#gem #homura #magi #magica #magika #mahou #puella #shoujo #soul #soulgem #akemi #madoka #mahoushoujo #akemihomura #mahoushoujomadokamagica #puellamagimadokamagica #homuraakemi #mahoushoujomadokamagika #puellamagi
Published: 2015-02-04 17:22:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1581; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 3
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Since I did Madoka, I thought it'd be nice to do Homura as well ^^ I actually finished this a long time ago but I wasn't really satsified so I just didn't upload it and then I forgot about it ^^'Here's Madoka if you want to check it out:Β
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Comments: 10
Ciapura In reply to jcpeters726 [2015-02-05 07:20:54 +0000 UTC]
thanks And yeah, she's great. I didn't like her at first but in the end she turned out to be pretty awesome ^^
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jcpeters726 In reply to Ciapura [2015-02-06 00:03:43 +0000 UTC]
I know right? A good anime keeps you guessing, I guess.. XD
π: 0 β©: 1
Ciapura In reply to jcpeters726 [2015-02-06 07:16:46 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it's always nice when you can change your opinion about the characters in the middle of an anime x)
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boybig5411 [2015-02-05 01:59:24 +0000 UTC]
nic job i love it <3 Β u did a great job and u should be proudΒ
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boybig5411 In reply to Ciapura [2015-02-05 14:22:27 +0000 UTC]
your welcome and don't mention it
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