DragonWithAShotgun — TFA Sari Redesign

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Published: 2020-04-10 06:37:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 5232; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 0
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Description I dunno what possessed me to do it, but I wanted to sorta redesign Sari from Transformers: Animated, or at least make her appear more balanced. I wanted to make her appear to be an innocent, appealing character that seems easy to trust, as the Autobots come to rely on her for most of the knowledge they will gradually learn during their lives on Earth. Also wanted to enter a couple personal HCs and give her more personality. Not that she didn't have personality before, but I wanted a more rounded, grounded mostly, character based on her upbringing and now what drives her to joining the Autobots. 

HeadCanons of "My" Sari: 

- She has a rounder, child-like body and takes more after her father via body shapes. She is sort of chubby, has small hands and small feet, though her red hair is still of unknown origin (her father has black hair, and I still liked the color schemes they used for her so I kept it). She was made from a protoform infused with Dr. Sumdac's DNA, so she takes a bit more after him physically. Plus, growing up in a sheltered, spoiled household, I can see Dr. Sumdac letting her entertain herself however she sees fit so as long as he can do his work. Thus, leading her to form unhealthy physical habits, such as no exercise, or getting too comfortable with eating unhealthy foods. 

- "My" Sari knows of her origins - not of the Cybertronian influences and what exactly Dr. Sumdac found that fateful night, but she knows she was created by him, and is partially his biological daughter. She knows why she can't be around other kids, or society much in general. She is generally shy, and when she tries to socialize, she tries too hard and comes off as obnoxious and uncoordinated mentally. She can lose track of herself easily when under emotional stress because she didn't grow up learning to deal with how she can be affected by any interactions with people other than her own father. She can be pretty selfish and whiny, like in the show. She's not often enough told "no" to develop any particular reaction to it other than to cry or complain, but she also knows that these reactions will get her what she wants for the most part. She's clever, despite her lack of social skills, because she knows her father like nobody else. 

- She doesn't get a lot of education at home, despite the homeschooling bots Dr. Sumdac had programmed. She loses interest easily; she often likes to watch TV, listen to radio, anything that can offer insight from the world outside; she often sneaks out of the home whenever she gets the chance. She has limited abilities, such as hacking - she's not very good at it, but she's played with Dr. Sumdac's systems enough to bypass some security codes to allow her exit from the house. She doesn't do much when she does get out, mostly goes out for snacks, walks around the city, seeks out anything worth entertainment, which doesn't take much. 

- Her "spark" is normally exposed, having no exoskeleton to protect it. It can be covered by clothing, but she doesn't think to do so often. Being sheltered keeps her from general, serious harm, but it's a pretty, glowing, circular indention in her chest that emits a warmth unlike anything Dr. Sumdac can quite recreate with any of his machines. Additionally, Dr. Sumdac did extensive research of Sari growing up, and at a very, very early stage learned that her strange, Cybertronian-based body required a very specific chemical compound which he had broken down by studying her "blood". Without this transfusion of certain chemicals every so often, she undergoes gradual decrease in physical and emotional activity. Foods and drinks, like for normal humans, can keep her energized and fueled to an extend, but she ultimately cannot survive without this chemical compound, which Dr. Sumdac later became informed of as being Energon. He has never learned to recreate the exact compound, but he's invented a sort of synthetic version, less potent but all the same very difficult to produce. 

- Her key is not really a key - it's a key card. I mean, come on, the show takes place in a futuristic setting where robots and machines have taken over many daily tasks humans have abandoned. Surely normal keys don't exist in any normal shape by that time in an electronically dominated environment, unless there's old-school folks in the show but heLLO, her father is a scientist who specializes in technology. When she is infused with the powers of the Allspark, this keycard has the ability to transform into a multitude of items, from wearable accessories, to a fake ID, keys of different kinds, and more. She often likes to wear it like a key card on a lanyard. 

I can develop more on her later, but these were a few ideas to go with a visual of her. I like how she turned out!

