#goblin #warcraft #marax #warcraft_goblin #world_of_warcraft
Published: 2017-07-14 06:23:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 1525; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 8
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I had a bad day on Wed so I did some vent art an took it out on my poor goblin, Marax.All good now an this was fun to art haha im so mean to my chars.. :T
Drabble minific of not much importance, just some more random backstory from my human priestess' pov
"Just gimme the ale, bub.. and quit ya starin'!"
Marax was not in the mood for small talk right now, his hand still clasped on the one weapon he had on him; it saved his green skin from an unwanted altercation almost an hour ago. The orc grunted with indifference and slid over the mug, then went back to the patrons at the other side of the bar.
He got through a mouthful of the cheap drink before he felt someone walk up to his left side. With a raised brow he looked up over his mug and at the human who sat next to him.
The priestess was already wondering if it was a good idea to approach her new acquaintance, and going by the look on the goblin's face, one she slightly regretted. Even if he was more a friend of Dez's than hers, she was not one to let those she knew suffer if she could help it. She didn't know what her Draenei friend was thinking befriending this one; the Troll hunter she could understand as he was skilled enough for what they had to do in Northrend, but this goblin? All she knew of him was that he was a friend of Raaz', an engineer and a rogue.
She looked him over, the injuries weren't life threatening but they did look painful, and she noted how he didn't even seem to have bothered with patching himself up to stop the bleeding.
"Stare any longer and I'll shoot ya in ya pretty face.."
The priestess raised her eyebrows at that and looked up, he was still glaring at her but with more annoyance than anger, and she very much doubted he would do as he said. Having dealt with Dez's mannerisms for years, she just put on the most innocent and sincere smile she could.
"Aww.. you think I'm pretty?"
The goblin had gone back to his ale and scowled into his drink as she laughed lightly.
"Those cuts look nasty, wouldn't take me long to deal with them for you." Her expression softened and she spoke quietly as she motioned towards his general direction, he was covered in small cuts and even had a few, deeper, nastier looking ones along his side and arms. He didn't turn toward her and continued with his drink, trying to ignore her and her staring, gingerly fiddling with his mug and wincing in pain whenever he did.
"Go bother someone else lady. I don't need ya help."
Stubborn one isnt he, she mused to herself. This was the first time she had actually met a goblin, having lived in Stormwind all her life until the Lich King decided to try and make a mess of things. She wondered if he would surprise her like Raaz did; he was nothing like what she had been told of trolls, surely it was the same with goblins. So far though, she hadn't had much of a chance to talk with him as he wasn't the easiest of their small party to get along with.
She sighed and ordered herself something sweet to drink, while Marax ordered another ale. Taking a small sip she couldn't help but notice how he moved, clearly in pain, and the drink would do nothing but thin his blood, which was still staining his torn suit.
"You know, if you don't recover soon, you'll be useless when we set out."
He was about to retort but she was already walking behind him with a huff - she wasn't about to let his stubborn nature put the others at risk if he were to do poorly in battle. At least, that's what she told herself, it wasn't because she actually cared for the stubborn green bastard. The priestess moved her hands gently over his shoulders as he grumbled and tried to turn on the bar stool.
"I told ya I'll be fine! Let go ya bit-!"
Her hands gripped him tighter, nails digging into the cloth of his suit vest and gave him a bit of a shake. "Hey! If Dez and Raaz see you like this, they're going to ask you what you got into, and I know for a fact that she wonβt be as forgiving as I am. I still can't believe you did that... well ok... maybe I can. But still!" She sighed and relaxed her grip as he settled back down, staring into his mug of ale with a mutter and a shrug.
"They had it coming."
He all but grumbled into his drink. Confident he wasn't going to fight her anymore she moved her hands over his shoulders and down his arms, then slowly over his back, channeling her healing magic through her hands and into his wounds. Watching the light stitch skin and muscle back together with practiced ease, she smiled to herself at once again being happy to be able to do such a thing for others. He let out a small sigh, He must have been in more pain than he let on.
Moving back to his side she gave him a good look over. The only telltale signs he was in a fight was the drying blood on his skin and suit - even the bruising on his face was gone. Satisfied with her work, she sat back down and continued with her drink, not noticing the quick, appreciative look he gave her.
"Thanks" he muttered.
"Any time." she smiled.
Urgh so laaaaame I know.. I struggled ;>.>
Just more getting the feel of my character's personalities.
Also I had my good friend WhiskeyJack do a grammar check this time cause I can't write for shit.