ClairObscur16 — Authier house in winter

Published: 2016-05-11 18:56:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 499; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 1
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Description Oil on canvas (35x65)
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Comments: 50

dofaust [2019-12-18 00:16:28 +0000 UTC]

I love this.

Its one of the first of your that

caught my eye.

Its the bit of perspective,

and the snow of course.

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ClairObscur16 In reply to dofaust [2020-02-23 08:41:49 +0000 UTC]

Would you hang it on your wall? 

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dofaust In reply to ClairObscur16 [2020-02-24 16:21:45 +0000 UTC]

Silly question!

I meant to tell you that visitors

to the Arroyo SF house, who happen

to see Duckweeds, invariably comment

on it...but not the Asian landscapes...

The Authier is very fine... 

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ClairObscur16 In reply to dofaust [2020-02-25 09:34:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm delighted to get comments about my Duckweeds on the Sèvre...I can make copies... ( No!! I can't!)

 What "Asian landsacpes"are you talking about? The previous deco you'd chosen long ago? 

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dofaust In reply to ClairObscur16 [2020-02-29 16:11:58 +0000 UTC]

Yes, those who are in the room

notice it, perhaps in part because it

contrasts with the asian decor that

has been the nature of the room

for many decades...

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MarkkusArt [2016-10-25 18:34:44 +0000 UTC]

Le rendu de la neige est bien réalisé. J'en frissonne, beau travail.

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ClairObscur16 In reply to MarkkusArt [2016-10-28 18:35:05 +0000 UTC]

 Merci! Cette peinture n'est pas finie, et li y a peu de chances pour qu'elle le soit un jour. Je suis très velléitaire!

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dofaust In reply to ClairObscur16 [2019-12-18 00:17:53 +0000 UTC]

It looks quite sufficently finished!

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Someone-Else79 [2016-07-14 16:38:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah un peu de neige .... c'est très joli, j'aime beaucoup !! J'aime les couleurs que tu as utilisées, et cette rue qui monte ...

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ClairObscur16 In reply to Someone-Else79 [2016-07-19 09:39:33 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

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Someone-Else79 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-07-20 14:50:42 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Owner

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ClairObscur16 In reply to Someone-Else79 [2016-07-21 13:57:50 +0000 UTC]

  cf note

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nehab16 [2016-07-01 07:53:54 +0000 UTC]


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ClairObscur16 In reply to nehab16 [2016-07-01 09:35:30 +0000 UTC]

 I'm not sure i deserve such adjective.... But I'm delighted ! Thank you a lot!

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nehab16 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-07-01 10:49:51 +0000 UTC]

You deserve every bit of it and much more. It's a beautiful composition

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LawrenceCornellPhoto [2016-06-13 16:23:10 +0000 UTC]

Very lovely

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ClairObscur16 In reply to LawrenceCornellPhoto [2021-11-05 08:06:36 +0000 UTC]

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LawrenceCornellPhoto In reply to ClairObscur16 [2021-11-05 08:28:14 +0000 UTC]

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ClairObscur16 In reply to LawrenceCornellPhoto [2016-06-13 17:07:21 +0000 UTC]

 Ah! Thank you!  You are too kind! 

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LawrenceCornellPhoto In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-06-13 18:19:24 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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merearthling [2016-06-05 13:46:01 +0000 UTC]

lovely wonderful a super structure also amazing color all so simple from a master of art!

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ClairObscur16 In reply to merearthling [2016-06-06 06:13:24 +0000 UTC]

 I'm not sure I deserve the title of " master of art"!...Having so much snow , here in the village,  is really scarce: I had to paint it! But I can't say that I'm used to painting snow! Not easy!

