dominikgschwind β€” Looking back after 100 deviations

Published: 2018-07-04 18:52:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 239; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 2
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Dear artfriends,

this was a plein-air painting I did in the old part of Frejus (South France) last autumn...
nothing special indeed... however too much black i used from todays point of view

... but yeah for me it was a milestone indeed...because during that painting which was done in watercolour I started using white gouache blended with watercolour and that is how i discovered gouache... so it was my starting moment for gouache painting

This is my 100. deviation here on Deviantart where I am member since april 2017.

A good chance to thank each and everyone of you who was looking at my artwork and maybe participated with interesting comments.

It pushed me quite a bit further on my learning curve and I had a lot of fun.... let's go on

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Comments: 16

Czepeku [2018-07-05 14:28:06 +0000 UTC]

Lovely work, especially how you've shown the leaf shadows on the buildings. I agree about the black, perhaps a blue shadow tint would lighten the painting more.

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dominikgschwind In reply to Czepeku [2018-07-05 14:38:00 +0000 UTC]

thank you Czepeku,
yes... a cooler dark colour however... maybe even a bit violett tinted.... as a complementary to the yellowish houses.
The black I used which is Ivory black is too warm... and somehow dead.
When using cools and warms contrasting between the direct sunlit elements and the shadows which receive the cool blue light from the atmosphere it can generate a beautiful sensation.
Thank you for commenting
// Dominik

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JoachimL [2018-07-05 11:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Very good!

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dominikgschwind In reply to JoachimL [2018-07-05 13:39:13 +0000 UTC]

Hi Joachim,
thank you very much... it's always a pleasure to inspire other artists!
However... I haven't seen your work before... just went through your gallery and he... very very cool artwork.
I absolutely want to watch your future submissions here
Lieben Gruss aus der Schweiz
// Dominik

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sent-off [2018-07-05 07:43:58 +0000 UTC]

Great job, Dominik!
I think the amount of black is just perfect to show the contrast of the sunshine. I don't have a black tint at all, so I struggle for darks sometimes.
If I were you I would simplify the background a bit. Just break it down into some generic shapes.Β 
Congrats on the 100th submission! Keep up!

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dominikgschwind In reply to sent-off [2018-07-05 13:34:58 +0000 UTC]

thank you Steve!
Well... yes, I totally agree with you on the simplifying aspect...
Remember this painting was from october 2017... so hopefully I would work more with hard and soft edges today
I mainly posted it becaus when reviewing my first 100 submissions on DA I realized that this is where the gouache adventure began for me ... and I still hope it all is just the beginning of much more in the future.
Thank however for all your comments... I really appreciate our contact!
// Dominik

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Virtuella [2018-07-04 21:14:40 +0000 UTC]

I like it. I've only been to the South of France once, many years ago, but I remember it vividly and you've captured the atmosphere beautifully.

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dominikgschwind In reply to Virtuella [2018-07-05 13:27:08 +0000 UTC]

this is cool to hear Annette... the fact that you think the atmosphere is somehow captured...
Painting color and light is my highest goal in plein-air work.
But it was not before here that I discovered the potential of gouache for plein-air work.
Even if it only was watercolour mixed with white gouache it was a covering quality and it allowed me to paint light over dark as for example on the treetrunks.
Remember this painting is from autumn 2017...

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Virtuella In reply to dominikgschwind [2018-07-06 06:49:45 +0000 UTC]

I guess I should be more open to experimenting with different pigments. I feel using anything other than pure watercolours is somehow cheating, lol.

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dominikgschwind In reply to Virtuella [2018-07-06 19:57:17 +0000 UTC]

Hello Annette,
don't care too much.... gouache and aquarelles (watercolours) are from the same family and go very well together.
I do both myself and I like both mediums ... but the possibility to paint the light (with positive strokes) which is possible in gouache like as with oils... this is totally thrilling for me
Aquarelles on the other hand have this magic moments when the pigments just do their one dancemoves on the paper... often ending up with a great surprise.
When it comes to acrylics I have to say that I really didn't like those paints... the plastic consistency and the mess with the brushes... absolutely no medium for plein-air painting because you cannot handle the necessaryΒ cleaning routines for the brushes outdoors and the heat and the wind will let things dry to fast.
Oils is something I unfortunately never had the possibility to use as far but I am very interested in it.
We'll see what the future brings... but experimenting with artsupplies is great fun.
Have a nice weekend
// Dominik

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Virtuella In reply to dominikgschwind [2018-07-07 06:32:18 +0000 UTC]

I have done one or two things with acrylics, but found it unsatisfying. Might try gouache sometime. Is it basically a better quality version of what we had in our Schultuschkasten?

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dominikgschwind In reply to Virtuella [2018-07-07 10:46:58 +0000 UTC]

I would say it is far different from what we experienced as chields with the Schulkasten type of paint ... even if this indeed was gouache too.
The way to paint with gouache that interests me is from tupepaint... probably quite a bit comparable to oilpainting.
You take a specified selection of paints on your palette and start painting alla prima.
While watercolours work perfectly in cakes (or half cakes) it's different with gouache as a creamy consistency is key to have the right feel.
However you can do washes with gouache as well... with a certain amount of water they get transparend as well.
A very common method with gouache is the use of an underpanting.
Well I selected 3 videos from James gurney who inspires me all the time (his blog gurneyjourney.blogspot.com is maybe one of the best artblogs by the way).
I hope they will give you more insight in gouache painting
Have fun
// Dominik




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Virtuella In reply to dominikgschwind [2018-07-07 18:39:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Lineke-Lijn [2018-07-04 20:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Keep going Dominik!!Β 
Love this Plain air drawing and hope to see a lot more Β 

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dominikgschwind In reply to Lineke-Lijn [2018-07-05 13:23:43 +0000 UTC]

thank you Lynn,
well... it awakes nice holiday-feelings and memories in my mind
Oh yes I definitely will keep going ...
It was a pleasure to meet you on DA Lynn!!
Let's stay in contact
// Dominik

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Lineke-Lijn In reply to dominikgschwind [2018-07-05 15:10:50 +0000 UTC]

^^ always... Β 

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