Art by me. 
Sari and leftside version of Sari belongs to Hasbro (I believe?). 
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Comments: 17

JJtheSNKKid [2023-10-16 14:50:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BeedrillGum [2023-03-29 00:37:37 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

LocheDragonLover [2022-11-22 21:21:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

CureSpectra [2022-06-27 04:48:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LEGION55 [2021-12-24 09:33:58 +0000 UTC]

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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to LEGION55 [2021-12-24 15:58:52 +0000 UTC]

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LEGION55 In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2021-12-28 05:08:54 +0000 UTC]

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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to LEGION55 [2021-12-28 13:16:06 +0000 UTC]

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marianagatto [2020-04-16 00:10:03 +0000 UTC]

I love your version of Sari.

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Aaronmcloud [2020-04-11 03:44:12 +0000 UTC]


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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Aaronmcloud [2020-04-11 07:04:20 +0000 UTC]


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Aaronmcloud In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-04-11 10:08:35 +0000 UTC]

um, ever seen samurai jack? 

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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Aaronmcloud [2020-04-12 00:11:00 +0000 UTC]

It's been years since I have.

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Aaronmcloud In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-04-12 03:41:08 +0000 UTC]

basically aku orders what at first seems to be a pizza but its actually a minion, he says "extra thick!" during it and the internet made that into a meme, using it as a compliment for whoever seems to be big

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Vitlium [2020-04-10 06:44:10 +0000 UTC]

I like your Sari better, I always wondered how she wasn't a bit overweight or how she survived so long without energon seeing as every cybertronian needs it amd it makes sense someome who's half would also need it after all that Von ship with energon is probably how Blackarachnia survived so long 

Yeah, we've seen what she does to tutor bot and growing up the way she has even I would find it hard to believe that she would listen to it for very long, and the professor always gave me the impression that he spoiled Sari considering how easy he is to manipulate 

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DragonWithAShotgun In reply to Vitlium [2020-04-10 07:00:23 +0000 UTC]

I mainly wanted to make her look like a kid, instead of a stick figure. I had actually forgotten about how exactly Sari was born/created, so the fact that the protoform used Dr. Sumdac's DNA as a base for designing the physical characteristics should mean she would take a bit after him. And yeah, being a protoform, I feel that while her biological needs could be easily fulfilled, her Cybertronian characteristics would require Energon, or something along the lines of such, to keep her in a constant functional state. Perhaps that could be a motivation for Dr. Sumdac to help Megatron, to learn more about Cybertronian kind and understand what he can do to further increase his daughter's chances at independence without depending on him for constant maintenance. Some of the ideas made me think of the show My Life as a Teenage Robot. 

I just feel that there's a disconnect between Sari and Dr. Sumdac - I always felt that Dr. Sumdac doesn't know how to be a father, and a father to a half-alien child especially, but thankfully her alien half is robot-based. He can work with that. But she has influenced (in my HCs) a lot of his works, and the more advanced he can become with his works, the better his chances are at "upgrading" Sari and allowing her some way to be able to survive without him at some point in her life. But doing so means shutting himself up to work, unintentionally putting a wall between the two. I feel like he wanted to allow her as much freedom as possible, but he's afraid to let her leave home because he KNOWS her lack of experience could only lead to consequences. 

Perhaps meeting the Autobots awakens a sort of untapped understanding on how things are supposed to work, like for some reason, the Autobots' ways of life seem to somehow benefit her when she tries to replicate common hobbies, share interests, etc. Soon her uncontrollable curiosity turns into a drive to find herself in a world where her origins and her present life collide. 

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Vitlium In reply to DragonWithAShotgun [2020-04-10 07:10:46 +0000 UTC]

Makes sense, I'm waay to obsessed XD I could probably in detail explain almost all of animated because I have a weird ass selective memory that can remember anything litrally I could probably tell you anything from any episode why am I thinking about Meltdown XD 

And yeah, cause Sari was socially  isolated from what it seemed the Prof never let her interact with other children so I would imagine when the Autobot's showing up it would be more from her cybertronian side 

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