DeniseSJones — The Tower

Published: 2011-08-23 21:14:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 2527; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 0
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Description Tarot card: The Tower
Anime: Dirty Pair (the original series)
Characters: Kei, Yuri

"Oopsie! Hope you didn't really need that tower! It was...kinda in the way...er..."

The Dirty Pair have a way of happening when you least expect them. As members of the interplanetary law organization WWWA they get sent on all sorts of dangerous and exciting missions to apprehend criminals on any number of planets - and whatever else you may say about them, they always get their guy. Of course, to succeed they'll do whatever it takes, and often what it takes involves their making a whole lot of people's lives horribly interesting. When they open fire on the corrupt executive C.E.O.'s penthouse suite, it is often the entire skyscraper that comes tumbling down.

When the Dirty Pair brush your life, it usually isn't personal. Most likely you are just someone who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe you didn't listen to that hunch that told you to call in sick to work that day. Maybe you weren't paying attention to the news, or were huddled in your cubicle just trying to get through the day. Regardless, you're somewhere around that tower that is living on borrowed time, and how well you survive when it falls is going to depend on how alert and prepared you are. Did you make any advance preparations for an earthquake? Do you know how to roll with a fall (or a punch)? If you're *really* good and have been scanning the horizon, you might have already built your very own jetpack and have your landing site all mapped out. But this one's all on you, baby. The infrastructure is about to come tumbling down, and you're going to have to be at the top of your game to avoid getting crushed by the falling steel and glass. Whatever happens, your life is about to endure a drastic challenge.

Oh...and if it really is YOU the Dirty Pair were after...heaven help you. You WILL be brought to justice.

By the way, though, if you're tempted to think of the Dirty Pair as a force of evil, think again. We may not like to see them coming, but their intervention is sometimes necessary. When structures in life, in thought, or in society, or whatever - when those structures become an untenable burden, Kei and Yuri are the necessary breath of fresh air that clears the way for something new (and hopefully better) to emerge. It's not for nothing that their official name is "The Lovely Angels".


Meanings at a glance: Sudden change, disaster, a strong challenge - probably not personal

Reversed: The challenge is still coming, but sometimes people just don't learn from their mistakes.


Unstable structures fill our lives - things we built (or became party to) because they seemed to be a good idea at the time, or we didn't know any better, or we just weren't skilled enough yet to build something that was truly strong. Sometimes the structures were fine when we built them, but circumstances changed and our structures didn't change with them. Most often the problem is that something was built on a foundation of Ego instead of an inspired connection with others. Whatever the reason, sometimes we just need to clear the garbage out of our lives and get on with things. This is seldom easy, even when we think we are prepared for it. Even if we share strong, loving connections with others to help us through the shock, there is still some shock. But take heart...as will all things, this, too, shall pass. There is a strong learning opportunity in here somewhere, and if you can find it the chances of having this sort of tower fall on you again are far less.


Artist's comments:
I never want to do this card again. This is the second time I've done it; the first time also featured the Dirty Pair, but it was a physical watercolour painting done for sale at an anime convention art show. I'm not saying I *caused* anything, mind you, but... the first time, around the time I did the card, the company I worked for was bought out and everyone was given a choice to either move to another call center in Louisiana and lose all seniority earned during the years at the local call center, or be laid off.

This time, even though I was trying not to stir any waves (as it were), more than one friend experienced severe upheavals related to their parents, and my boyfriend and I had probably the most significant and severe argument we've ever had. (I thank $deity that both of us are roll-with-punches types, that helps SO much.) As I say, I don't think I caused anything per se, but let's just say I really don't want to invoke this card again. Stuff happens, it's inevitable, but collateral damage sucks. >_<
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Comments: 3

ECNozmo [2011-08-24 16:55:48 +0000 UTC]

I believe I remember your earlier Tower card from several years back (I have a copy of the image in my folders somewhere...). I guess I don't blame you for wanting to avoid the theme in the future (though with the turmoil we live in anymore, it's easy to get paranoid even about coincidences). Your experiences are certainly a far cry from the "imminent flash of enlightenment" that some interpret this card to reveal.

With the Lovely Angels, it's generally safest to be staying right next to them... or on the opposite side of the Galaxy...

I like you work on both versions of the card very much.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeniseSJones In reply to ECNozmo [2011-08-24 23:16:30 +0000 UTC]

Heh! Well...I guess having a Learning Experience could be considered an Imminent Flash of Enlightenment, if you happen to actually learn something you really didn't know before.

Something I forgot to mention but should probably add in based on my recent experiences is what it's like when you actually find yourself in the position of *being* one of the Lovely Angels in relation to the Tower. Not nearly as much fun as one might think... and not necessarily as safe as one might expect, either, although I certainly take your point.

Thanks for your kind words!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Northwarden [2011-08-23 22:47:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow. I can understand why you wouldn't want to be doing this one again.

Awesome artwork of the card though.


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