decors — Knight VS Dragon - part I

Published: 2011-06-13 18:34:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 671; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 24
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Description A smart man should perhaps have turned back. An even smarter one would have thought twice but this man was without fear. He got closer to the stall that lay in the far end of the row where not many walked past. Eyes that gleamed in the dark watched the man. The darkness of the stall hid most of the creature in there. It was one of the stalls that nobody really used since it was on the smaller scale as well as being the darkest. The stalldoor was quite damaged, even the bars on the topdoor was banged up.

He had got the offer to ride a very talented horse, possibly even TC - material and who was he to turn a horse like that down. Craig wasn’t afraid of a horse with temper, heck that only made the rides more fun. He would take a horse with some spirit over one of those girly horses any day.

However when he saw what horse it was he flipped up his cellphone. All the while he was talking to the horses trainer he noticed that the horse followed his every move, pressing his head against the bars when he almost walked out of sight. As he came close the horse must have heard the trainer’s voice or if it just was the presence of him because the ears got even more pressed to his scull and if possible the horse looked like he was snarling. Craig had heard some about the horse but even with his experience he had second thoughts. The horse had quite the rep about him, if all of them where true were another matter. One thing however seemed to be that the horse could not be trusted. It wasn’t however until the trainer offered him a higher pay that he perked his ears. The poker games hadn’t gone so well lately and now he owed some money to a mean bugger.

Eyeing the horse back, it suddenly screamed and charged. The stable door rattled on its hinges but stood firm, just as the man did. He listened some moments longer to the trainer before interrupting him “…uhu…yeah…yeah fine…sure I ride him in the race tomorrow…I got to go…bye…” The man hung up. He actually felt sorry for the poor nark, but he was neither owner nor trainer. To be treated like that would do anyone whacked in the head.

His “See you tomorrow buddy” as he turned to leave was only met by another scream and charge.

Now the contracts out
They've put the word about
I'm coming after you

It's not the money I make
It's the thrill of the chase
And I'm coming after you

I watch your every move
Study the things you do
And the pattern of your ways

I watch the way you walk
I hear your telephone talk
I want to understand the way you think

Better watch out, cos I'm the Assassin
Better watch out, Better watch out

I'm in a cold cold sweat
I taste the smell of death
I know the moment's getting closer

And as you walk to the light
I feel my hands go tight
Excitement running through my veins

I've got you in my sights
I've got you dead to rights
The triggers waiting for my finger

I feel adrenalin rush
It's just the final touch
You can kiss your arse goodbye

Name: Assasin's Kiss
Barn Name: Sin, AK
Breed: Thoroughbred
Gender: Stallion
Colour: Sealbay
Genotype: Ee/Aa
Markings: star, socks both hindfeet
Sire: Dynaformer (Roberto x Andover Way, His Majesty)
Dam: Tainted Halo (Halo x Alluring View, Alleged)
Breeder: Real
Raceresult: 6 (2-1-1) $40,750 Multi-Alw wnr

Lyrics: The Assassin - Iron Maiden: [link]
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Comments: 18

ClineVanMark [2011-06-16 05:07:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh! So you did decide to go with the seal bay! He looks good... for having some extreme anger issues XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

decors In reply to ClineVanMark [2011-06-16 05:27:40 +0000 UTC]


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Padfoot7411 [2011-06-13 22:20:25 +0000 UTC]

.....I love this horse, I love his anger and temper such a beautiful fire that burns inside of him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

decors In reply to Padfoot7411 [2011-06-13 22:28:29 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Padfoot7411 In reply to decors [2011-06-13 22:39:40 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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Freawaru2020 [2011-06-13 21:23:48 +0000 UTC]

oohhhh intriguing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

decors In reply to Freawaru2020 [2011-06-13 22:28:41 +0000 UTC]


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Freawaru2020 [2011-06-13 21:23:48 +0000 UTC]

oohhhh intriguing!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kat8674 [2011-06-13 19:55:42 +0000 UTC]

He's gorgeous! YUM!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

decors In reply to kat8674 [2011-06-13 20:32:31 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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kat8674 In reply to decors [2011-06-13 20:37:06 +0000 UTC]


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scaramouche2802 [2011-06-13 19:20:38 +0000 UTC]

mmmm another mad gorgeous thing

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decors In reply to scaramouche2802 [2011-06-13 19:28:56 +0000 UTC]

madly in love?

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Summerhorse [2011-06-13 18:40:57 +0000 UTC]

YAY! ITS A ASSASINS KISS! (: I voted for him (: Hes beautiful! (:

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decors In reply to Summerhorse [2011-06-13 18:45:45 +0000 UTC]

just dont stand to close...he bites!

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Summerhorse In reply to decors [2011-06-13 18:47:05 +0000 UTC]

EEP! But hes sooo pretty.. *moves closer and gets bit* owchie.

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decors In reply to Summerhorse [2011-06-13 18:49:09 +0000 UTC]

he usually would wear a muzzle but...

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Summerhorse In reply to decors [2011-06-13 18:50:14 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha. Good thinking.

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