Published: 2010-07-15 09:39:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 816; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 15
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this work is requested by frijole007Saiyuki in Japanese MANGA(ANIME),
Sanzou and Daiyu(frijole007's OC)
first time, The key word that I had received was this...
"him holding her by the arms and looks like he's telling her a secret"
...What is her's secret!?
only one sentence, but very this is very interesting!!
frijole007 surely have the talent of storyteller!!
and about background,
' inside a Buddhist temple '
Most Japanese are irreligions. Or, it is same mean, polytheism. In general,
*the wedding...The Christianity
*event of the year...Shintoism
*The grave...Buddhism (we say...'namuamidabutu...')
*and there are many 'YOUKAI' in Japan.
Therefore, there are few buildings that seem to be the Buddhisms...
Then, I referred to the Buddhisms building in India, and another country.
This background doesn't actually exist because it made the image from a lot of buildings.
However, I aimed drawing such atmosphere.
so, If buddhist's person sees, it is likely to say...' This is wrong!!
(When becoming it so, I'm sorry...
this works very interesting for me!! (especially, about background!!)
thank you for the request, frijole007 !!
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Comments: 52
Okemaya [2010-07-20 05:29:36 +0000 UTC]
This is so amazing~! The pillars are so detailed its mind blowing! <3<3<3
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Cielrune In reply to Okemaya [2010-07-21 13:36:48 +0000 UTC]
oh, thank you for seeing the detail!!
yes, the pillars...I had many time for these...
but It was very interesting work for me!
thank you!
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frijole007 [2010-07-16 03:42:51 +0000 UTC]
Wow...I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you SO much, Cielrune, my friend!!! I absolutely love this! This came out so lovely! I love your style like always and the way you draw anatomy and backgrounds. Oh my GOD the backgrounds!
Everything about this piece just flows together. I really love Daiyu's expression, you did a FANTASTIC job of drawing her in your style! She looks so lovely! Instead of like a boy when I usually draw her! Haha! The colors are vibrant and everything is just...yeee!
I loved what you did with the background! It's so lovely and you did an excellent job of mixing different sources to create a background that would fit! It's really amazing what you can do! Your skills are just...beyond my comprehension! You are truly a great artist! Thank yo so, so, so much, my friend! I really do appreciate that you made this for me and I wish I could pay you, but maybe I can draw you something in return! I know my skills are NOT as great as yours but I would be so happy if I could draw something for you in return!
Thank you so much again!
Thank you so much for taking my request!
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Cielrune In reply to frijole007 [2010-07-16 09:18:37 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome, my dear frijole007!!
I'm very very glad that you love this work!!
original-Sanzo is soooo cool!! and He is very fashionable!
so, sorry, I was not able to draw cool of him all...
but I was relieved that you love this!!
sooooooo thank you!!
and thank you for your request!!
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kazelee [2010-07-15 23:45:20 +0000 UTC]
How adorable~~ >3< I love the smile on Saiyuki's face. He looks like he has a secret indeed 8D And Daiyu's face is cute too, and a little surprised. By the intensity in his eyes maybe? And I love the lighting too. Lovely~
And the background is amazing too~! 8DD
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Cielrune In reply to kazelee [2010-07-16 09:06:54 +0000 UTC]
Hi, kazelee!!
I'm looking forward your comment!!
I think your comment is as if reading the novel.huhuhu...
When I read your comment, I say...'yes!' 'yes!!' 'It is true!'...hahaha!
Oh, Do you love the lighting? sooo thank you!!
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kazelee In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-16 17:00:27 +0000 UTC]
Aw, that makes me happy~ >//3//< And Kaze is fine~ X3
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Cielrune In reply to kazelee [2010-07-18 22:37:06 +0000 UTC]
oh, May I call you Kaze?!
Hi, Kaze!!
'Kaze', This pronunciation mean 'the wind' in Japan!
OK, instead, you can call me 'ciel',
this mean as 'the sky'(Le ciel) in French!
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Cielrune In reply to kazelee [2010-07-18 23:24:23 +0000 UTC]
huhuhu we are 'the wing' and 'the sky'!!
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dondeedun [2010-07-15 20:57:44 +0000 UTC]
I really love the lighting on this!
You're very talented at shading and drawing hands <333
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Cielrune In reply to dondeedun [2010-07-16 08:49:47 +0000 UTC]
oooh!!CollisionDrive, you noticed the detail!!
I thought everyone will not notice this detailed point!!
thank you for looking until the detail in my illustration!!
