desdainart — Self Portrait V

#artsy #charcoal #charcoaldrawing #drawing #portrait #portraitdrawing #realism #selfie #selfportrait #art
Published: 2018-04-02 16:36:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 402; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description This is my 6th self portrait completed using charcoal in a span of 16 hours. I have been drawing collectively for 11 years, took a break 2006-2009. Self portraits are a perfect way to gauge your progress and techniques over the years since you would be familiar with your own face. (I don't have my very first self portrait here on my dA gallery though).

I have many people tell me, including other artists, that they would struggle with staring at their own face for so many hours. When I draw, I don't see the picture as a whole. I see it in shapes and pieces like a puzzle. I tend to work in one area at a time until near completion before moving on to a new shape or area. I'm essentially staring at puzzle pieces for many hours. I always treat every drawing like artist and subject even if I'm the subject. I think it also helps that I'm very comfortable in my own skin. I don't really have low self esteem which took many years to build (maybe even a little too confident for my own good) and I don't really value my looks as much as others do. So I'm not sure if that plays in as a factor? Whatever the reason, you should always love yourself and be happy with who you are because there's only one of you existing in this wide universe-- make it count.

-- Meks

Duration: 16 hours
Media: Primo Euro charcoal pencils HB B 3B
Size: 13" x 16" Arches watercolor paper hot press 140 lbs
YouTube (time lapse): youtu.be/0uq67QpyLd0
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Comments: 12

ArielRGH [2018-04-09 16:07:19 +0000 UTC]

Your best selfie so far.

You have obviously been proficient enough at charcoal drawing since long ago, but in this one the quality of the reference material was best. It is nice when you start playing with the elements to make a better composition of your own. You look really beautiful there. Congratulations!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

desdainart In reply to ArielRGH [2018-04-18 20:28:02 +0000 UTC]

You're so sweet, Ariel! I really appreciate the kind words. Trying to be more productive with art this year. You know how time goes, time is a luxury. I see you've been getting active again! That's great!

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Nomad55 [2018-04-02 20:32:20 +0000 UTC]

Outstanding work!

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desdainart In reply to Nomad55 [2018-04-04 16:26:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, thank you!

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Nomad55 In reply to desdainart [2018-04-04 21:17:01 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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xxBatzyxx [2018-04-02 20:22:29 +0000 UTC]

Looks like a photograph

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desdainart In reply to xxBatzyxx [2018-04-04 16:26:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Hope that's a good thing.

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xxBatzyxx In reply to desdainart [2018-04-04 17:52:15 +0000 UTC]

Why wouldn't it be?

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desdainart In reply to xxBatzyxx [2018-04-05 16:23:49 +0000 UTC]

Haha... I don't get too many criticisms, but the ones that I do get seem to be because of my realistic portraits. I always get, "What's the point in drawing a realistic portrait when you can just take a photo?" I'm sorry, but I've seen drawings that have surpassed the original photo or reference. There's much more dimensions and layers when hand drawn because the artist has full control of every little bit of the piece unlike a camera. The camera can only capture whatever is given to it. As an artist, we get the ability to capture anything and everything we so choose. Not to mention, drawing real people is very, very difficult.

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xxBatzyxx In reply to desdainart [2018-04-05 19:51:05 +0000 UTC]

I know what you mean. It seems to me that "traditional art" is becoming a dying art. Because so few people are willing to put the time and effort into something as difficult as a realistic portrait. It's easier to just take a picture and edit it on the computer, but in the end, it lacks soul.

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desdainart In reply to xxBatzyxx [2018-04-07 01:21:21 +0000 UTC]

I totally agree! I think it's very under appreciated. That's just my opinion-- maybe I'm just bias hahaha... Though I'd like to do more illustrations. I'll make it my goal this year.

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xxBatzyxx In reply to desdainart [2018-04-07 02:17:00 +0000 UTC]

I could be just as biased lol. I'm sure that whatever you do, you will do it well.

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