#alligator #alligatorsnappingturtle #blush #cute #nickelodeon #raph #raphael #tmnt #turtles #rottmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtles #riseoftheteenagemutantninjaturtles
Published: 2020-02-05 21:10:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 2366; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Raph is such a precious boi and he needs to be protected. He's too pure. He just wants to keep his little bros safe and have a good time.Art by me.
Raph and ROTTMNT belongs to Nickelodeon
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Comments: 14
pianomankiran [2023-11-05 20:39:58 +0000 UTC]
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SkittlesGalore27 [2020-10-05 18:41:27 +0000 UTC]
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Aaronmcloud [2020-02-06 01:19:12 +0000 UTC]
my favorite turtle (used to be donnie as a kid due to his weapon and being socially awkward but i relate to raph now due to his anger issues. I'm also a sai person)
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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Aaronmcloud [2020-02-06 02:47:12 +0000 UTC]
I like all the characters for their personalities. I think Leo and Donnie in Rise are in a tie for my top favorites, Leo for being such a dork and Donnie being such a relatable sarcastic ass. Raph is such a sweetheart and Mikey is his normal, goofy and adorable self.
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Aaronmcloud In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-02-06 05:58:52 +0000 UTC]
plus they all work so well off each other XD usually when i work on starfox i base the team off the turtles. Fox as Leo, Falco as Raph, Slippy as Mikey, Peppy as Donnie
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Vitlium [2020-02-05 21:44:25 +0000 UTC]
Hahahaha, The only animated version of Raph that needs to be protected XD this one is a total sweetheart compaired to the more violent hotheaded version of 2012 and 03 and isn't as sarcastic as 80s
God I love the 2018 bros their all so precious well Don might be a closet Sociopath in that series but we love him anyway
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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Vitlium [2020-02-05 21:57:28 +0000 UTC]
It's such a difference from the previous incarnations. Like yeah, Raph's often been the bad-tempered, badass hothead of the four for previous versions, and here he is just an enormous sweetie. Leo has often been the stoic, goody-two shoes, and overachiever while in here he's... essentially an idiot that you just can't not love. He's a dork with 0 grace to start with. Mikey's not too different, he's still the little guy that loves being weird and standing out. Donnie is still the brainiac, but like you said, he's pretty much about a sociopath at this point.
I live off this show now. It just soothes my soul -
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Vitlium In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-02-05 22:04:08 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, I know right and them being different species of turtles was such an intresting take to
The reason Dons so it isn't just cause hes smart but because he actually needs it because of his soft shell
Raph depsite being a snapper which are known for their aggression is instead super sweet and tries ro keep his bros safe since his both in age and litrally the big brother
I love that Leos a red slider it fits with his more laidback care free attitude
And Mikey is still are little adorable muffin, since Boxshell turtles are the smallest of the three
I also lioe the whole mystic city thing and Shredder being a demon, oh and Spliter sure some hate him cause he's lazy and weird but I honestly love it, especially the whole he was Lu jitsu and the turtles actually share his DNA, I also love this April shes so sassy, Then how New York seems to just accept the mutant issue XD like people transform on Live Tv and its just eh
I need this show to live, this is by far my fav version of the turtles since 03! Sorry for the long post I have no one to geek out with at home XD
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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Vitlium [2020-02-05 22:19:59 +0000 UTC]
No geek all the hell out I love this show even if I haven't finished the first season -
I appreciated the rehaul in their designs, they now are much more unique compared to one another. Splinter is definitely a drastic change from his 2012 version - which is the version I actually began watching the franchise from. It's odd to go from that tall, dignified, more "human-like" version to how he is in Rise, which i short, fat, lazy, and unpredictable (flashback to "body of a Greek god" scene -". It's like he has no dignity whatsoever until later on in the show, but it kinda fits the persona they had for him, beginning as selfish and unconcerned for the chaos his lack of care could and did cause regarding the armor.
