Published: 2010-12-27 06:23:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 9353; Favourites: 190; Downloads: 0
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Because every time I draw Kovu I get multiple "Wheres hisssss scaaaaar???" comments....let me just say,
I dislike the scar on him for a few reasons.
One:: Its freaking cheesy. I hate the idea.
Two:: That gash left a lasting mark? ffttt... I mean I know its Disney and blood doesn't exist in their movies... but... I mean.... come on. If he scarred that easily he'd be covered in them from tussling with Vitani....and training.
Three:: I like his design without it... simple and handsome (in a liony sort of way)
I don't care how others like it drawn, and I don't mean to offend anyone who likes the idea behind it. I just don't, so that's why I don't add it to my pictures. :3
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Comments: 61
HazelTheUnicorn [2015-05-21 16:13:27 +0000 UTC]
I agree with you. People have already said it, but it is plausible that it would have healed anyway, and she did swipe at him sideways. I think it was enough that they so unoriginally named him Kovu, which, if I'm not mistaken, actually means "scar." I mean, I understand why they gave him a scar but... meh. I like him better without one. I like the story that it healed up and then he didn't remind anyone of Scar. So thanks for your ideas!
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AlphaRain-Official [2015-05-12 20:46:24 +0000 UTC]
I think it's very plausible that his scar could've healed after the events of the film.
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Destinyforestwarrior [2013-01-26 23:11:47 +0000 UTC]
yes no scar is how it is
we don't want another Scar
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Ellri [2012-10-18 10:47:03 +0000 UTC]
Lol. Kovu looks so not amused.
I do agree that I thought it was cheesy, to have Kovu get a scar like.. Scar. The writers could have been a little more original. Oh well!
Your drawings of him are awesome, so that's that. :3
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Huzian [2012-08-03 01:43:13 +0000 UTC]
Also, Zira slashed horizontally. But his scar is vertical...
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KingMalka101 [2012-06-16 18:07:28 +0000 UTC]
SssssssSssssssssSsssssssssSssssss you just got hit by a agreed creeper. This creeper seems to agree with you!
to you like what i did there?
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Naoas [2012-05-29 17:40:39 +0000 UTC]
bless this submission.
i've explained this to so many people. I'm glad someone feels the same.
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Mimicwolf [2012-01-17 01:16:15 +0000 UTC]
I think that if it was gunna end up scarring he wwould have to have more or he would have to got it DEEP in the movie I agree
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Sorrel-wish [2011-09-11 05:40:23 +0000 UTC]
Omg. As most of you have said, Someone who's finally thinking the same way that i do!
Plus, how the heck did Kovu receive a scar so easily? Like come on! This mother hit him with her claw, yes, but there should have been some blood before the scar appeared right!?!?!
Anyway. Great job on the NO expression lol.
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JPetrakis [2011-09-07 16:13:53 +0000 UTC]
I love how miserable he looks with the scar on his face.
You're right though-- It is very cheesy. lol
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onyxrayne [2011-08-23 16:39:38 +0000 UTC]
I always wondered that too... With Scar, I can understand, but one little claw across the eye? A scab, sure. A scar.... Well to quote this piece, NO!. Lol.
Nice work! Adding to faves.
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ChibiFred [2011-07-20 21:46:26 +0000 UTC]
lol, I like this. It always annoyed me that they gave him a scar. I was like wow, that was soap oprea-ish.
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featherstreet [2011-05-29 06:56:37 +0000 UTC]
I kinda disagree. The scar is to make him like scar, not because Disney likes scars on lions :\.
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daanzi In reply to featherstreet [2011-05-29 13:28:28 +0000 UTC]
-That- is actually the part that I thought was really cheesy. I get the motive or idea behind it... I just think it was silly and could have been left out.
I wasn't saying that Disney likes scars on lions at all, not at all. O.o I was poking fun at the fact that in Disney films characters get "wounded" and there's usually no blood and in the next scene the "wound" is gone. I know they do this for a reason.... but I just thought it was funny that in all his time being trained by Zira and playing with Vitani that he would only have ONE scar that just happened to look like the villain from the first movie.
But yeah, I don't think that people have to agree with me. That's my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.
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featherstreet In reply to daanzi [2011-05-29 21:01:09 +0000 UTC]
/Needs to re-watch movie.
Kinda never thought about it that way. Good point.
I was going to put something at the end like that XD.
