DragonTreasureArt β€” Casting The First Spell

Published: 2009-06-23 22:25:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 1314; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description As with all my paintings, there are areas I feel very proud of and satisfied with and areas I feel I didn't do justice to. It's frustrating. But then I guess that's all part of the learning curve and gives us the push to progress further, learn more and develop our style and technique.

It's quite fun and has happy colours so could be worse I guess! Critique welcome, but please don't be too brutal!!

Thank you to ~Lisajen-stock for the constant inspiration [link]
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Comments: 21

Jerzee-Girl [2011-04-20 04:10:51 +0000 UTC]

Again, great color combinations. Love the waters. Very enchanting painting!

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to Jerzee-Girl [2011-04-20 16:35:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Timelessrituals [2010-12-07 12:37:52 +0000 UTC]

To my advice the light is perfect.
This is a good spell. The sphere reflects the light and gives a sense of reality.
The wings and the spirit supply the feeling of magic.
And the lanterns are definitely great.
In the complex, a very good work!!

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to Timelessrituals [2010-12-07 19:42:48 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the lovely comment. I really enjoyed painting this

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Claza124 [2010-09-22 17:10:59 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love it, and the colours are beautiful

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to Claza124 [2010-09-23 18:33:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much!
I enjoyed painting it

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N-One [2009-07-29 13:14:18 +0000 UTC]

Oh man, it's been way too long since I've just scrolled through your gallery. Honestly, every single time I do, there's just this wonderful sense of wonder, and magic, and general awesome.

It makes me happy every single time, and I want you to know that

In other news, this is incredible ^^

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to N-One [2009-07-30 22:45:04 +0000 UTC]

You're a sweetheart

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N-One In reply to DragonTreasureArt [2009-08-08 02:07:11 +0000 UTC]

nope, just honest

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to N-One [2009-08-13 09:04:05 +0000 UTC]

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N-One In reply to DragonTreasureArt [2009-08-13 22:57:56 +0000 UTC]

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orafaerygirl [2009-07-22 18:31:20 +0000 UTC]

Luv the softness of this gentle piece, Lots of details but not so many that it’s overwhelming… Wonderful work!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

DragonTreasureArt In reply to orafaerygirl [2009-07-26 15:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!
I still feel I overworked this a little.
I guess it's not a bad thing to see flaws in our work though. Makes us strive to improve right?

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sombrefeline [2009-07-20 17:15:09 +0000 UTC]

beautiful ! I love the design and colors

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to sombrefeline [2009-07-20 19:55:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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tazoftazmania [2009-06-30 17:24:14 +0000 UTC]

Magic! Love the organic flow of one thing into another and the way that there is so much to take in, like the butterflies the lights and the mushrooms.
I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to tazoftazmania [2009-07-01 16:01:29 +0000 UTC]

Teehee, you're a sweetie. Hopefully there'll be no more withdrawal for a while. I'm making time to paint again. (Summer hols, soon, yippee) I am pleased with all the little detail too. I think that's what makes this painting.

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AeonOfTime [2009-06-24 16:14:55 +0000 UTC]

Somehow this feels like you're coming back to your roots. Very pretty indeed

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to AeonOfTime [2009-06-24 21:33:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you hon, for the comment and fave x

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Katerina-Art [2009-06-24 00:08:02 +0000 UTC]

so adorable!

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DragonTreasureArt In reply to Katerina-Art [2009-06-24 21:33:37 +0000 UTC]

Thank you x

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