ChristophMaier — I hate snow, but it looks cool

Published: 2010-12-02 20:24:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 852; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 67
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Description Man, winter hasn't even really started yet and I've been shoveling snow all week. Can't believe the amount we got again! (The beginning of this year was already bad enough!)
The last batch of snow tonight was really cool though. Awesome snow crystals, though sadly it was way too dark to get a really good picture This was one of the lucky few that actually turned out okay...
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Comments: 20

H-Everybody-Lies--MD [2010-12-06 02:26:25 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Now that is really, really amazing!
Where was the snow located that you took a picture of here? Like, was it on a car hood or something?

I love the way you captured the detail here, especially on that one in the middle but off to the left a bit. Wow, a very, very amazing shot!
Snow is wonderful for photos! I can't wait until we get some here

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ChristophMaier In reply to H-Everybody-Lies--MD [2010-12-06 08:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

This one was actually on the side of the car, I believe just above the handle to open the back door. There were a couple of snowflakes sticking to it and it was one of the few places were I was actually able to focus it properly due to the high contrast between the dark blue car and the white snow. (Well, were I was able to somewhat focus...)

Of course the next day I had to work and by the weekend the snow looked boring again. I really would have liked to get an opportunity to shoot the snow in better lighting. But well, winter just started so maybe I'll get another chance soon!

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-21 15:41:42 +0000 UTC]

hehe, nice photo base, though poor lighting can easily be solved with a flashlight aimed off to the side of the subject at which you're aiming

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-21 16:13:25 +0000 UTC]

Normally I would agree, but working with the 50mm macro you have to get so close to the object that it's near impossible to get the flashlight where you want it to be. (Not to mention that I was freezing and it was kinda hard to keep a steady hand at all) Of course stupid me could have simply used the built in light of the ring-flash (I always forget that it's there for just that exact purpose...) You'd think I knew that by now

Oh, and thanks for the fav

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-21 22:33:28 +0000 UTC]

you need this: [link] and this: [link] they are my best friends...hehe in fact, [link] That is one of their awesome benefits! The Gorilla Torch has magnetic feet...and they are STRONG...used it to count inventory in January in the back parts hallway that has ONE florescent light so high up it barely does any good....

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-22 08:27:40 +0000 UTC]

I have the GorillaPod, but I've never seen the GorillaTorch, that's something I have to look out for. That might really come in handy. I have a pretty good flashlight with me, but without anything to mount it on most of the times it's useless. Thanks for the tip!

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-22 19:27:45 +0000 UTC]

what I liked most about the torch, is that the beam can be diffused or focused aaand the light comes OFF the tripod AND its mini usb rechargeable can't ask for more!

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-22 19:48:08 +0000 UTC]

Really thought out, I have to agree. Pretty pricy too though. Checked Amazon for it, and while they do have it they want almost 70€ for it... Gotta have to see if my usual camera store has them. Maybe I can haggle a bit with them. (Plenty of new equipment I want to buy from them soon anyways)

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-23 06:48:07 +0000 UTC]

yup, it is pricey, but its because of the type of bulb, its not you ordinary bulb, and its a very durable metal casing - I've drop kicked mine on accident while on, bulb still happy, not even a paint nick on the light

Its hard to say no to this: [link] haha I think it was one of the best lighting investments I've made in a long time...and I kinda have an obsession with lights...especially LEDs in my computer, in/on the wall, or ambiance style changing colors around the room

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-23 16:02:00 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, I am pretty old school when it comes to that. The power LED has to be blue ('cause you know... it's blue!) and besides that I prefer to not have anything blinking or simply shining. (My tower is hidden under my desk anyway, so it would be pretty pointless anyway) Only thing I am thinking about right now is to get an illuminated keyboard. It would be really nice to be able to see the keyboard in the dark. But then it seems like nobody can make good keyboards or mice anymore these days. I just can't find a setup that is as good as the one I have right now. (I really love my MX3000 keyboard mouse set, nothing Logitech or anybody else has right now comes even close )Yeah I know, I am weird like that Though thankfully after a thorough cleaning the keyboard is just like new again, and I just have to remember to put the mouse into the charger at least once a week... But I am rambling again

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-24 23:15:31 +0000 UTC]

haha "old school" with power would be a hideous green XD

the keyboard I have is the MS Ergo 4000 ...I've got some ugly issues with my wrist joints, and since I spend 90% of my time either typing or lifting radios/customer products, I wanna keep them around as long as I can

The mouse I use is the little tiny "pocket mouse" by Kensington. I've got really long fingers, so this little mouse is movable by fingers alone, = wrists not needed! ...unless I'm at my main pc at home, then it is all about my Bamboo Pen Tablet! Yay for pen-shaped mouse control!

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-25 07:32:20 +0000 UTC]

True, I guess I am only a little old school
I can't use those split keyboards. I never learned proper 10 finger typing, and while I am fast and can write blind most of the time I taught myself a different system that just doesn't work on those split keyboards (Which is a shame because that would probably be really good for my wrists...) As for the mouse, I am also a gamer, so I need something with lots and lots of well placed buttons! And all new designs I've seen so far just don't seem to cut it for me... (Yeah I know, I am picky )

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-02-25 17:23:46 +0000 UTC]

hehe every programmer (yes, every one of them) I've met, cannot type 10-finger style. They are ALL henpeckers. I had a computer in front of me since I was bout 3 years old, and dad used to load up DOS (it ran on the 5.75 true floppy) and let me have at it. I knew the key placement by the time I was 5, but didn't learn proper typing until about 12 in a typing class that was mandatory in the school. Everyone else was getting to a keyboard for either the first time, or hadn't really even learned where the keys were yet, so I had an advantage.

