ChrisWildsong — WS Reining Latin Gold - Americana Reining

#ws_reininglatingold #by_ucmayangold #outof_dias
Published: 2023-08-09 17:10:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 478; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Christian A. Lee
WS Reining Latin Gold #ws_reininglatingold
Americana 22, Reining
7th Place

cнrιѕ lee ιѕ onlιne.

We headed down through the tribunes and had a couple of minutes to warm up. "Next up, draw #22, number 970. Christian Lee on WS Reining Latin Gold, a stallion by UC Mayan Gold and out of WS Reining In Diamonds. Draw #22."

I lined up at the entrance of the arena, taking a deep breath. Second year of the reining class at Americana, second year for Trifle. He had learned a lot since last year and we were here to prove it.

Bumping the cremello into a lope, we breezed down the center line. I sat down deep in the freshly polished saddle and pushed him forward, gradually making him extend his stride to a flat out gallop.

I saw the centre and then the end marker fly by in the corner or my eye. Trifle opened his run with an impressive, at least 5m long slide through the dark and freshly dragged sand. Some people were cheering loudly as I shifted my weight backwards and pushed my hands to the left.

He sat down on his powerful hindquarters and spun around 180°, taking off at a left lead lope. His long mane was flowing wildly with his faster growing speed. I was counting the last three strides before sitting him into our second sliding stop.

The stallion planted his hind, drawing beautiful parallel elevens into the dirt. Without any kind of hesitation he spun around to the right for a right rollback and kept the speed in the pattern.

Within two strides he was up to full speed again, hitting the breaks hard to stop just when we passed the center marker.

I picked up the reins and asked him to back up immediately, letting them a bit looser after the required three metres.

Trifle let out a snort and apparently startled himself as he suddenly let out a funny little squeal and stomped his left front. I had to chuckle silently but quickly regained my concentration. Tapping his shoulder with my right foot we began spinning to the right.

I counted four spins to the right and shut him off as soon as we completed the fourth one. He shook his beautiful head and chewed on the bit, but patiently waiting for my next cue.

We repeated the spins to the left, only this time four and a quarter times instead of only four. Facing the left fence and crowd again, I quickly looked for my fiancé - unfortunately to no avail.

I asked Trifle to take off at a right lead lope. The first two circles were large and fast and the crowd was cheering us on as we breezed past them. He kept a steady speed throughout, slowing down effortlessly for a third, small and slower circle at a nice lope.

We cleanly changed leads at the center of the arena, picking up speed before we reached the rail again. Trifle was really leaning into the round shape of the circle and I had to make sure I balanced us two out so he wouldn't loose his footing on the light sand.

Completing the two fast circles to the left, I sat back and slowed the stud colt down to a steady lope instead of the fast paced gallop. He kept a clear three beat lope throughout the circle and snorted with every stride.

Once again changing leads at X, we found ourselves on the right lead and rounding the top of the arena. I cut the corner short by guiding him to the inside with my reins, thus not closing the circle we began.

Trifles ears snapped forward as I gently tapped his sides with my heels, sitting slightly forward. He extended his stride and swished his tail in excitement, coming to a stop as we passed the center marker.

He dug his hind legs deep into the sand and it flew up high to both of his sides as he walked along with his front legs. The dust settled as he stood back up, head lowered. I nodded towards the judges to signal the end of my run before bowing down to pat the cream stud.

Trifle knew his show time was over and voluntarily started walking towards the exit as I sat on top of him, praising him.

cнrιѕ lee ιѕ oғғlιne.
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