Published: 2007-06-06 21:14:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 832; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 32
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We're destroying our planet. We're destroying ourselves. Drought on one hand, severe weather on the other. The planet is going balistic. And there's no way back. Once you develop cancer, it's downhill all the way. All you're left with are desperate and futile attempts to save what can be saved. Usually, that ammounts to nothing.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lake Cerknica when it's dry. In the wake of the G8 summit, I'd like to say that in the 17th Century, the lake dried out once in 7 years. Today it dries out "maybe" 3 times a year. That was last year. Since then, it dried out in July '06, then in October '06 (rare), then in March '07... If this continues, counting on possible winter drought next year, in a year or two, it'll be 4 times a year. And sooner or later, the lake will die. Along with all the fish, crabs...
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Comments: 38
LovedAngel [2007-06-15 11:10:38 +0000 UTC]
zgleda kr lepo,
samo me prej spominja na kaksno juznoafrisko puscavo ko pa konc sveta ; )
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Daxius In reply to LovedAngel [2007-06-19 08:12:56 +0000 UTC]
Pa še res tko zgleda, ja. Si morš mislit, da je Cerkniško jezero?
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Aimelle [2007-06-08 14:01:00 +0000 UTC]
sadly, we are
wonderful colors and clouds . the gradient blue of mountains is lovely as well.
Great shot Luka
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falconmjc07 [2007-06-07 18:17:44 +0000 UTC]
wow. Colors and textures are amazing Too bad about that, huh?
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DreamingCharlotte [2007-06-07 13:38:29 +0000 UTC]
ej ful dobra fotka, tko mal surreal zgleda, ampak mi je fuuul ušeč... Drgač je pa tut res kar si napisu spodej... Ljudje čist premal pozornosti namenjajo ekološkim problemom, medtem ko se ti nenadzorovano večajo... gayi
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Daxius In reply to DreamingCharlotte [2007-06-07 15:08:03 +0000 UTC]
A pa veš, da fotka dejansko je čudna, ker ko sem malo spremenil kontrast, če vidiš tisto svetvlobo na robu gozda. Tisto ni moje delo.
Tiste je res toliko svetleje kot Slivnica zadaj, zato je pa izpadlo kot ena svetla črta.
No, pa saj zdaj je itak že vseeno, koliko pozornosti namenjamo, ker smo itak že tako zafurali Zemljo, da ni več vrnitve po moje. Se splača vseeno, ampak je to bolj sizifovo delo.
Itak pa, kar naj, bo več neviht in naravnih katastrof zame za fotkat. Samo čim manj ćrtev naj bo, ker teh ne fotkam rad. (malo črnega humorja...)
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DreamingCharlotte In reply to Daxius [2007-06-07 18:42:25 +0000 UTC]
Ločujmo odpadke
Pacek, tut lepo naravo, brez naravnih katastrof, se da slikat
A bi se temu lahko rekl estetika grdega? ... hm dekadenčnež
Sj se hecam, ne me resno jemat sej vem da se ti tut hecaš
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Daxius In reply to DreamingCharlotte [2007-06-07 22:24:03 +0000 UTC]
Jaz se pa res nikol ne hecam, no, od kje ti pa ta ideja?
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Palkic [2007-06-07 10:23:33 +0000 UTC]
Brave, ostrina, kontrast, besede, resnica!
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Daxius In reply to O-range [2007-06-06 22:19:13 +0000 UTC]
Spank you!
P.S.: Sebe raje nisem omenjal...
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O-range In reply to Daxius [2007-06-06 22:39:59 +0000 UTC]
Mislim, da prehitro tipkaš, Luka, pa si dve črki falil.
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ATAPLATA [2007-06-06 22:01:57 +0000 UTC]
A si normaln, dej opozorilo prej: unbelievably hot photo! :0
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Daxius In reply to ATAPLATA [2007-06-06 22:06:34 +0000 UTC]
OK, bom naslednjič to pripisal.
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Daxius In reply to tinekr [2007-06-06 21:42:30 +0000 UTC]
Hvala! Jaz se pa sploh ne morem odločit, a mi je všeč a ne.
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tinekr In reply to Daxius [2007-06-07 13:02:28 +0000 UTC]
Ti pa tvoja skromnost Lep sočen pozdrav iz Ptuja.
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tinekr In reply to tinekr [2007-06-07 13:02:51 +0000 UTC]
Pardon, sem mislila napisat sončen :shy:
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Daxius In reply to tinekr [2007-06-07 14:56:50 +0000 UTC]
A sonce imate na Ptuju?!?! Zdaj sem ti pa fouš!
Tukaj v KR je oblačno in samo še za spat...
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