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rosablanca5 [2011-04-01 19:34:21 +0000 UTC]
Plus then there is more symbolism with Kovu overcoming the problems left by Scar and helping the "heal" the pride.
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rosablanca5 [2011-04-01 19:31:19 +0000 UTC]
I agree. My theory is that since (like you said) it wasn't really deep enough to remain, the "scar" faded and disappeared sometime after the movie ended
and back to handsome Kovu!
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Wild-n-Free [2011-03-23 22:21:09 +0000 UTC]
yeah I totally agree!!! People are so freaking sensative about that scar!!!
and yes, it messes up that gorgeous face of his. XD
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the-trash-guardian [2010-12-30 01:43:02 +0000 UTC]
Awww, he looks depressed...probably because that scar messed up his pretty face
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Fumasterfenganimals [2010-12-27 22:09:28 +0000 UTC]
I never liked his Scar. It's to resembling to what his mission was about and I feel that he could easily have healed from that little cut in no time.
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TheRealTilsa [2010-12-27 17:08:28 +0000 UTC]
I haven't even noticed you didn't drew the scar, and I agree with you, scars are cheesy
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LittleHybridShila [2010-12-27 17:03:02 +0000 UTC]
Very nicely put. I never draw his scar either, he is more handsome without it XD
And yeah, I always had the idea that the scar was never permanent
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Kainaa [2010-12-27 16:38:49 +0000 UTC]
omg!!!! i didnt know soemone else felt the exact same about his scar that i do. now that im reading some of the other comments, i see that we're not alone! cool! im going to post a link to this drawing everytime someone says "wheres his scar."
someone last time said "you forgot his scar" and i said "no i didn't" (i purposely left it off, so that's not forgetting) and they kept going on and on about it :/
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marlynxTLK [2010-12-27 13:51:50 +0000 UTC]
haha I agree! he looks better without it! That scar is SCAR'S feature!
It would have been cool if he had a gash there for a little while, and then it grew with no scar and he was not a part of scar anymore
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daanzi In reply to marlynxTLK [2010-12-27 14:12:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah!!!! It wouldn't have been so bad if there was just the scene (and that Zira actually swiped the right direction to make the scar go that way) and then at the end of the movie it was gone. The symbolism would have made more sense that way!!!
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marlynxTLK In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 15:37:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that would have been nice. The angle of his scar compared to the angle of Zira's strike would have been very easy to do right too!
The timespand from where Zira strikes him to the end of the movie isn't that big, so nobody can really say for sure if he'll have a permanent scar anyway... ;D
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TaksArt [2010-12-27 06:51:50 +0000 UTC]
hahahaha agreed with all you say.
and wtf woman, when did you find time to do art after shopping
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daanzi In reply to TaksArt [2010-12-27 07:11:27 +0000 UTC]
HAHAHAHA, lol...You should have seen how quickly I did those outlines...I'm surprised the character is decipherable at all! XD
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TaksArt In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 07:13:58 +0000 UTC]
YOU ARE ONLINE!!!!? agh and icant get msn on this computer
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daanzi In reply to TaksArt [2010-12-27 07:18:48 +0000 UTC]
I am... but I am going to get off in about 5.... 4.... 3.... 2...
as soon as I'm done replying to this and your other comment...
I has work in the morning.... and I'm already not going to get the amount of sleep I need to operate.
I can't wait to see your hawt banana dreamboat arse ASAP.... and if that skankay man of yours is reading this.... OH HAI.... SO I HERD YOU LEIK TAK MOUSE?
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TaksArt In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 07:21:23 +0000 UTC]
nah, the "skankay man" is sleeping. has been since like..11 something. He stayed up too late to play Fallout as it was lmao.
tomorrow. after you work your buttocks off at work all day....you should come over.
we can have tea, and paint, or play katamari, or draw, or write.....OR SOMETHING.
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daanzi In reply to TaksArt [2010-12-27 07:23:27 +0000 UTC]
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TaksArt In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 07:24:29 +0000 UTC]
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TaksArt In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 07:26:33 +0000 UTC]
The alcohol could make it even hotter....
if we can figure out how to get margaritas here...........
otherwise we may have to settle for sober nakedness
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daanzi In reply to TaksArt [2010-12-27 07:29:04 +0000 UTC]
Theres nothing sober about our nakedness. XD
I'm not sure what that means... but... yeah... something....hawt?
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TaksArt In reply to daanzi [2010-12-27 07:32:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh super hawt.
Hawter than we can handle...
Hawter than a banana dream boat.....
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