Contraltissimo — Always a way through the storm

#arcadia #eternal #island #legend #legends #lifeboat #moon #red #skies #skiesofarcadia #soa #vyse #contraltissimo #hashtagsaredumb
Published: 2015-11-01 06:34:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1942; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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Description My contribution for 's Skies of Arcadia 15th Anniversary Tribute Book Project .

Named for what Vyse told Marco.

.... It's dark.   ._.             . . . . [Edit 2015-11-04] ~ Okay, not so dark anymore. c: ~ [End Edit]

So much of the time I was working on this, I kept thinking of all the things I was going to say in my description. But now that I'm here, I can't think of anything good....

Skies of Arcadia is a very special game to me. I've only played two games in my life that actually made me feel like a better person for playing them: Harvest Moon 64 for Nintendo64, and Skies of Arcadia ~ Legends for Nintendo GameCube. But I think Skies of Arcadia had the greater effect.

The leading protagonist character, Vyse, is an amazing avatar to put on. He never gives up. He goes for what he wants. He will chase his dreams across the globe and back. He believes that ---nothing--- is impossible. And he believes it so fiercely that it has become his truth. He makes it true.

There is always a way through the storm. No matter where you are, no matter what has been taken from you.

There is always a way back to the sky, back to your freedom, back to your dreams, if you only have the will to dare to go find them.

On a more personal note, this is the first really serious picture I've drawn since a repetitive motion injury I suffered in early April. It was the thumb of my dominant hand--my drawing hand. And I'm too tired to be mad anymore at the dumb job I had at the time that inflicted it on me. In fact I wish them well. But I feel.... happy, and grateful.... that I've been able to draw this much, that I've been able to draw this picture. Maybe I was channeling a little bit of Vyse myself. Just keep on pushing forward, and you can make it.

Just keep reaching for what you want, and you'll find it.

I know every life is limited by time and space, and there are only so many milieus one can dip into during a single lifetime. I realize this, and so I don't use the phrase "you have to read/watch/play this" lightly. People's time is precious. I respect that.

But if you have not played Skies of Arcadia....

....I cannot find words sufficient to recommend it highly enough.

Nothing is impossible.

~ Connie

.... I may tweak and re-post this a few times, but I just wanted to get an image up before October ended---Skies of Arcadia turned fifteen this month! Hence the Anniversary Tribute.

Peace out, everyone.

[Edit 2015-11-04] ~ When I first posted this, I saw how dark it was against the lighter website-background----realized I'd forgotten to play with the dodge tool in Photoshop. I like to do that when I'm touching up at the end: make a pass on everything with burn first, and then make a pass with dodge. Actually fixed it a while ago but haven't had time to upload it here. (Kind of been recovering from Halloween weekend. I am so not doing Aeris-bangs and a twisty-tail again any time soon. And the green contact lenses can just suck it.)

So lightened it up a bit and also.... added some more drippies under the boat and.... dang it, just stuck the sig and watermark on the beach. Didn't quite know where to put 'em in this one.

It's.... an older sig design.... I kinda like it.... ~ [End Edit]
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Comments: 34

Strikehawk [2016-05-03 21:59:45 +0000 UTC]

Wow now that is a beautiful skies of arcadia artwork. Love how it looks and the view with Vyse.

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Contraltissimo In reply to Strikehawk [2016-05-04 01:33:47 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I love this part of the game so I wanted to give it my all!

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Strikehawk In reply to Contraltissimo [2016-05-07 16:42:36 +0000 UTC]

Well you show it quite well and its super

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SilverEyedJackal77 [2015-12-11 18:39:11 +0000 UTC]

Very cool pic!

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Contraltissimo In reply to SilverEyedJackal77 [2015-12-15 23:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so kindly! ^__^

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SilverEyedJackal77 In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-12-15 23:54:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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SuperMisurino [2015-11-17 18:04:13 +0000 UTC]

I saw this in the tribute book, very nice piece!!!^^

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Contraltissimo In reply to SuperMisurino [2015-11-18 01:46:08 +0000 UTC]

Why thanks kindly! ^_^

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JohnK222 [2015-11-06 02:34:31 +0000 UTC]

Looks really great! I remember this bit fondly.
When Vyse was stuck on that island, it was the only time we saw it raining in the game, I think.

