Published: 2008-06-23 15:14:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1307; Favourites: 52; Downloads: 0
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All those trails leads to anywhere elseNothing's gonna keep from me gettin' away
Every situation that I've never been through
Is gonna be the sacred path to you
Livin' on the hope about anything else
Lonesome valley or the city street light
Picking up our years, whatever passes by
Even if it's not right or half alive
I went down down down
Down to the rainaway town
Down down
Just a little insane but ahead of the game
Fed up with the people I used to hold dear
Looking for reaction in a dead end tear
Everybody's telling me that I should give it up
But I feed on broken dreams alot
Only if you know me can you help me you say
Lookin' for the surface always in the wrong way
Better hold on to whatever you have
You say it's easier if you don't have it all
I went down down down
Down to the rainaway town
Down down
Just a little insane but ahead of the game
And all that i found
Was the other way around
Don't come to near
Don't feed my fear
Now everything's been said
Just a little insane but ahead of the game
I went down down down
Down to the rainaway town
Down down
Just a little insane but ahead of the game
(Just a little insane but ahead of the game)
Just a little insane but ahead of everything
woman by fae-stock
texture by killxthexscenexstock
background from sxc.hu
~einfachnurich [link]
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Comments: 15
einfachnurich [2009-08-01 10:24:12 +0000 UTC]
Featuerd here : [link]
Please fave the article if u like it, so more people can see the pictures
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
aysenursarier [2008-12-05 22:49:48 +0000 UTC]
Looks like a part of a story..And I really liked the colours.
Nice work
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tobyx [2008-07-07 01:07:28 +0000 UTC]
mohnfeld... retro-look... mädchen mit regenschirm... *_*
das könnt schon fast eines meiner hirngespinste sein. respekt, deine arbeiten gefallen mir immer mehr, du wirst künstlerisch sichtlich reifer und entwickelst dich. hut ab wenn ich einen aufhätte xD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
deadstarx In reply to Tobyx [2008-07-07 08:59:43 +0000 UTC]
joa, ich find aber auch, dass ich meine ideen (wenn ich mal welche hab) mittlerweile besser umsetzen kann, als damals. wobei es im gegensatz zu anderen natürlich immer noch totaler mist is^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tobyx In reply to deadstarx [2008-07-07 10:42:31 +0000 UTC]
das würd ich so nich sagen, aber man is ja immer selbst sein miesester kritiker. aber ich meitne das jetz auch vonner themenwahl her, wenn ich an anfangs denke wo du nur deine emobilder n bisl gepimpt hast und das mit jetz vergleiche merkt schon ne starke entwicklung.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
deadstarx In reply to Tobyx [2008-07-07 11:41:35 +0000 UTC]
ha, stimmt das waren noch zeiten xD
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