cosmicspark — Hang In There

#barton #cloud #cosmic #cosmos #galaxy #nebula #painting #skybox #space #spark #star #sun #tim
Published: 2017-01-26 03:31:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 45204; Favourites: 598; Downloads: 0
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Description Hang in there everyone, everything is gonna be alright (it might take 4+ years though).

There's a high resolution file and wallpapers for $1 if you are interested.  The high res file is 4500x3000 so you can see a lot of juicy details.

Painted in about 10 hours over a week.

Check out these other paintings too:
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Comments: 25

Nievamore [2024-09-10 19:16:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

bearyywins [2023-01-02 15:27:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

MrSpeakman [2019-07-12 22:16:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

Sara-Arasteh [2018-07-17 04:21:40 +0000 UTC]

Wow!! Very beautiful work! It also looks like the deep ocean!

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Unkownbrony52 [2017-07-17 04:06:39 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely beautiful work.

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JanKulinicz [2017-06-10 06:58:18 +0000 UTC]

Nice details. This is great.

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Darthu [2017-04-12 18:48:46 +0000 UTC]

i love glows

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DancesWithSeatbelts [2017-04-05 23:10:46 +0000 UTC]


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Sereida-Arts [2017-02-22 18:59:23 +0000 UTC]

This is gorgeous!

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Darkdealer65 [2017-01-30 09:51:26 +0000 UTC]


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zaco21 [2017-01-30 00:05:26 +0000 UTC]

Great colours!

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MetalSnail [2017-01-28 00:08:56 +0000 UTC]

Stunning work!!!

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ErikShoemaker [2017-01-27 17:13:10 +0000 UTC]

gorgeous as always!

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Scorpidilion [2017-01-26 19:04:10 +0000 UTC]

great work

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killzoomer [2017-01-26 12:09:28 +0000 UTC]

do you have any video tutorials online?

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cosmicspark In reply to killzoomer [2017-01-26 14:19:47 +0000 UTC]

Sorta, heres a short video tutorial:

and check out these too:

Two written tutorials here:
Nebula Painting TutorialTrying to explain nebula painting is like trying to explain how to engineer a bridge (my other profession).  If I start at the very basics we'll all die of boredom before we get a beautiful picture. This is an art tutorial, so I will favor pictures over words.
So, lets start with a crucial idea:
The basis of realistic nebula painting is shape randomness.
I have found that my best nebula are those that I didn't plan at all, they emerged from me haphazardly spraying with a brush and then I picked out some cool shapes.
So lets begin:
Step 1: Background Stars

The creation of stars is outside the scope of this tutorial.  My method is to use a custom brush with lots of size, scattering, and opacity variation.  You can also use noise layers to create a quick starfield.
For a quick guide to stars, see this: Stars from Noise Tutorial by For-as
These stars are painted on a black layer set to Linear Dodge.

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killzoomer In reply to cosmicspark [2017-01-27 12:13:13 +0000 UTC]

ok, that's perfect. I wanted to see your process. that's really cool, you draw everything by hand. I rely heavily on application of filters and effects.

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SlimeyTheArtist [2017-01-26 11:04:49 +0000 UTC]

This is so cool! How long does each picture take?

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cosmicspark In reply to SlimeyTheArtist [2017-01-26 14:17:38 +0000 UTC]

roughly 10-20 hours depending on how much detail and planets I put in.

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SlimeyTheArtist In reply to SlimeyTheArtist [2017-01-26 11:05:02 +0000 UTC]

*to make

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tsahel [2017-01-26 04:08:34 +0000 UTC]

it's gorgeous ! I love your nebulas (I want to make more of them)

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cosmicspark In reply to tsahel [2017-01-26 17:49:55 +0000 UTC]

Go for it!  Try working the tutorials below again

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tsahel In reply to cosmicspark [2017-01-26 23:02:56 +0000 UTC]

I will soon : when I finished the wip photomanip

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IridescentCatalyst [2017-01-26 03:52:56 +0000 UTC]

Is there supposed to be a hidden skull in the picture? Anyway, you never fail to impress me with beautiful space creations.

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cosmicspark In reply to IridescentCatalyst [2017-01-26 14:16:31 +0000 UTC]

There isn't supposed to be, but that doesn't mean one didn't sneak in!  Thanks

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