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Contraltissimo In reply to JohnK222 [2015-11-06 02:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so kindly!! ;u;  Oh I know, I love this part too.

Haha! I almost chose to draw him looking out from the cave mouth during that rainy scene. I dunno, I just loved the feeling of that part. There's something cozy about watching the rain.

Thanks so much for looking!

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JohnK222 In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-06 02:50:05 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!
I agree about the feeling of watching the rain.

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oOLuccianaOo [2015-11-04 21:43:50 +0000 UTC]

Great picture! *Q*

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Contraltissimo In reply to oOLuccianaOo [2015-11-06 02:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! ^__^

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banthafodder95 [2015-11-04 03:58:38 +0000 UTC]

i love how you draw Vyse. this is Crescent isle isn't it? i love this game.

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Contraltissimo In reply to banthafodder95 [2015-11-06 02:43:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! ;u; Sure is. Love that place. Love Vyse. Love that whole game.

Thanks so much for looking!

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StarsAndOceans [2015-11-02 19:04:42 +0000 UTC]

After all I've read about it in cryptic bits and pieces it's nice to see what it was all about I understand the "wall of earth" and the big moon and the part about Vyse's butt now, lol. The final result is impressive, I really like the perspective and the setting. I know you've given it your all and it really paid off, it looks fantastic Also, good description, you summed it up perfectly! ^^ Vyse is such an inspiring character.

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Contraltissimo In reply to StarsAndOceans [2015-11-06 02:42:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh my goodness thank yoooooooou!! ;u; And thank you for letting me rant it off at you every now and then! That really does help, I must say. It's good to just have an out sometimes. So thank you for lending an ear.

Ha, that lagoon wall...!!!! I repainted that a few times, but I'm happy with how it is. Thought about changing it a bit more, but.... I kinda like the curvature it lends the picture in its current state. Thought about texturing the moon a bit more, too, but.... it was time to stop fighting with this picture! SO glad I took the time to get Vyse's butt under control, though, *lol*. Those island-fish he was hunting must've just been extra fattening.

Thank you so much again for organizing this tribute book, and making this great opportunity. Previous to this I had not done any hardcore SoA fanarts, so I am glad to see that remedied!

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Sharulia [2015-11-02 14:25:44 +0000 UTC]

This is incredible work! I love the little details, the perspective, and how you poured the concept of "never give up" into this piece! 

I loved this part of the game (even though finding all those moon stones after the rain was so annoying XD) because Vyse doesn't give in to his despair when he finds out he's alone. He immediately scouts out the island, finds what he has to work with to survive, and does what he can to repair the life boat. He even takes the time to honor someone else who had met the same fate. Such courage and willpower ;_; 

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Contraltissimo In reply to Sharulia [2015-11-06 02:18:18 +0000 UTC]

Omgosh thank you so muuuhh-huh-huh-huhhhhch!   TT  u  TT    I can't believe I got this picture to where it is. Gads. You know there's always things to work on, but at some point you just gotta let it go. But I think I am satisfied with how it stands right now. ;u;

When I was first doing different lineart possibilities and initial blocking and stuff, I just kept getting closer and closer until I had this crazy fish-eye view going on! Originally it was a wider shot, but having Vyse all close and tight in the picture just.... brought him home, you know? Ha, it was fun (and sometimes mercifully serendipitous!) figuring out how to bend the land. Dang that lagoon wall. |D

And I KNOW!! All things, all situations considered, this has got to be one of the lowest moments in the game! But, because he's Vyse, and he knows there's always a way through the storm.... instead this part always comes off as.... so serene! whenever I play it. The whole Uninhabited Island sequence.

Although, yeah, finding the stupid sticks and [moon]stones (lol I made a pun) can get a little maddening in that twisted patch of woods. And hunting for food forever because they refuse to come at you by more than ones or twos! XD

Gosh I love Vyse. I love this game. So much happiness they shoved into that game. How in the six moons did they do it?

