#18thcentury #baroque #kiss #rococo #selene #thibault #captainofprovidence
Published: 2015-03-18 19:10:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 568; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 3
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I had this finished for a long time (since January) but never got around to cleaning it up. I've had art block and have been working extra hours, hence my inactivity.Not much to say this except Thibault is a creepy old man. His son, Christian, is Selene's fiancee, although it seems Thib is more interested in her.
Captain of Providence, Selene and Thibault belong to dotsweare , no stealing please!
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Comments: 13
InkyRose [2015-03-19 18:43:11 +0000 UTC]
You've drawn Selene's expression really well! She does look repelled by the touch of Thibault's hand completely! Again, I love the detail and wonderful shading you've put into their outfits. Selene's gown is simply beautiful! And I love the bold contrasts between the warm, feminine pink and the dark, bleak blue- great piece!
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dotsweare In reply to InkyRose [2015-03-21 18:30:49 +0000 UTC]
Thank you my dear! <333333333 LOL I've also encountered many creepy old men in my field of work, and you just can't help but recoil at their advances, playful or not. XD Unfortunately Thibault is the marquis of Cherbourg, so Selene has to respect him regardless of what he does!
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dotsweare [2015-03-19 08:51:26 +0000 UTC]
Oh my, poor Selene! Of all the creepy folk to have interested in you, Thibault is not the one you'd want! She isn't one of those typical cliche characters where OMG EVERY GUY BONES HERΒ but how unlucky this one had to be more interested in her than his son!Β
You always do a super job with your realism!Β
I love the work on their hair, you're very period-friendly with the styles and designs! And I see Selene has her gorgeous red dress, her trademark dress! I'm guessing that would be considered her 'good' dress and that's the one worth drawing!
Thibault is looking like the old creeper he is! He's very dignified about it and I think that's what makes him scarier. He suits the dark blue colours and I bet the gold lining is real!Β
It's great to see some art uploads, even if I had seen this one art is art XDΒ
LETS SEE MORE!!!! <333333333333333333333333333
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dotsweare In reply to dotsweare [2015-03-21 18:29:30 +0000 UTC]
LOL! Christian is definitely not interested in her! It wouldn't be in character or him to be XDDD It's probably just Steph and Thibault who want her, but of course, better Steph than anyone else XD
Thank you <333 Yes, her red dress is gorgeous! Darker red shades fit redheads much better than light pinks or whatever. Sadly she can't wear the same things as her blonde friends, but the good thing is her clothes are very unique <3 She'd also look great in golds!
HE IS SUCH A CREEPER XDDDD He's the lovechild of Jafar and Frollo XDDD He looks like Frollo and acts like both of them so naturally he'd be a big one! XD He's totally like one of those older men who tries to act all dignified and then kisses young women on the hand or hits on them (I've seen my fair share at work) and you never know if they're being playful or serious or not XDD I've dealt with men like him and the best thing to do is maintain a sense of humor and if they persist, tell them you have a BF who's a police officer or in the military or a club bouncer XDDD They'll scatter at that statement! Sadly Selene can't do that since she has to respect him DDD:
LOL art definitely is art and I'm so glad to see some from you too! <33333333333333 Time to resurrect this dead account XD
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PHarold [2015-03-19 04:12:48 +0000 UTC]
I think she's looking very uncomfortable here. I love her features. Like she's thinking about a certain captain, but having to hold still or put up a brave face.
The colours are gorgeous.
π: 0 β©: 1
dotsweare In reply to PHarold [2015-03-21 18:23:01 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! She is very uncomfortable-- deep down, she knows Thibault has less than pure intentions, but she has to respect him nonetheless!
Thanks again! I've become a huge fan of muted pinks and beiges lately. <333
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SewnFlesh [2015-03-18 19:25:00 +0000 UTC]
That's beautiful! I always love how painterly your work is, and this one looks almost like it could be watercolor. And the last line about Thib made me laugh.
π: 0 β©: 1
dotsweare In reply to SewnFlesh [2015-03-18 19:35:51 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! <333 It's always fun experimenting with new coloring styles. And yes, Thibault is a very creepy old man XDDD
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SewnFlesh In reply to dotsweare [2015-03-18 19:44:19 +0000 UTC]
I I think creepy old men are amusing. u___u
And I've missed your art. D: 3
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dotsweare In reply to SewnFlesh [2015-03-21 18:21:56 +0000 UTC]
They are! I've been hit on by creepy older men a few times, and it's much funnier after the fact. You never know if they're being serious or not. O___o
And I'm so sorry I disappeared! It's such a bad habit of mine. ;-;
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SewnFlesh In reply to dotsweare [2015-03-21 19:47:04 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! Haha
I am so sorry, I should have been more considerate. I should have known something was wrong! I don't want to make it seem like I wanted to force you to do more art. I just missed it, that's all. And I'm about to post on your journal too.
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dotsweare In reply to SewnFlesh [2015-03-22 03:33:50 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry about it! You didn't sound forceful or inconsiderate at all! In fact, the fact that you were thinking of my art this whole time was incredibly sweet and it gave me the warm fuzzies. <333 I want to do more art!
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SewnFlesh In reply to dotsweare [2015-03-22 03:51:26 +0000 UTC]
;A; I hope you DO do more art! (haha, doodoo).
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