Published: 2014-08-25 19:28:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 25600; Favourites: 1372; Downloads: 0
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I am so stressed out these days, so much work to do! How is everyone else doing? Still on holidays?
Estoy muy estresada estos días, demasiado trabajo aún por hacer! Qué tal estáis vosotros? Seguís de vacaciones?
pentax k3 & Profoto b1
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Comments: 53
Atlantic20 [2023-01-30 03:20:23 +0000 UTC]
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rukibunny [2014-09-01 02:38:41 +0000 UTC]
This literally gives me chills!
Wow. This is an amazing photo. Really, 10/10 on impact!
The intensity of her eyes is breathtaking. They see right into you. However, with the contrast, of the red, white and black, you have managed to make this a rounded piece, so that those stunning eyes only draw you in, rather than consume and dominate entirely.
The black background was perfect here, as it evens out all the other things going on, color wise.
I LOVE her pale skin. The red hair and lips are at once beautiful and savage. There is a rawness, and feral aspect about it which I love.
I actually really have no issues with this work. It's pretty flawless in my estimation.
Really nice job. I absolutely love it.
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drkqueen24 [2014-08-31 06:27:32 +0000 UTC]
This photo is incredible. The choice of colors were brilliant to emphasis the mood. It truly is hauntingly beautiful. The body position and facial expression suggests the subject is is not one to trifled with. Almost a out for blood kind of feel. The position of the model overtaking most of the photo, forcing the viewer to look directly into her chilling gaze and the red hair falling over the skin creating a even more beautiful haunting look. The red is obviously symbolism, to show the nature of subject. Perhaps a killing nature, as we often associate red with blood and black with death.
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dragonat0r In reply to drkqueen24 [2014-11-10 01:49:30 +0000 UTC]
your critique made me love the photo and favorite it
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JeisonRodriguez [2014-08-28 19:49:05 +0000 UTC]
¡Hola Cristina! Recientemente me topé con esta fotografía tuya y hay varias cosas que me encantan. Para empezar, esta fotografía me ha recordado el estilo con el que iniciaste, es decir, personajes con rasgos dramáticos, labios perfectos, un tono de piel fresco que le da una perfecta ambientación a la imagen, y tu estilo característico, el enfoque perfecto en los ojos. Otro aspecto para destacar es que has mejorado bastante en la coloración del cabello, luce mucho mas realista y la piel está intacta, puesto que en algunas de tus fotografías anteriores la piel cercana a los cabellos también entraba en contacto con la edición de color, se lo complicado que es cambiar un color de cabello por todos estos mechones y cabellos entrelazados sobre la piel, más si no se posee de una tableta gráfica. Algo que me hubiese gustado en esta fotografía es un poco de cuello en el personaje, pienso que el hombro debería estar un poco más inclinado, pero asociándolo con el termino "Daeva" sigo viendo en el personaje un aire maléfico y oscuro, así que supongo que todo encaja a la perfección. Saludos!
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Marieland [2014-10-31 12:53:44 +0000 UTC]
i'll featured your amazing gallery in some of drawind i'll made
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Redscrambledeggs [2014-10-13 20:30:47 +0000 UTC]
amazing picture! again great use of colour, it's wonderful the contrast between the blue of your eyes and the red!
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RebbyLou [2014-09-01 13:43:17 +0000 UTC]
I love how her skin is white again the black background and then the red draws it all in - but mostly I love the ice blue eyes
It looks sinister yet beautiful
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BoDestiny [2014-08-31 20:42:12 +0000 UTC]
wow. the eyes are very powerful. they possess the tiger's glare. one is advised to approach cautiously. they also possess a dark magical mysticism.
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Hunter-Wolf [2014-08-31 18:36:03 +0000 UTC]
So intense and beautiful ... love the strong contrast between white and red here .. and that stare .. if looks could kill all people viewing this would be dead, gladly that's not the case otherwise we wouldn't be able to enjoy it much
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dholms [2014-08-28 02:54:50 +0000 UTC]
intensely beautiful.
a hot and cold dynamic created by the cool blue eyes and the red hot hair and lips.
it's incredible how you can change your look.
i have always been impressed by that.
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industrielluberalle [2014-08-28 02:06:32 +0000 UTC]
I am so gonna draw this... if you allow me, of course xD
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avalanchepark [2014-08-27 23:48:27 +0000 UTC]
my new thing for the day
In the Zoroastrian religion, a daeva is a demonic and destructive being. Daevas are combated by the ahuras who help to uphold the moral law.
Like hellhounds , daevas are beings used by demons as invisible killers. While they are invisible, Daevas do have humanoid shadows. Dean says that daeva translates to "demon of darkness."
is this right? You do look malevolent in your expression.....
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malaugusto [2014-08-26 18:47:48 +0000 UTC]
This gorgeous work has been featured here: People and Portraits Spotlight Vol. 107 .
Looking forward to seeing more art from you at devPREMIUM .
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ordinary-monster [2014-08-26 17:33:27 +0000 UTC]
What could I say... except
She is flaming red
Afterburner in my head
Stains she makes will never fade
She is flaming red
Piercing eyes so cold instead
Fire and ice, the match is made
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JACAC [2014-08-26 13:14:43 +0000 UTC]
o n c e . m o r e . a n . a m a z i n g . w o r k . o f . a n . a m a z i n g . f a c e .
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KatiaInsomnia [2014-08-26 12:53:04 +0000 UTC]
This work is sooo intense and impressive!!!! WOW!!!!!!
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Nahmala [2014-08-26 06:25:39 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic! Love the colors and contrast. Wish I were as beautiful as you are.
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1ForTheMoney2Go [2014-08-26 06:03:58 +0000 UTC]
Sexy & provocative. The lipstick is perfect.
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Kaldazar [2014-08-26 05:00:13 +0000 UTC]
I'll say it here too - I'm completely in love with this portrait.
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fallenmoonmist [2014-08-26 04:26:23 +0000 UTC]
Hey i tried to draw this picture here is the linkfallenmoonmist.deviantart.com/… and i gave credit to your photo. Its so amazing hope u like my fail lol
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RogueWolf33 [2014-08-26 03:12:18 +0000 UTC]
you have a wonderful way of defining emotion with how you express it in your photos. Each scene new and exciting! I love the intensity of your stare in this photo accented by your ruby hair and lips. Contrasted by pale skin and a black background would seem bland if it weren't for your ability to bring out the endless blue of your eyes to further keep the attention in this piece. Your shoulder peeking through a curtain of fiery rain does wonderfully at making the eye curious and the imagination piqued at what the next scenes would be to this image. Knowing your art the way I do, I cant help but wonder, would the watcher be destined for death due to his foolish curiosity or rewarded by something sweeter? An amazing piece for sure! Hold your head high sweet girl!
I have been meaning to tell you how I value your work for some time. Thank you so much for sharing it on this site!
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Kishy-Chan [2014-08-26 02:43:14 +0000 UTC]
Te pareces igualita a Katarina de LOL O_O
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myekeh [2014-08-25 23:04:57 +0000 UTC]
Foreboding with great color tone and contrast, as always great work!
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williamfdevault [2014-08-25 22:05:27 +0000 UTC]
I don't tend to holiday. Between writing, editing and scouring the world for new and exciting talent, I am amazed that I sleep.
Fantastic shot, great energy and beauty to it.
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jumparoundjon [2014-08-25 21:10:36 +0000 UTC]
Fantastic work. Everything works so well here: the pose, the lighting, the composition and the post-processing. Really love it!
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