#starstable #starstableart #ssoart #wildsongperformancehorse #wsph #wsphdhrp #wph_cercei #wildsongsaddlery #jorvikreininghorseassociation #starstablepaint #wildsongpferformancehorse
Published: 2023-02-05 16:43:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1002; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Rowan SommerfeltWPH Face Up To The Sun #wph_cercei
JRHA The Run For A Million
Level 3, Draw 007
Cercei yawned, seemingly bored. "Liven up gal." I muttered and clicked her into a jog again. She soon fell into her gait though, earning her a slightly more firm kick to switch to trot again.
The mare grunted, but obliged. We were draw seven and draw six was currently in the ring. The pattern had a run in, so I wanted to keep Cercei as awake as possible so we wouldn't slowly make our way down the center.
My sister on Nāika passed me, being the one after me in the list. "Draw 7, WPH Face Up To The Sun hold please." The ring stewardess called out and I halted Cercei near the gate.
Iris, being draw 6, exited the ring through the parallel alley way and my gate was opened. The mare under me shuffled forward, sorting out her leg salad and moving from her gait into a canter.
I kept her in a low until we actually entered the arena, before opening her up after a couple of strides. She dug her hind legs into the prepped sand, catapulting us forward, faster and faster.
Loud whistles accompanied us, anticipating our sliding stop. And boy, did we deliver!
I sat down deep and pushed my legs forward, woahing the paint into a stop. She essentially melted into the ground, drawing deep elevens into the dirt as we slid several meters past the center marker.
In one swift motion, we backed up back to the center, which was about four metres, before hesitating slightly. Cercei let out a loud huff, chewing on her bit. "Atta." I muttered and sorted my reins.
I took a deep breath and tapped the mares left shoulder with my heel, asking her to spin to the right. Her head moved first, then she began picking up speed, spinning around her inside hind foot about four times.
Shutting off after the fourth spin, i gave her another short breather break. The crowd was amping us up, clapping and whistling.
I bit my tongue, mirroring my aids and guiding the mare to spin to the left, this time four and a quarter spins. Feeling her lag a little behind on the third spin, I firmly redid my aid and luckily she fixed herself.
We stopped square at the last one. I slacked my reine a little to give her some time to catch her breath. Beginning on the right lead, we kicked off our first set of circles.
Cercei picked up her lead quickly, breezing through the first two, large circles. The dust was lit up by the low autumn sunshine as we rounded our second circle, slowing down for a third, smaller one.
She sat nicely on her hind as she collected herself, effortlessly loping our last circle to the right. As we came over the center, I tasked her to swap leads but keep the same slow speed.
"Cmon girl. " I encouraged her and made her round the first small to the left. We finished it and I pushed her on, making two large circles to the right, this time at a galopp speed.
She swapped leads back to the right and came right back down to me as we travelled along the circle line. We didn't close this one however, but turned the corner early.
Edging her on, we thundered down the long side, coming to a sliding stop after the center marker. Cercei droped her hind nicely, almost melting into the dirt.
I barely gave her time to think as she stood back up, rolling her back to the left and sending her off down the straight er just came back from.
She dropped her head and snorted with every stride, keeping a nice even pace as we traveled along top of the arena. "That's right." I mumbled and nudged her forward around the second corner.
Cercei's ears sprung forward, getting ants for the second stop. I let her run down the long side again, woahing her into a second sliding stop just past the center marker.
She threw up large dirt waves, almost obscuring my sight, before immediately rolling back to the right and loping down the tracks she just made.
My breath was shaky from exhaustion as I corrected my seat, guiding her around the top of the arena for a third time. I could hear her chew and felt her shake her head, but I didn't dare looking down.
"En gang til." I breathed out, not sure if it was for me or Cercei. The mare grunted as I turned her around the corner one last time.
She gave me her all, really opening up and running down the long side. I sprung my legs outwards, pulling her into the last sliding stop of the pattern.
Cercei melted into the ground, drawing some nice elevens into the dirt. I immediately slacked the reins as I felt her stand up again, patting her sweaty neck.
We were both breathing heavily, but we were both happy with our round.
rowan ιѕ oғғlιne.