The world may never know.

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Sharulia In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-06 19:43:23 +0000 UTC]

It really looks great! I can tell you went all out on this piece for sure and it's just lovely! The bend and everything... I can see how it would have been an issue. And something about Vyse's butt? Butts can be annoying. I probably would have messed it up or accidentally given him a badonk. Noooooooo, begonementalimage!


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Contraltissimo In reply to Sharulia [2015-11-06 23:54:34 +0000 UTC]

.... I had urbandictionary all pulled up in a new tab and then I thought.... Nah, I don't need to know.

Yeah. Dang butts.

Thank you so much, Sharulia. ;u;

Ha ha, now that this picture isn't sucking my life away anymore I want to go give the other works some love. They've been piling in my inbox....

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Sharulia In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-07 02:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Lol it's not that bad. Something you hear in hip-hop songs mostly. BUT! Yea, I'm glad to be done with mine, too. I poured so many hours... need to work on other things. I did manage to get some extra sketches in for the comment part. Are you going to do that?

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ignesfatuis [2015-11-02 11:17:23 +0000 UTC]

Great job! I like that you chose the part where Vyse was marooned to explain his never give up policy, because it fits so perfectly.

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Contraltissimo In reply to ignesfatuis [2015-11-06 02:04:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! TuT I love the whole Uninhabited Island sequence. If you think about it, it's such a desperate situation, and yet.... it just never feels that way with Vyse. Because he's Vyse. And he knows there's always a way through the storm.

Gosh I love this game. Oh gosh I'm gonna cry. Ha, lucky you, I'm still all exhausted from Halloween and gettin' all emotional! XD

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ignesfatuis In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-06 03:02:37 +0000 UTC]

I always loved the Uninhabited island sequence too! It's so different from other video games where the character has a crisis of faith... Vyse has a pretty major setback and even finds the skeleton of somebody who used to be in the exact same position as he is, and without any outside help or motivational speeches from friends he picks himself up and gets stuff done. Whoot! It's always fun to play as a character who's just so freaking confident.

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Contraltissimo In reply to ignesfatuis [2015-11-06 03:49:24 +0000 UTC]

RIGHT???? Crisis of faith! Agh, are you kidding? Vyse has things to do---he ain't got time for that!

My gosh I love that boy. That game is so freaking inspirational.

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Flurrin [2015-11-01 22:54:36 +0000 UTC]

Wowww. Wowowow

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Contraltissimo In reply to Flurrin [2015-11-06 02:01:56 +0000 UTC]

Just wow that Halloween is over and I'm not dead. 9_9

This is the game, Flurrin, that always comes to fisticuffs with Zelda at the top of my Favorites Podium.


I should art it more.

Uh. My grammar is broken.

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Flurrin In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-06 15:54:14 +0000 UTC]

Or undead, considering the nature of Halloween.

Interesting. I probably don't have a platform for it, though, so I'd have to watch a playthrough.

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Contraltissimo In reply to Flurrin [2015-11-06 23:46:59 +0000 UTC]

Best with commentary. Also he reads the dialogue and does fun voices. X3


Best without commentary....
I can't find any without commentary. ._.


I'll just leave that information in your hands.

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Flurrin In reply to Contraltissimo [2015-11-09 21:08:08 +0000 UTC]

Added to my watch later list.

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Contraltissimo In reply to Flurrin [2015-11-10 04:58:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh how this tickles me.

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shadow2k [2015-11-01 11:29:59 +0000 UTC]

A fitting tribute The Crescent Island part of the game was one of my favourite parts, it just fit so well into the game.

I feel bad that I never got around to doing anything for the 15th anniversary.

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Contraltissimo In reply to shadow2k [2015-11-06 01:55:53 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ;u; I love this part too.

If you think about it, it's kind of like.... one of Vyse's lowest moments, you know?

But.... because he's Vyse.... the feelings of lowness just can't work to the surface, can't thrive for a heartbeat. I love that about him. He is always looking up. ;u;

I think there was a journal about doing even just some little sketch---you could still do something!

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