#california #chateau #flowers #forest #jean #landscape #nature #oleander #painting #pine #reflection #rocks #tranquil #waterfall #guillet #jeanguillet #grief #chateaugrief
Published: 2018-10-17 19:54:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 33150; Favourites: 2174; Downloads: 0
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Here’s a nice tranquil forest pool with some escaped oleanders for you this week. I’ve had a hectic week to the max so I felt like reminding myself that trees and waterfalls and streams and sunsets still exist, and are still as beautiful as ever, and will be waiting for me when I get my work done and can go enjoy them again.
Oleanders are a Mediterranean plant, so it makes sense that they’d grow so well in California. They need very little tending here, it seems, and highways are lined with gorgeous pink blossoms every year, no watering needed. There’s even a town named ‘Oleander’ down south of Fresno, although I guess they’re not officially a town, they’re ‘unincorporated’. I wonder what that means specifically, whether you get special privileges if you’re an incorporated township vs. not. Oleander had a post office until the 30’s, so I guess it’s not that. I suppose the unincorporated places don’t have to provide sewage and water or fire service to their houses. The official definition of an ‘unincorporated area’ is that it’s not governed by like a town council, but the one close to me has their own governing body, so I guess this is a bit of a loose definition. California has a huge number of unincorporated areas, unlike many states, and there’s at least one in every county, even with millions of people living in it. Los Angeles County for instance has 65% of it’s land in unincorporated areas. I guess the post office recognizes some unincorporated areas, but not others, depending on their own metrics, whether they’ll deliver mail to you or not under the name of the town. I live in an area that’s neither of these things, just the ‘county’, although I write the name of the closest city on my address. There’s no local governing board where I am, unless you count the local neighborhood snoop society which gets together to sing Christmas carols and put up glow-in-the-dark ‘don’t run into the deer’ signs. They also had a craft fair a few years ago, I have such a fun neighborhood, I met some glassblowers and furniture makers, and bakers and people who made scented pine-cones. A few years ago they all got together and planted daffodils all along the roads, and these little flowers have been surprisingly hardy. I enjoy looking for them every spring. It’s one of the few plants that the deer won’t eat to the ground. Anyways, I love my neighborhood. All my neighbors have oleanders. How’s yours?
Xander’s isn’t bad either.
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Comments: 111
Saddust [2018-12-27 08:27:46 +0000 UTC]
It would be so nice to get there with the girl I love (not sure she loves me back, though). And thanks for the llama !
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ArtofTwoMs [2018-11-09 21:24:39 +0000 UTC]
Hello chateaugrief,
Oleanders is magical, beautiful, tranquil and more...
The cartoons are unique (you have your very own style and that's a good job on the hair).
Thank you for the Llama badge, one is on its way to you now.
Art of Two M's
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TakiZyn [2018-11-07 04:36:29 +0000 UTC]
It's so peaceful. I can see myself sitting right there on that rock in the foreground, listening to the brook babble tales of the ancient past.
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lonermade [2018-10-23 01:37:23 +0000 UTC]
Lovely painting, you've captured quite well forest lighting where holes in the canopy light patches in different areas.
You're neighborhood sounds wonderful and while I haven't had need for the deer test I know daffodils are quite hardy because they thrive in my yard.
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chateaugrief In reply to lonermade [2018-10-23 17:37:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I keep working on the patchy light effect when I get the chance. I was so skeptical of those daffodils at first, but now I look forward to them every spring. lovely flowers, if I had a place in my yard not filled with like, logging equipment, I'd plant them.
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lonermade In reply to chateaugrief [2018-10-23 20:53:46 +0000 UTC]
This stock is from my yard you could Photoshop it onto a picture of your land and put the pic on the fridge each spring. No logging equipment there . . . I hope
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chateaugrief In reply to lonermade [2018-10-23 23:12:10 +0000 UTC]
beautiful! Wow, I can't believe those are real! Lovely pic!
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Purplequeen78 [2018-10-21 06:27:32 +0000 UTC]
Looks like a great place to kick back and relax! amazing job Chateaugrief!
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BeatryczeNowicka [2018-10-18 19:04:56 +0000 UTC]
Ha, I saw this on the main page and without marking it with cursor I knew it was yours - that's good, you've got your own style
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chateaugrief In reply to BeatryczeNowicka [2018-10-19 00:26:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I'm honored that you recognized me!
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RoyalteeJadeArts [2018-10-18 18:14:11 +0000 UTC]
I feel like I'm in a place of tranquility when I see this photo. I love this!
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chateaugrief In reply to RoyalteeJadeArts [2018-10-19 00:25:24 +0000 UTC]
thank you! especially the photo part
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ButterNut17 [2018-10-18 17:03:14 +0000 UTC]
Woah... That is SOOO good! I wish I could draw scenery like that!
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chateaugrief In reply to ButterNut17 [2018-10-18 17:45:32 +0000 UTC]
thank you! glad you like it!
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chateaugrief In reply to JustJaxx [2018-10-18 17:45:22 +0000 UTC]
yup! stick your feet in the water and read a book.
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