Published: 2010-04-16 20:09:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 2244; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 2837
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OH. MY. GOD. IT'S BEEN MONTHS. O__OSince I've updated/come to dA. I went to England for Spring Break, came back and got REALLY busy.
EDIT: Changed the lame font.
And yeah, sorry that I'm posting this in the middle beginning of the Super Junior Signature Series. I'm putting that on halt until I can find decent pictures of the boys! Everyone copyrights their stuff, and I don't wanna mess with that. So if anyone can help me out by getting me some good pictures of the other 11, that would be amazing.
But anyway, it's Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. I still haven't played it, and probably won't until this summer if I'm lucky. Ew.
While I was in England though, my boyfriend's roommate was on the verge of finishing.
This wallpaper was made so that I could test some Photoshop Actions. (And holy crap, they're releasing Photoshop CS5 soon. T__T)
Rika's Edition is Here - [link]
Actions Tested (besides some of my own)
Vintage Effects - Photoshop Actions - from ~photoshop-stock
Removing a White Background with Photoshop Actions - from Media Militia
(I also used some of their textures.)