The split keyboard took me a good bit of time to get used to, but now that I am used to it, I don't feel frustrated/limited when I come across a customer's workspace that has one. I USED to use the Z-Board gaming keypad...the one that has swappable key trays. Though, it made me laugh at two facts to it: I have naturally long nails that don't break, and I'd spent so many hours at my computer in the 4 years I'd used that keyboard, that I'd carved deep grooves into the keys, and the 'n' and a few others were just about ready to have holes in them due to the depth of the grooves Due to that fact, every time a geek friend of mine came over and asked to used the computer, there was always this response, "Em! I can't find my way around your keyboard! Where's the 'L'?1?1?" I got a great kick out of that every time.

I've been a pc gamer since about 5...w00t for Reader Rabbit and Hugo: House of Horrors, Mixed-Up Mother Goose, Commander Keen and so on

I like the mini mouse for gaming, makes shooting and moving rather easy, as my finger's responses are faster than that of my whole arm. Works great in FPS games like UT and Wolfenstein (my all time favorite)

Though, for games like Hellbender, I bust out my ooold original Sidewinder 3D Pro and at that point, who needs a mouse?

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ChristophMaier In reply to TreeClimber [2011-02-28 07:17:59 +0000 UTC]

True, it is amazing how few programmers can really effectively type. It took me ages to get it down so that I can type blindly. And I know I am nowhere near as effective as I could be. Only advantage I see over classic typing is that I can very easily adapt to many keyboard layouts. Including tiny keyboards that can only be used with one or two fingers. My aunt for example beats me on the keyboard anytime, but on the blackberry or iPad she stands no chance against me
Ah, the good old Sidewinder... been a while since I had that one out. Sadly there just don't seem any good flight or space sims anymore. Still remember the hours and hours I put into X-Wing and Tie Fighter. Never heard about Hellbender though, gotta have to check that out!
As for the mouse, I really need plenty of buttons or I just can't play anymore Plus I usually crank the sensitivity way up anyways so there's little movement to be done either way. Plus I rarely play online anyways, so there's no need for that uber-speed. (I did play some COD online... many some of those guys are simply insane!)

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TreeClimber In reply to ChristophMaier [2011-03-29 03:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Well, Hellbender was the first FPS hovercraft flight simulator - it was the first, and in my opinion, still the best! They had several levels, lots of map space, and one of my favorites was an entire level that you had to fly through tons of little tunnels and find little small spaces you could fit through - by the time you get to that level, you've got your ship's size and spacial requirements memorized.

I'm a Blackberry Bold addict muhself ^_^ I could not at this time in life, live without it...why? Because my fiance skype voice-chats with me during lunch and yahoo text chats with me all day with me - he's not in this country...not yet anyway heh...workin' on that part XD

Most of my email replies to family or business queries are done on my Blackberry...can't do the touchscreen - my nails are naturally too long and I wouldn't be able to hit the right buttons haha...never did do well with touchscreens...last one I tried to use that wasn't a hard screen or had the scratch-proof sticker on it...I managed to puncture! Yay for strong genes! (hah...German genes )

I only played AutoAssault (drive cars in post-apocalyptic earth as either a human, a mutant or a biomech (bio-mechanical half human half machine) that is the fast-paced drive around and shoot the shit out of stuff version of WoW...faaarrrr better than WoW could ever wish to be) online, haven't bothered with anything else (well ok, I did play Halo II online until a five year old swore at me more than kids from school 15 years ago who probably eventually wound up in jail for drugs or violence or something stupid)

One of the things that you could possibly check out, is the keyboard that is set in order of the alphabet [link] - little commonly unknown factoid: the layout of the keyboard is actually only such because the original layout was in the order of the alphabet (of which we learn since early childhood) and when the typewriter was invented, people were able to type too quickly to allow the arms to fall back into place without jamming up...so they moved it around to the querty setup! When this one guy nearly ten years ago brought the abc keyboard back, a fellow dorm student bought one and went from the average typing speed of 65 (I'm around 73wpm) to 120 after getting used to the layout...I've been tempted...but...I would have a rather difficult time swapping between home use and work use O.o

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H-Everybody-Lies--MD In reply to ChristophMaier [2010-12-12 20:38:48 +0000 UTC]

Any time!

Ohhhh how interesting, I wouldn't have even thought
it would have been there lol

Aaa that's too bad DX but yes, it is a new year, with
enough snow let's hope, so I'm sure you'll be able to
try again! ^^

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Asparuh13 [2010-12-03 06:33:53 +0000 UTC]

Wow! This is superb! I like the way you captured them( the snowflakes )

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ChristophMaier In reply to Asparuh13 [2010-12-03 07:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you It was a really lucky shot, I had to try several times and this was the only on that was okay. It was cold as hell, the street I was standing on was basically pure ice and my glasses kept fogging up from my own breath so actually seeing if the focus was right was a bit hard. There were a couple of other ones that could have been really awesome, but the focus sadly way always way off But since it's supposed to stay this cold maybe I get lucky over the weekend and get a second chance during daylight.

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Asparuh13 In reply to ChristophMaier [2010-12-03 09:06:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, when i try to take shots i always have problems with the focus, but with some help from my father i manage.... I'm awaiting the snow impatiently since there isn't any here yet.

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ChristophMaier In reply to Asparuh13 [2010-12-03 11:51:29 +0000 UTC]

I certainly could do without it, but it looks like at least today I wont have to shovel snow again. And then I bet over the weekend we wont get any new snow, so I wont have the opportunity to do some real snow shooting.

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