chemb0t — Skylab - Avalon

Published: 2007-05-24 09:46:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 4863; Favourites: 70; Downloads: 86
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Description There was a request to upload the background I did from this old pic I did: [link]

Apparently I hear that it can be used as a nice wallpaper so please, help yourselves to it. ^^

I'm planning to make a Painter 8/9 tutorial with this picture as well. Would anyone be interested in seeing that? I'm definitely going to be coming out with new landscape/architecture pictures soon.

In any case, I've also written some information for this picture in regards to the Technoguild storyline we have going. Enjoy and please feel free to ask questions!

"Base: #7
Environment/Location: Sky/Atmosphere
Codename: Avalon

Avalon, the legendary island of mists in which King Arthur sleeps. Such is a fitting name for the Guild’s central command center. Using advanced anti-gravitational technologies, Avalon floats silently in the planet’s atmosphere. The sleek, mobile aerodynamic design, powerful thruster engines and arrays of shield, hologram and cloaking generators make Avalon the safest, most concealed base available to the Guild. This is where all discoveries are presented and shared. In addition to a meterology lab, the base is divided into the respective fields that the other six bases represent, providing members with adequate tools and facilities to finalize and combine their findings here.

The combination and application of these discoveries are one of the central roles of this base. Once approved, these discoveries are sent to assigned members who disperse them to the local populace. Avalon houses the central command bridge which is responsible for monitoring all activity on the planet, assigning tasks and dealing with any threats as needed. This is also where the arbiter’s council meets to discuss important issues concerning the guild and its members. This includes the initiation and assignment of members. Avalon is the first and last place a member sees when they join the guild. Specialized virtual reality rooms are used to test those who wish to advance and certify themselves in skills and positions.

Avalon also serves an especially important role as a dimensional gateway and communications port. Avalon is responsible for communicating between Guild establishments in other dimensions. In addition, members with clearance are allowed to use this gate to travel to these other dimensions in which the Guild has managed to establish itself. Avalon is capable of deploying its outer rings to make dimensional jumps or sub-dimensional transfers when needed."

More information and pics to come soon as I build up the site. Stay tuned!
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Comments: 32

TheGreenGem [2009-01-16 20:34:37 +0000 UTC]

Nice work!

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kloppeder [2008-04-02 21:00:13 +0000 UTC]

This makes a freaking awesome wallpaper!

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hizuki24 [2008-01-12 19:57:59 +0000 UTC]

It's beautiful

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Coraleana [2007-09-16 14:34:58 +0000 UTC]

o.o this looks beautiful!

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MsLizEzor [2007-06-10 00:14:17 +0000 UTC]

It's very pretty there!! Nice!

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Arlion16 [2007-05-26 22:06:29 +0000 UTC]

So very interesting. I really love the idea of Avalon! I've noticed that most of your work deals with a very similar design of that on the tallest building of the base. Great work!

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chemb0t In reply to Arlion16 [2007-05-27 00:18:16 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, I tend to use a particular technological style for each my characters. Avalon is supposed to reflect that of Dack and his droid (that thing floating around the gray fox with a labcoat XD). I will be painting up other bases soon and the style will vary along with the characters that are involved with them =]

Thanks for the comment!

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CobaltWinterborn [2007-05-26 02:10:26 +0000 UTC]

I remember that ^_^.

But... I bet rent is expensive there.

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Kuzima [2007-05-24 21:02:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow... Avalon looks so peaceful I would love being in a place like that. I really like how u made this place look so futuristic. When I full view this pic I feel like Im actually there. O.O Is Avalon a kingdom or more of a mystic place that floats above the world?

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chemb0t In reply to Kuzima [2007-05-24 21:26:51 +0000 UTC]

It's neither. Avalon is just a code name for Base 7. The place is more like a high tech central headquarters/laboratory for the storyline I have going. If you would like to know more, just read the description I put there.

If you're wondering about the real 'Avalon' in the legends, you can go here: [link]
Supposedly it was a legendary island in the British isles; cloaked in mist and floating on it's own. It can only be found by certain special people. King Arthur is said to be buried there according to Arthurian legend.

Anyway, Thanks for the comment! =]

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Kuzima In reply to chemb0t [2007-05-25 02:51:10 +0000 UTC]

OH! I didnt know that Avalon was true. Wow. I learned something new today. 8D Avalon AKA Base #7 sounds like a very interesting place. If Avalon was really high up in the sky. I would get on a plane and fly there. Then take pictures of it. That would be so cool

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cj-thedebugfox [2007-05-24 17:44:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm sort of interested in how you did it^^ And I might just make it my wallpaper XD

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chemb0t In reply to cj-thedebugfox [2007-05-24 21:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Awesome, I'll get to work on it soon then! ^^ Thanks for the comment!

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cj-thedebugfox In reply to chemb0t [2007-05-24 23:48:25 +0000 UTC]


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Dj-Reverberance [2007-05-24 17:44:04 +0000 UTC]

This looks so beautiful
You have a wonderful fantasy ^-^

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Foxy-Sierra [2007-05-24 16:00:22 +0000 UTC]


Excellent detail, Chemb0t-san!