April is such a fresh start. She's feisty, jumps head first into combat, and her relationship with the boys is lovable.
And yeah, I think the mutated people that come to mind quickest are the Hypno and Warren. (I was not prepared for Leo's slice and dice move when we first meet Warren -) Like these two seemingly popular or at least should be well-known people are mutated into these creatures and... nobody really notices? Or cares?
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Vitlium In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-02-05 22:30:45 +0000 UTC]
I started watching the turtles when 2003 ones came out, I find myswlf missing Raphs Brooklyn Accent at times and Mileys girlish scream, oh amd 03 Donnie total sweetheart
Yeah, basically everything that has happened in the show involving the cursed armor was Spliters because he ignored his family duty and decided to become a movie star, I also like how his kids are more the adults than he is at times despite also be immature which I like the turtles are teens and here they act like it, the other verisons tended to act older, oh remember when Spliter stole the turtle tanks and was afraid of Donnies punishment best epsiode ever XD
Or how instead of Roaches, Raph is afriad of a demonic toy rabbit, I hope we get to see more of Baxter Stockboy
Meatsweats litrally mutated on national television, Mikey saw it on Tv and yet still it seems like oh famous chef turned into a giant pig we freak out as the studio audience and never again care, its hilarious considering how on the last version and 03 the public was so against aliens and mutants while in this version no one bats an eye
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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Vitlium [2020-02-05 22:51:44 +0000 UTC]
I pulled up the first episode of the 2003 version, and oh my GOD the theme song brought back so much nostalgia! Like, it was like some memory I'd forgotten I had... It's been so many years since I'd seen the series, and the theme song alone just HIT me - GAH! I do like Raph's accent, I feel like the tone should have been deeper but it's different, though I will say all the turtles look too similar putting aside their bandanna colors and weapons. 2012 did a little better with making each look unique, but I think the general animation style hindered how far they could push the uniqueness of the characters. Rise really pushed how far they could go with giving each turtle a look that not only expressed their personality, but also made it possible to detect one from another from mere silhouettes alone. Not saying any other incarnations were badly animated or written, but I just appreciate the effort put into Rise.
The Fast and Furriest killed me. I loved when Donnie was just letting his bros take control of the tank and showing them all the controls so excitedly, and I wasn't expecting Splinter to be so child-like. "Oh Pa-PA, if you surrender now there shan't be any consequences -" The sass and attitude from the boys in this series is uncontrollable.
I'm a little bothered by how the mutants are reacted towards in Rise - they really make it seem like this sort of weird stuff happens every day. Even if characters keep saying "New York... what a town." Like, come on. THAT kind of weird stuff doesn't happen every day!
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Vitlium In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-02-05 23:17:35 +0000 UTC]
Pff, then the whole" That is a lie! I taught him that one" and the whole" Purple is a monster, he'll makw is so i only get educational channels" and "Don't snitch me out bro!"
That episode is one of my favs
The one where Mikey had his first solo mission was also cute, with Raph being overprotective, Leo not seeing the big dela with is valid, and Donnie just like always in his iwn science filled world and then the foot dudes with the girl and how nuts she is on her first solo misson two and her and Mikey's fight was just hilerious and the refrence to Ice Cream Kitty and how both get their fights ruined by their overprotective family like how Raph was all "my overprotective brother instincts are tingling" XD
Yeah, Its making me thing whoever runs New York has either done something or maybe something having to do with the mystic city makes it so mutants aren't alwsys seen or perhaps its the Miraculous Ladybug Effect where people are just blind
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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Vitlium [2020-02-05 23:50:04 +0000 UTC]
Raph is too precious, he just wants to be a good big brother - bless his heart. I feel that Foot girl was a bit too crazy - she makes me think of Clover from All Hail King Julien - very violent and try hard and... nuts compared to her "mentors".
And I dunno, I just got to the Mutant Menace -
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