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merearthling In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-06-06 15:16:42 +0000 UTC]

aww maestrosa maybe! a lovely painting regardless

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artin2007 [2016-05-22 23:20:18 +0000 UTC]

I hope that if its still unoccupied,
that the next occupants appreciate its
I think you have shared some beautiful
aspects of your own house.
But any more would be appreciated.
I think I have shared a few of my
small abode in Gold-mining country.
And, more to come.... I just had the 
very grass cut down, for fire season, 
as required. For the next 3+ months
it will be quite dry, and usually
but not always quite warm. Mostly it
is still cool, as if we have started a 
cooler cycle of years. But, the drought
in much of central and southern California

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-05-30 17:09:16 +0000 UTC]

 There will be no"occupants". The house is a partywall of my Monegasque friends' property ( Le Verger) and they have bought Authier house, in order to prevent anyone to invade the nice little garden behind the house, just beside their own garden. So, Authier house is empty, though they have begun to restore it...a certain time ago! They live at Monaco and Paris, eventhough they love their house of Bonnes.

 Do you find any time to care your garden? I believe that the climate will be warm in summer! How not to hear of the fires every year in California?  The house ( in SF)of my friend has been totally burnt up some years ago. And we have seen what has happened in Alberta, somme weeks ago...
 I have the feeling that American people doesn't worry about the climatic changing. Am I wrong? Playing golf is important!

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-06-03 15:27:39 +0000 UTC]

I am glad to hear that the Authier house will probably not be rented
to a rock band.  Can you sneak around and get photos of their
garden, or photos of any local gardens? I have a suggestion of
yours from your paintings. I love gardens, but must be happy with 
pretty much unadorned nature here in Coarsegold,
or a rock+succulent/cacti+very drought-resistant flora "garden" here,
because of the extreme fire hazard
and hungry deer. My care here is pretty much constant weed-cutting
and pulling, and spraying for insects, and trimming branches that
get too close to the house. The first year I was here, I had to take
down a rotten tree in the middle of the driveway, and another
that was almost touching the house. Both one of many forms of 
Oaks. The remaining Oaks and Granite and Mesquite, and very pretty,
but extremely poisonous Oleander everywhere....if I ever decide to depart
it shall be a very choice tea....ha

It was very different in the Santa Cruz mountains.

If SF at Jeanne's  it is more complicated...

Remember, its a big country. Climate Change is a popular
topic here. And politicians in cities such as New Orleans, New York,
and San Francisco especially are trying to take it seriously.
But its still contentious, despite all he evidence.
I do not understand the minds of climate-change-deniers!

I will make an effort to gather pictures for you today and tomorrow,
whilst I have a little time, before returning to SF.

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-06-04 06:51:47 +0000 UTC]

All the trees of Santa Cruz mountains are precious and magic?
 I'm not convinced of the American Politicians' ( and american people too...) will to "take seriously" the urgent problem of the "climate change" seeing that most of the U States are nor burning up, invaded by waters, or totally dryed out. ( dried?). You should see the banks of the Seine in Paris to day...

 What is your suggestion about the painting I could do in the gardens of the Chemin de l'écurie? It's the eldest way of the village: a lot of houses dating from the XVIIe, or the
 XVIIIe ( as mine) We have a well in our upper garden, in which everyone could go and fetch water until 1950: then the running water has been fit out.
 You'll find a lot of pictures in my next packet.
 Did you look for the tree you prefer in your garden, which I could draw, with pen and ink, in order to give this drawing a little '"XVIIe style"? You would "paint" it digitally
 ('correct?) just to exhibit the two on your wall....

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touchofthesoul [2016-05-22 18:12:13 +0000 UTC]


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ClairObscur16 In reply to touchofthesoul [2016-05-22 19:23:41 +0000 UTC]

 Thank you so much Hélène! 

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artin2007 [2016-05-16 20:25:37 +0000 UTC]

Yes, this is stronger - in some ways -  than several
of your others: the palette, 
the clarity/simplicity (no criticism of the impressionistic..)
and the fine balance of the winter colors.
Please, where is this house?

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-05-30 17:15:31 +0000 UTC]

 Thank you for this positive comment! I'll send you a map of the Chemin de l'Ecurie with some informations: you 'll just have to go on Google Earth to identify the houses I have been used to paint.

