chungi0331 β€” The young violin

Published: 2006-01-28 16:40:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 1134; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 17
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Description i lost my passion in taking photography recently...
i do my job for alomst three years....took picture everyday for magzine.
In recent days...i don't know why i take this picture.
most picture i took is nonsense for inner me....
two days ago,i went to the rail station taking train to home.
i saw this young boy...everyone are busy go here,go there for the Chinese new year.and but is alone without the violin.
play one song and one again.i think he is high school student...so young.and so lonely.
the chunese board say"playing for tuition"
i saw this,but i didn't took he picture in the first....i think why could disturb(taking picture) his life.so i go away...after i came back...i shoot he with my camera.the passon is the reflection...
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Comments: 20

cucucacho [2008-08-10 02:43:04 +0000 UTC]

Wow love this
I play the Violin as my hobbie and take photos as my life....
But i love the way you made this show the beauty of both the violin
and the photo.
So i hope i get as good as you.(:

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ZORIFOUR [2006-06-22 16:40:14 +0000 UTC]

is a very nice shot and also when the photographer can give passion to it by narrating the circunstances. made it richer.

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chungi0331 In reply to ZORIFOUR [2006-06-22 18:39:40 +0000 UTC]

thanks your comment.
i think you can saw something behind the image...
thank you again

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Alicy [2006-02-01 03:02:30 +0000 UTC]

How did you feel about his music? Maybe a little bit sad?

Sometimes, we all like him-- play our techniques for living,
Sometimes, we play them for self-enjoyment.
Wish you have both.

In your picture, I saw him very focus on playing violin.
It reminds me of you, when focus on photographing.
Keep the passion going.

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chungi0331 In reply to Alicy [2006-02-04 16:27:36 +0000 UTC]

anyway....life must be going on,right?
i will find my passion back

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Slimmons [2006-01-31 20:17:17 +0000 UTC]

You sound depressed about your art - don't be! You are one of my favorite photographers on this site, and I am happy to see anything new your post.

the lighting is fantastic - too perfect not to take a picture....I don't like that his music stand is in the way...but it's a hard composition without it - especially if you didn't want to distrub him....

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chungi0331 In reply to Slimmons [2006-02-04 17:17:58 +0000 UTC]

thanks ,friend.....i will try to find the passon back.
and i went to yr DA....pretty cool...you are military photographer,or..?
i have no idea.i just think your job is pretty different,friend

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0000039 [2006-01-31 08:25:14 +0000 UTC]

ahh! the lighting and positioning show me what its like to practuce somthing seriously (dedicate yourself to it). The way the light falls on the guys white shirt lighting him up and the rest of the shot is darker, this kinda explained the passion and effort people put into their intersts and to show this guy playing till late gives me a feeling inside which is quite cool!! lol

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chungi0331 In reply to 0000039 [2006-02-04 16:50:16 +0000 UTC]

thanks for yr comment.....you have good observation.

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0000039 [2006-01-31 08:13:49 +0000 UTC]

taking a second look at this photo i ο»Ώappreciate it much more, i had trouble pin pointing what part i actually liked ( sorry) but reading everyone elses coments pretty much sums it up. soo yeah, whicked

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chungi0331 In reply to 0000039 [2006-02-04 17:10:51 +0000 UTC]

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enomis [2006-01-30 15:56:28 +0000 UTC]

Great light! I love theatral light!

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chungi0331 In reply to enomis [2006-02-04 17:25:37 +0000 UTC]


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enomis In reply to chungi0331 [2006-02-04 17:31:39 +0000 UTC]

de nada!

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Irreality [2006-01-29 04:46:30 +0000 UTC]

I love it. The atmosphere is just great. Maybe I see feelings in that picture that I can easily relate to my own life. Maybe that's why I like it so much.

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chungi0331 In reply to Irreality [2006-02-04 17:23:38 +0000 UTC]

your life???
what are you do?

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Irreality In reply to chungi0331 [2006-02-04 23:09:27 +0000 UTC]

I don't play violin, that's for sure

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myrnajacobs [2006-01-29 02:24:05 +0000 UTC]

You photos that you put up here are never nonsense. you probably are putting up things that are abut how you feel. It seems to me you are expressing yourself so well through this art. Keep putting things up.

I love the shadows and the circles and lines and rectangles.. and triangles... all wonderful compositon.

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chungi0331 In reply to myrnajacobs [2006-01-30 09:30:13 +0000 UTC]

thanks..you always encourage me,friend
i am so appreciate all of you.

i will put my thought more and more

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myrnajacobs In reply to chungi0331 [2006-01-30 15:54:48 +0000 UTC]

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