#chronicles #cthulhu #dinosauria #grady #horror #monster #nathan #neo #storm #daizua #alayssian #lovecraftian
Published: 2020-05-26 03:31:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 2428; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 1
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Nathan Grady: A Daizua Neo Story (Non-Canon)Episode 13
The storm of Cthulhu and his region reaches Havana, Cuba, guided by Eckhardt as he controls the nine Pieces of Eight, which still swirl in a vortex. Hundreds of people are infected by Cthulhu’s virus. The beast and his servants are immune to the government’s weaponry as well. Nathan, Penny, Roy, Jennifer, Dean, and the Rabid Man all manage to catch up with them.
Dean: Any bright ideas, sonny boy?
Nathan: I’m trying to think of something. This is Cthulhu we’re talking about here. He’s got to have some kind of weakness.
Penny: Wait, you said the Pirate Lords used these to seal away an evil. What if we can use them to send Cthulhu back to where he came from?
Nathan: That could work.
Jennifer: What about Eckhardt? How are we going to get past him?
Nathan: Leave that to me. I got a score to settle with him.
Roy: You watch yourself, kid. This isn’t the Eckhardt we know.
Nathan: I know. Jennifer, Dean, you two are with me. Penny, Roy, evacuate as many uninfected as you can.
Penny: You got it.
They split up. Roy and Penny help the civilians who aren’t infected find a safe place far from the city. Nathan, Jennifer, Dean, and the Rabid Man search for Eckhardt, who has the Pieces of Eight guiding Cthulhu’s legion. They catch up to him, and he sees them with his sickly eyes.
Dieter: You are beginning to annoy me, Grady.
Nathan: And you’re beginning to annoy me, Eckhardt. You’ve been a threat to my family, you killed my parents, you endangered my friends, you stole from me, and now you put the world at risk.
Jennifer: We’re putting an end to you.
Dean: And this “Cthulhu” is going with you.
Dieter: Well, we’ll see about that.
Dean sends the Rabid Man to attack Eckhardt, who dodges and blocks his attacks. Jennifer and Dean open fire at him, and he dodges them. Dean’s gun destroys one of the Pieces of Eight, causing Cthulhu to spasm in pain and roar out. This gives Nathan an idea.
Nathan: So that’s his weakness. Aim for the Pieces of Eight!
Jennifer: Why?
Nathan: I think Cthulhu needs them in order to exist in our world.
Dean: I see what you’re going for. Destroy those gems, and that sends Octopus Face back home.
They aim their weapons, but Eckhardt shoots Nathan in the hand, dropping his gun. Cthulhu descends upon the survivors, but then a missile hits him in the face. He shrills as the Air Force arrives. Nathan takes a look through his binoculars after patching up his hand.
Nathan: That’s the Royal Air Force from England. And I know only one person who can fly a plane like that. Chloe!
From within her fighter jet, Chloe sees Nathan. She smiles, realizing what he is trying to do.
Chloe: Well, Christ alive. All units, concentrate all firepower on Squidward and his freaks of nature.
The Air Force goes all out on Cthulhu. He responds by lashing out. He catches a plane in his giant claw. Cthulhu’s facial tentacles then glow at the tips, and focus the energy orbs into the mouth to make one sphere of energy, which he then fires at them. The planes dodge it, but the blast sets off a frighteningly powerful explosion, akin to a nuclear weapon going off.
Chloe: Jesus H. Christ.
The Rabid Man jumps and snatches a Piece of Eight in its mouth, crushing it like a glass cup. Cthulhu recoils in pain to this, letting out a bellow. Roy and Penny look back at the chaotic scene.
Penny: We have to go back and help Nathan.
Roy: Penny, it looks like hell out there. You’ll be killed!
Penny: Nathan would do the same for us. Besides, I’m not gonna sit on my ass and wait to turn into Cthulhu’s slave. You coming?
Roy: *groans* I’m too old for this crap.
They hijack an abandoned car and head out to aid Nathan. He is continuing to fight Eckhardt to reach the remaining Pieces of Eight.
Nathan: Going somewhere?
He shoots another Piece of Eight, destroying it. Cthulhu twitches, and so do some of his servants.
Dieter: No! You fool!
Nathan: You’re the one talking.
Penny and Roy arrive in the nick of time. Jennifer points her guns at them until she sees them run out of the car and rush to Nathan’s side.
Nathan: Goddamnit, I told you to get to safety!
Penny: We just want to help out.
Nathan: Alright. Listen, we have to destroy the Pieces of Eight. They’re affecting Cthulhu. As long as they remain together, he thrives on Earth.
Roy: Got it.
Penny and Roy take their guns out and destroy more pieces. Cthulhu fires more blasts, one of which brings down Chloe’s jet, which flies towards the gang.