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shadowmenanite [2007-05-24 15:49:13 +0000 UTC]

That is a beautiful background. Love the Skylab, and the clouds are great.

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Rave779 [2007-05-24 15:22:12 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, try making a tutuorial for this.

I also am killing myself to get myself a tablet so I can make paintings like this a little more easier, than just having to use a wireless mouse.

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chemb0t In reply to Rave779 [2007-05-24 21:38:57 +0000 UTC]

Will do!

It is possible to paint with a mouse, but the technique to it is much different. You tend to use the smudge tool a lot.
=Airlight might be able to help with that technique. She's been doing most of her recent art with a mouse. I'll talk to her later and see what she's up to ^^

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Rave779 In reply to chemb0t [2007-05-24 23:42:40 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I've been meaning to get my hands on a tablet. I can get one for about $320 for a really nice model.

I'll ask Airlight more about painting with the mouse. This thing tends to zone out on me every now and then.

Anyway most of my savings is for my trip. XD

BTW, a friend wanted to know if there are any good hospitals that help out with the nursing program. Are there plenty around your neighborhood?

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chemb0t In reply to Rave779 [2007-05-27 00:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, there's a ton of good hospitals around the area. The bay area is known for it I believe. There's a pretty famous one nearby; Children's hospital of Oakland. I'm not entirely sure how one would find a job there though. I hear that it's tough to get in.

My cousins were looking around for one and they ended up getting hired in Sonoma, which is about an hour or so away from where I am. XD;

On and as far as tablets go, I wouldn't save up so much for a high end model. Something like a Wacom Graphire would work just fine for starting out. The high end tablets like the Intuos have a bunch of features that you will find useless unless you plan to get into uber high detail digital painting, and even still, the Graphires can pull it off with a bit of extra effort. XD

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Rave779 In reply to chemb0t [2007-05-27 04:44:43 +0000 UTC]

I'll have to keep these in mind when my friend asks again. He's pretty hell-bent on seeking out some places, so you get the picture.

As for the tablets, I'm not completely sure myself.

I hear people tell me get this, and that, and I honestly don't know what to do now. I wanted to get the Intuos because I like buying something with extra features that I may learn to use later, but the Graphire is cheaper, and has less features. I'm going to have to keep searching around for the perfect model for myself. But thanks for making some interesting recommendations though, I really appreciate it.

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SonicGundam [2007-05-24 15:18:13 +0000 UTC]

Very nice background and very well done design of Avalon. The design feels like it's a large hovering robot due to one of the towers has a camera like sensor. I also love the story you gave about this place as well.

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chemb0t In reply to SonicGundam [2007-05-24 21:42:02 +0000 UTC]

Heheh yeah, It's supposed to mirror the design I have on my droid. That large lens there is supposed to function as a wide fielf hologram projector to generate clouds and other objects to hide the base from direct view. If all else fails, it can also be used as a pretty devastating particle cannon. 8D

Thanks for the comment, SonicGundam =]

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SonicGundam In reply to chemb0t [2007-05-24 21:44:05 +0000 UTC]

your welcome chembot. and nice a particle cannon. you could greese a flying aircraft carrier with one of those

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felousefarnayne [2007-05-24 13:10:38 +0000 UTC]

thats one cool looking lab there in the sky I like how you drew the place so well done and the colouring along with cloud effects are equally good too nice work and keep it up Dack ^^

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felousefarnayne [2007-05-24 13:06:11 +0000 UTC]

thats one cool looking lab there in the sky I like how you drew the place so well done and the colouring along with cloud effects are equally good too nice work and keep it up Dack ^^

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Roxcho [2007-05-24 11:55:39 +0000 UTC]

Wow thats really good for a background scene. I really like the palaces' colors and the green and white goes well with each other. Nice combination of colors ^^. And then the sky witht he moon far in the back looks very peaceful. keep up the good work.

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Trakker [2007-05-24 10:46:41 +0000 UTC]

It is a very cool background, if i used it tho, id have to flip it horozontally in light of the fact that all my icons are on the left side XD

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chemb0t In reply to Trakker [2007-05-27 00:57:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh yeah. I forgot about that XDD. I use a tablet PC and I'm right handed so I tend to have my icons situated on the right side instead of the left. But yeah, feel free to flip as you please. I don't think anything would seem backwards if you did.

Thanks for the comments, Trakker. ^^

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Equals-N-LessThan [2007-05-24 10:30:32 +0000 UTC]

Finally you posted it on it's own =B It was always deserving of it's own separate deviation. I can't even pick out things I like, it's just so detailed and beautiful all around. It's truly a marvelous piece in it's own right.

I'm guessing the info in italics is the same as we've had posted already? *didn't bother to read all of it*

In regards to the painter tutorial, I for one would definetly like to see that.

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chemb0t In reply to Equals-N-LessThan [2007-05-24 21:43:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment ^^ Yep, it's the same info on the TG site.

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