Published: 2013-04-10 02:21:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 280; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 4
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i finally finished it 0.0this is my part for an art trade with
i drew her oc, Genevira
there were a few drafts...and i still have one drawn on watercolour paper that i just didnt want to wait to be able to do....
so i did this instead!
but i may upload the watercolour one whenever i do it
i hope you like it, dear^^
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Comments: 47
mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-14 19:42:04 +0000 UTC]
Yea I know what you mean but scanners are better then normal cameras
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-15 00:54:44 +0000 UTC]
but sometimes if you use a really good camera
it can be better than a scanner
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mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-15 18:51:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm not sure about that. just trying to position artwork to a camera is a pain in the ass.
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-15 19:41:53 +0000 UTC]
i speak from experience
my art teacher photographs our pieces with an slr camera instead of scanning
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-15 23:17:09 +0000 UTC]
they come out better sometimes
and most of our projects are too big to scan
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mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-16 18:40:55 +0000 UTC]
Yea I guess, I wont lie I kinda hate my art class
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-16 20:59:40 +0000 UTC]
i like mine
but its a lot of work and its a stressful pain in the ass
but im in an ap class and we have to submit a portfolio
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mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-16 21:39:25 +0000 UTC]
The thing about art class is that I dont really learn anything, even one of my friends who sucks at art and wishes that an art class would help him realized he barely learned anything useful I'm not joking almost everything Ive learned so far were from friends who looked at my artwork told me what to do to make it better then get slightly better every time I get advice, not only THAT but they want our artwork to have "personal meaning" and I honestly dont feel comfterble "expressing" my life to complete strangers, if I where to express myself in my artwork, 2 things would need to happen, you kill me right after I show it to the class or I kill everyone who saw it. I just bullshit and put some bullshit personal meaning, the kind of bullshit you get in a fortune cookie, not only that but the fact that I have no friends in that class makes it more boring, I think that class forced me to be more social to people I dont know, I just make friends by being forced to talk to people...weirdly I have alot of friends... anywho sorry for the long rant.
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-16 22:32:45 +0000 UTC]
you'll learn what you chose to take in
plus art is more about practice and feeling things out for yourself
I don't think there's really a need to be so self conscious
opening up to more people can help others find you approachable to make friends with
and if they don't, who cares?
its not like you remember everything about people you aren't close with anyway
and that goes for everyone
plus you can always lie as for explaining your art if you don't want people to know that much personal info about you
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mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-17 00:04:49 +0000 UTC]
Yea your right I guess, I just have some pride problems, I tend to have this tough guy mentality to a certain extent opening up with people wasn't ever really my strong point, I only open up to people if they open up to me face to face, plus Im extremely unproud of my past. I can open up to people to a certain extent, I think the reason i dont think i could get a date is because I guess Im a bit to stubborn to admit to "liking someone". Im not like ichigo though, Im still a nice person other then the fact that I dont like being to close. Its just personal space I guess.
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-17 01:42:20 +0000 UTC]
that's understandable
but the past is just that;
so don't let it control you too much
there's also nothing wrong with not liking anybody
dating is not terribly important at this age
focus on making friends and learning how to treat others, and yourself right first
and personal space is a wonderful thing
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mightypie9001 In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-17 18:55:12 +0000 UTC]
I dont really care about dating honestly, Im not one of those loser guys who are all like "OMG DUDE I LIEK NEEDZ MIE A GF AND ANY1 WITOUTZ A GF IS LEIK A TOTALL FREAKKKNIN LOSAH!" I just dont feel confterble expressing too much of certain emotions, If I go past my limit I feel like I just wanna get out of the situation and just run, but that wouldn't be mature of me, so instead I just wish A 20,000 pound apple would crush me. as far as the past goes, Its behind me, I just tend to forget about it and I dont think about it, I just cant stand when sometimes Im forced to think about it. I treat people...alright I guess I'll admit sometimes I tend to be too much of a prankster and sometimes I can be really bossy.
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-17 21:39:14 +0000 UTC]
well that's pretty good
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CK-Hollows In reply to mightypie9001 [2013-04-14 17:02:40 +0000 UTC]
it looks better in person..the scanner kills everything-_-
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Mahersal [2013-04-10 17:52:35 +0000 UTC]
THANKS SO MUCH!!! This looks so good!!!
I love it so much!!!
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CK-Hollows In reply to Mahersal [2013-04-10 22:03:04 +0000 UTC]
i am very glad you like it^^
i still have another draft that i had actually planned to do originally but i didnt want to make you wait for it...
so if i ever finish and post it i will let you know!
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CK-Hollows In reply to Mahersal [2013-04-11 01:25:03 +0000 UTC]
no problem...im just a bit neurotic that way....
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-10 03:53:27 +0000 UTC]
thank you my friend^^
it was quite a taxing drawing...
