#hope #love #support
Published: 2017-03-07 15:25:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 581; Favourites: 50; Downloads: 2
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She hated herself..she didn't mean to. He wanted to hold his head high but he called himself a failure. They punished themselves so desperately when all they deserved was kindness and encouragement...you deserve a chance..you know..?
Some of us get caught in the doorway because we're so unsure. How do we love ourselves when we feel so unloved to begin with? We measure up to those we call great, and feel lost beneath their shadows. We mark a line ahead of ourselves, because we imagine the possibilities.. setting the bar and destination before understanding the journey. When was the last time you breathed..?
Some souls stare in the mirror and they see a failure. They see a monster. They see someone standing in place who will never move on and get better. Your heart isn't crying out in weakness ..it's begging for mercy, and only we can be so gentle and patient to ourselves. I can't see what you see. I can't see someone so impossibly untouchable. I can't imagine you being so terrible. When I stare in that reflection, when I see the years on your face and the hurt in your eyes..despite everything, all I see is you. I pray to whatever being listening that might let you understand how genuinely grateful I am to see that.
If I didn't make it in time...I hope you know that you're not so untouchable, because at least one thing on this planet is reaching out for you, and it's me. I hope you know that you're not stuck in place. That you're not getting worse, but you've been feeling that way for so long that maybe those speculations became your truth. But this all began because you measured yourself up against others and your dreams. Your heart wanted so much and still does! You haven't lost this. You haven't failed. Some never imagine it..some never believe it..but they are worthy of being admired and loved. Of growing and moving forward one step at a time.
So if you never thought it was possible, I want you to remember that you are surrounded by others who believed it was not possible either. I never thought it was possible...so we'll make this dream happen together, okay? I'm reaching out for you, and the pocket watch never comes out for this. You're worth it..you know..?
Inspired by BluJay's " The flight " which can be found here youtu.be/I3yQ38_xYng
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Comments: 8
MoonFlowerSax In reply to Doc-Diventia [2017-03-15 12:30:02 +0000 UTC]
It's really touching, you know.
I can only guess how your mind came up with those words and what your intention is.
I have my interpretations and as I said earlier, those are touching words you formulated there; it certainly raises the value and meaning of the picture which you uploaded there.
Another question, what animal was your model for these creatures/individuals/beings?
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Doc-Diventia In reply to MoonFlowerSax [2017-03-16 15:39:43 +0000 UTC]
You are most kind and I would thank you. No model actually. There are times I just work with shapes that please myself, and this was one of those times.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
MoonFlowerSax In reply to Doc-Diventia [2017-03-16 19:35:36 +0000 UTC]
I see. Though it reminds me a little of a felid creature, considering the ears.
Or fox-like when considering the ears and tail.
Thank you for letting me know.
I didn't expect this answer, to be honest.
So basically "none".
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Sym-biote [2017-03-08 15:11:20 +0000 UTC]
The colors here are so beautiful!! And the idea behind the composition breaks my heart ;; it hits home
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Doc-Diventia In reply to Sym-biote [2017-03-10 03:29:08 +0000 UTC]
I thank you most kindly friend for having taken the time!
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