Chloe: Mayday, mayday! Prepare for crash-landing!
Everyone gets out of the way as the jet crashes. Eckhardt takes the chance to shoot Nathan in the thigh, bringing him to his knees.
Dieter: I should have killed you all those years ago, then I could have claimed all the treasures you got before me. Goodbye, Grady.
Eckhardt is suddenly shot in the shoulder by Chloe as she gets out of her jet. He drops the Piece of Eight he was holding, and it shatters.
Chloe: I heard what was going on, Nate. I came to offer a helping hand.
Nathan: I’m glad you’re back in the fight.
Eckhardt begins to shoot at them wildly, and they are forced to take cover, until Jennifer kicks him in the face hard, knocking some teeth out.
Jennifer: Do me a favor and just stay the fuck down.
Nathan: Everyone, fire at the last Pieces of Eight now!!!
They all open fire at once, and continue until the remaining Pieces of Eight are destroyed. The sea monsters suddenly liquefy into piles of organic sludge, while Cthulhu is dragged into a new portal, trying desperately to escape. Eckhardt attempts to flee the scene, and the gang fires at him, but Cthulhu lashes out with his tentacled finger, catching Eckhardt in it. Grady’s rival screams in defiance as he and Cthulhu are dragged into the portal before it finally closes. The storm dies down as soon as Cthulhu and Eckhardt are gone.
Nathan: We did it!
Penny: So, you think this is something to add to your resume?
Nathan laughs. They see Dean and the Rabid Man leave. They make it to his truck, where the Rabid Man crawls into the slot behind and curls up. Dean throws him a huge steak.
Dean: Here, you earned this.
Dean and his pet drive off, as the Rabid Man eats its prize. The gang later finds Dieter’s warehouse, which contains all his parents’ findings.
Jennifer: What’s all this?
Chloe: Discoveries made by Dieter?
Nathan: By my parents.
He recognizes the one he helped his parents find in Peru five years ago. He picks it up and holds it. Nathan closes his eyes and sheds a tear.
Nathan: Mom… Dad…
Penny: This sounds like good material for a new story.
Nathan: Oh this is just the beginning.
Chloe notices Penny is closer to Nathan than the last time she was with them. Penny sees Chloe looking at them and backs up nervously. Nathan notices this.
Penny: I’m so sorry about that.
Chloe: No need to apologize, Burns. If you two are going out, that’s fine with me.
Nathan: So what’s happening now?
Chloe: I’m going back to London. Burns, make sure Grady doesn’t get himself killed.
Penny: You can count on that.
Nathan: I guess I’ll see you around, Chloe.
Chloe turns around, and the others notice she is preparing to leave.
Chloe: Admit it. You’re gonna miss this ass.
She leaves the warehouse. Jennifer salutes them and heads off with Chloe. Penny walks next to Nathan, cradling his arm.
Roy: Well, this looks like the start of a lovely relationship.
A month later, the trio has returned to New York City to take a break from their grand adventure across the world.
Roy: So how long have you two been dating now?
Nathan: About a month now.
Penny: And I’ve been documenting his discoveries too.
Roy: So what did you find this time?
Nathan: A map to a special treasure. Who’s up for another adventure?
Roy: Here we go again.
The three get into their Jeep and drive off. Far away, the Ekons Organization is working on a special operation: a man is lying on an operating table, with most of his right side replaced by cybernetic parts. They activate as he wakes up, and he gets up from the operating table, greeted by his men. It’s Dastard von Deed. He gazes upon his robotic parts, confused but also enthralled.
Terrorist: Welcome back, sir.
Dastard: What have you done to me?
Terrorist: What we needed to do in order to keep you alive, Dastard von Deed.
Dastard: Mechanical parts to replace what I lost?
Terrorist: And also powered by Ekons’ dark curse.
Dastard: Exquisite. As intended.
A mass of shadow and flame then appears in the middle of the room, taking on the shape of a serpentine head with a crown of horns. Dastard and his men bow down to it.
Ekons: The new extinction is upon all life. It will descend soon. There are certain tasks you must fulfill for this grand plan to come to complete fruition.
Dastard: I serve you until my very last breath, my Lord.
Ekons: Dastard von Deed, you and I will be working much more closely from now on.
Dastard: Yes, Master.
Dastard’s eyes then change color, to a burning bright red. A sign of his devotion to Ekons. Now he carries his master’s wishes, but he also wants something else: revenge on the man who did this to him. Eventually, Dastard von Deed would meet Nathan Grady again, in the adventure of a lifetime.
The End
Characters & Story (c) Me, Dinossword
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NickelSmarts [2021-10-24 02:23:18 +0000 UTC]
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