me lololol How did his hair get so long so quick from the last thing he was just in? HARPG magic. I wanted it. So there it is. Besides, he really does let it grow out in the winter (I'm just bad at timelines and consistency within a story line so meh)
ANYWHO. I also did this because there are some VERY CUTE BABIES being raffled at this show. Ya gotta enter to get a chance at them. and I WANT THEM. So there will be more entries/extras to come x'''D Check em out!! (humble advertising <''3)
Sydney/Justin/Zoomer/Tea/Brandy/Jarin/Jennie/Art © Drasayer
Pink leopard speedo inspired by decors (thanks decs xD)
oh and the "rich arrogant asshole" is dec's too (justin just wanted make that clear lolol)
No specific refs for cowboys, zoom ponies, or beach vibes
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Helsinge [2024-04-29 18:42:04 +0000 UTC]
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