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dondeedun In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-16 19:07:27 +0000 UTC]
Of course! It would be hard to miss your amazing detail! ^^
You're very welcome~
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Fiveonthe [2010-07-15 12:53:46 +0000 UTC]
So beautiful! As always ^^ And I love how with every picture you draw there's a meaning behind it ^^
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Cielrune In reply to Fiveonthe [2010-07-15 13:33:42 +0000 UTC]
oh, thank you!!
you said...'behind'!!
I hope...when everyone sees my illustration, they can read behind some stories.
I always think that I want to become to be able to draw such a illustration.
so, I'm very glad for your word... 'behind'!!
thank you sooo much!!
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Fiveonthe In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-16 01:24:26 +0000 UTC]
Mhm, always for me! ^^ You're so good at it
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-15 10:39:16 +0000 UTC]
Do you know Saiyuki!?
ooooh, As for the MANGA of Japan, you are more well informed than I!!
I read this for the first time this time. (...little bit)
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-15 10:49:45 +0000 UTC]
Yess, I was a big fan in 2005 xDD I love Goku the most always saying he's hungry, just like me xD
Haha, maybe because I have so much time...
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-15 13:17:16 +0000 UTC]
Goku!! he is so cute!!hahaha! Do you say always 'hungry!'!?
hahaha! you are so cute!!
oh! It is good that there is a lot of time.
Please divide to me!!
I think that one day have 36 hours.
There are a lot of things that I want to do.
(However, when it is achieved, I become a grandma early... )
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-16 07:09:09 +0000 UTC]
XD yess <3 Aww thank you
There are 24 hours OTL
I'm still only 13 so I have so much time in my hands 8(
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-16 08:37:58 +0000 UTC]
13!! you are soooo young evil!!
'Hi, the mirror, Who is that the youngest(most beautiful) in the world...?'...uuum, there are not apple-icon...uuumm
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-16 09:52:13 +0000 UTC]
I know ; u ; But there is this
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-17 18:33:11 +0000 UTC]
oh! !!
wooooow!! It appeared!!
...!? I am a villain before one is aware..!?
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-18 00:23:24 +0000 UTC]
*dies from eating apple*
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-18 23:23:14 +0000 UTC]
...and you will be taken to the hospital the ambulance before the prince comes...
...so, you missed meeting of the fate... The End... !!!???
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-19 12:17:27 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome....!!!???? ummmm??? I am evil...?
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-20 06:52:50 +0000 UTC]
You killed me with the apple xD *ghost of yukamina*
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-21 13:13:26 +0000 UTC]
I am embarrassed...
You have become an angel!
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-22 05:36:59 +0000 UTC]
I was supposed to be evil
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-23 06:41:24 +0000 UTC]
The prince who rid on the white horse is sure to help me!! ...Though I don't understand where he is...
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-23 06:46:34 +0000 UTC]
WAHAHAH YOU CAN'T RUN AWAYY *takes apple from basket and makes you eat it* hehehe
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-23 07:29:23 +0000 UTC]
oh! my! god!! (oh, it's mistake, "Oh! my! prince!!")
I think that my stomach digests the apple because it is strong...
"oh, thank you, mam! It was a very delicious apple!...oh! this is not apple...this is ...the basket!!"
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-24 08:05:02 +0000 UTC]
ROFL Why are you eating the basket?!
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-24 20:07:36 +0000 UTC]
oooh, In the world, There are children who eat to the house, too!!
(...house of cake)
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-26 09:33:55 +0000 UTC]
Do you know the story of the house of cake?
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-26 09:36:05 +0000 UTC]
Yes, the one about Hansel and Gretel? When they get tricked by a witch xD
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-27 06:47:34 +0000 UTC]
No! Hansel and Gretel is not... Yukamina and Cielrune...
The witch has children eaten the house, in addition, she is killed by children.
What a frighten they are children! (โงโโฆ)
(...but the house was very delicious...*give a belch*)
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-27 07:05:20 +0000 UTC]
OHH XD Then what was the story about the house of cake?
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-27 08:02:41 +0000 UTC]
That story exists to prove Yukamina's stomach to be the strongest.
oh, you are strong...
I do not seem to be able to win your stomach at all because I am weak...
(the house was very delicious...)
Regrettably, I transfer the position of the person who has the strongest stomach to you!!
(the house was very delicious...yes...)
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palmtreehero In reply to Cielrune [2010-07-27 08:09:42 +0000 UTC]
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Cielrune In reply to palmtreehero [2010-07-27 08:35:32 +0000 UTC]
yes!! you are strong! (...as for the stomach...)
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