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-06-02 05:37:04 +0000 UTC]

Ok, I'll try google earth (or "street view").
Please give me the full address
of one of the houses on your street.
(I need to copy your address from your 
wonderful packet(s) - but it will be easier
to do the google if you give me the full address
via a note here...

BTW here's Jeanne's SF house address:
2 arroyo way, san francisco, california 94127 usa

and my Coarsegold abode:
43200 ranger circle drive, coarsegold, california 93614 usa

Let me know what you see in google...the photos of either
house may be several years old.....

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-06-02 15:49:52 +0000 UTC]

 Read my note.

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2017-05-18 22:26:44 +0000 UTC]


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rollarius55 [2016-05-16 12:02:32 +0000 UTC]

Great winter view, Claire!
Dating from last Winter?

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ClairObscur16 In reply to rollarius55 [2016-05-16 16:33:17 +0000 UTC]

 It has quickly been finished. In french one says "expédiée"! polished off?!
 It has been  begun in winter 2014. No more snow since this period!

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rollarius55 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-16 18:39:59 +0000 UTC]

I like it, Claire, anyway!

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ClairObscur16 In reply to rollarius55 [2016-05-16 19:32:27 +0000 UTC]

 Thank you, Dirk!

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artin2007 [2016-05-13 19:52:10 +0000 UTC]

....just lovely. Every new work of yours seems
to surpass so many you have done,
as good as they are.

The beige seems an unusually nice compliment 
to the snow. Also its very pleasing to have the sky
virtually match the color of the house.

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-05-14 07:50:29 +0000 UTC]

 You sincerely think that this painting is better than my previous works?? !! It's  not my true style!  The drawing is too precise. more important than the color. You have seen the first stage: do you think that what i add in a hurry...is an improvement? The sky? The wall of the barn, the background? I'm only satisfied here with the little barrier and the lantern...

 If the sky matches the color of the house, it's a miracle...And the banister of the stairs will never be finished....

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-16 20:33:42 +0000 UTC]

yes. see earlier...

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-16 20:25:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, this is stronger - in some ways: the palette,
the clarity/simplicity (no criticism of the impressionistic..)
and the fine balance of the winter colors.
Please, where is this house?

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ClairObscur16 In reply to artin2007 [2016-05-22 19:36:37 +0000 UTC]

 This house is almost in front of my own house. It has an indefinable charm. The garden, behind, is a veritable paradise: lilacs,  peonies, tulips,iris, an old  vine arbour . The house is empty, since the old lady died long ago.

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artin2007 In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-24 04:20:49 +0000 UTC]

You captured some of its subtle charms
in both pictures you have done of it.
I assume that it is a beautiful
shade of light blue.
Has the house been for sale,
if I may ask?

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JohnPatience [2016-05-12 07:23:57 +0000 UTC]

It's interesting to see this new version of Authier house, I like the limited colour range which give a more graphic appearance.
I hope this wasn't painted yesterday, the weather wasn't too bad here. 

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ClairObscur16 In reply to JohnPatience [2016-05-12 11:50:04 +0000 UTC]

 Quite good in the Christmas card style....
 Two years ago, do you remember we had the only heavy snowfall  for the last ten years...

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JohnPatience In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-12 12:46:54 +0000 UTC]

I'd rate it better than that.

I remember. This is not a good place to make snowmen.

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ClairObscur16 In reply to JohnPatience [2016-05-13 07:35:39 +0000 UTC]

 John, I'm so disappointed that you didn't any comment about my " Michelangelo-like" hand! (artin2007 dixit
 It's the first drawing I have truly  been working for years!

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JohnPatience In reply to ClairObscur16 [2016-05-13 08:32:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry to have diappointed you Michele but I did warn you that I wasn't one for commenting, this fact says much more about me than the quality of your work.
Hands are perhaps the most difficult thing to draw and of course you did a great job, Michelangelo himself would have been hard pressed to improve on it.

Bye the way Jane and I are both enjoying the Irises and for that many thanks.

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Boias [2016-05-11 21:07:25 +0000 UTC]

Hi "Clair"! Nice to "see" you .
New work ?...  Very cool winter scene btw .

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