I have a terrible habit of hating something before it is finished...
because I forget that I have so much to do before it looks how I want it to
do you ever have that feeling?
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-10 04:04:53 +0000 UTC]
It happens all the time. That's why I'm better with writing than with drawing, I'm better with words than a pencil. I can see the end result, but getting there is just so difficult with my lack of knowledge, and it ends up looking much different than I thought.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-10 04:26:20 +0000 UTC]
I wish I could be a better writer..i just don't have the commitment or skill
my words tend to come out like nonsense and before I know it
the paper has become as disastrous as my mind
yeah things rarely come out exactly how we envision them
but sometimes that's not such a horrible thing
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-10 19:12:34 +0000 UTC]
Sometimes it's a good thing, a great thing! It's only a problem if we think it is. You never know; others may see something wonderful.
I think you've got wonderful talent, and what you do with it, either via writing or through visual art, will always turn out spectacular. You will do great things, I know it.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-10 21:59:59 +0000 UTC]
that is true
thank you my friend
you also have quite lovely abilities
and you already do wonderful things so they can only get better^^
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-10 22:03:23 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. And thank you, friend. : )
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-10 22:11:43 +0000 UTC]
on a slightly random note, but i dont think i told you
i now have a complete russia cosplay!
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-11 01:47:30 +0000 UTC]
You never did tell me, and that is awesome! When did you get that?
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-11 01:49:28 +0000 UTC]
well I got the outfit last year for my birthday
but I just recently got the wig to finish it off^^
I had sent a picture of it to my friend
but when she saw it she didn't recognize me and thought I was some sexy man instead.....
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-11 03:09:45 +0000 UTC]
Well, at least she thought you were sexy. There's something.
It's awesome that you've got the cosplay! Are you going to go to any conventions any time soon?
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-11 03:17:09 +0000 UTC]
haha yeah my friends often confuse me for a hot guy at a distance or first glance....
its very amusing though
and I will be going to a local one in October!
my sister has Britain cosplay
and my mom, france!
I am quite excited^^
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-11 03:40:44 +0000 UTC]
Aw, awesome! That'd be so cool, have fun! It's been a year since I went to a convention, I really hope there's one around my area soon. I missed comic con last March.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-11 04:29:48 +0000 UTC]
it is fun!
I went last October
but I didn't have my wig back then...
I also cosplayed lau from black bulter^^
I never really posted pics...I probably should!
I hope you get to go to one soon!
they're so fun
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-11 04:54:23 +0000 UTC]
I had a blast at my last one, found some deviantARTists as well. It was so neat! I think I'll go as the music player next time. Any good videogame needs a soundtrack, right? Someone's gotta make some noise.
Post the pics, I'd love to see them!
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-11 12:55:37 +0000 UTC]
haha thats pretty awesome^^
there were other DA artists at mine
but i missed the meet and greet that they had set up...
i was sad 0.0
how would you cosplay that?
id be curious to seee it XD
and i shall try to remember to!
it will be your first time seeing my face
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-11 14:57:35 +0000 UTC]
Aw, that sucks. : ( Maybe you can do the meet and greet next time.
And for the cosplay, I'd just dress up all in black and carry instruments with me. Clarinet, keyboard, maybe a panflute or an ocarina, if I find one again. Play all the songs I've learned from videogames. I'll take a picture or a video when I do it, post the pic up on here, put the video on tumblr or youtube.
And yes, it will be my first time seeing your face! I've always wondered what you looked like. Of course, it's your face, you don't have to show it if you don't want to.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-11 21:11:00 +0000 UTC]
yes i hope so^^ i also learned today that i got two free tickets to that convention in october! super yay!
that sounds awesome! 0.0
you would definitely have to take some pictures because that'd be awesome to see!
Well i dont look all that spectacular so dont get too excited XD plus i will be cosplaying a man in my pics so its not really what i look like all of the time
(actually i do wear guys clothes a lot...but not the ornate ones of an anime character!)
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-12 01:36:56 +0000 UTC]
Aw, that is lucky as heck! Congrats on that, friend! : D
And I promise, I'll take pictures for you to see.
Also, I'm sure you'll look spectaular, despite what you say.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-12 04:19:12 +0000 UTC]
yes i am quite glad^^
huzzah i shall await your awesome photographs
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-12 10:36:24 +0000 UTC]
I need to be sure I can take them at a convention first, friend! XD It'll be a while! I think one of my friends mentioned a convention in August, so I'm hoping that then will be my chance.
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CK-Hollows In reply to jkhmangafreak [2013-04-12 14:02:27 +0000 UTC]
i know >.<
i hope so!
conventions are so fun^^
but when they end i get a bit of post-con depression...
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jkhmangafreak In reply to CK-Hollows [2013-04-12 17:45:05 +0000 UTC]
I've only ever been to one, but I must agree, by the day after the whole excitement has fizzled out and you feel kinda upset that it's done.
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