Chadmin — Oh Mizzy.

Published: 2014-01-30 17:59:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 87; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-30 23:47:05 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy laughed  as he thew him self on top of her," Oooh  someone's ready hmm?" she turned  her head and lightly kissed him on his neck just to tease him more

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 00:21:41 +0000 UTC]


George felt the kiss from Mizzy and didn't budge. "How unfortunate.." He begins whispering to Mizzy's ear, "I remember wanting to fornicate you, every time you've teased me...But now.. I'd prefer if you left, Mizzilia.."

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 00:41:29 +0000 UTC]

hnnng my kindle messed up on me)))) Mizzy laughed," Oh then i must stay,i would've left just to leave you here wanting more but now you don't want anything I will stay." She laughed and rolled over so she was on top of him and she smiled down at him,"I have a couple of games in mind now."

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 00:53:55 +0000 UTC]

 George squinted at Mizzy and his eyes looked away, but then back at Mizzy. "Is that so?" His ears twitch at the word 'games'. He furrows his brows and brings his head up to smooch Mizzilia's cheek, and another at the corner of her mouth.


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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 01:50:55 +0000 UTC]

(hnng i was soo close to finishing the reply and it was soo beautifully written and then it just messed up on me and i was like .-. wtf hnnng its ok))) "Mmmmmmhm." she smiled at his actions though like usual  the kisses didnt affect her one bit. Though he smiled and seemed to express things you couldnt tell by her face and actions and words but y her eyes.They were emotionless no matter what anyone or even her self did there was never anything.Even if she flirted or showed little signs of love and infatuation  there was never anything. She gave him a small hiss on his lips then got off of him and grabbed his cigarette,"The last person that i know of who smoked was Hector,"she made a fist at his memory she hated him with all her heart and ironically she didnt hate Nicholas as much as she hated Hector,".Im pretty sure Nick didnt but eh he might have I dont really know.I my self i prefer suckers." she looked at him and winked  then put out the cigarette 

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 11:13:17 +0000 UTC]

 George put his arms behind his head as he looked up at Mizzy, "Hector, Nick? Were these your past lovers?" He closes his eyes for a moment and slowly opens it, "Mm? Are you giving me the name of a..'sucker'?" He asked as four of his teeth got sharp like a vampires'.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 11:29:20 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy laughed at his remarks," No if i was calling you a sucker i wouldn't hint it to you i would just flat out and say it ,why do you feel like one?You really shouldn't i see no reason for you to feel that way.Hector was i hate him with every single part of my body*her hands balled up into a fist*..Nick was a friend of mine who made me what i am to day and somethings i hate him for  others i would thank him for.He pretty much raped me though which made me regain my emotions so i was in love with him *she turned her head and looked outside remembering that day and everything that had happened* but my heart broke once more so i reset.But  i hate him because he has a girlfriend yet he still inserted himself inside of me i didn't want it to happen but it reminded me of Hector!"her fists were cluched so tight it looked like she was about to break her own hand, her hate for hector burned inside her  and her eyes were furious from memories she wished she had killed him that day long ago but instead she let him get away and almost died herself 

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 12:41:29 +0000 UTC]

 George kept his vampire teeth as he listened to Mizzy. "What you're saying, is that you were emotionless until he fornicated you?" George's indifferent eyes had a hint of pity for her, "Mmm, Mizzilia, when did that take place? I've informed you that ..teasing.. would get you somewhere you wouldn't want it go." He lifts his hand to calmly put it over her tight fist, "How horrible of that man to do that to you, when he was already promised to someone else." George has never fell in love or experienced something like what Mizzy has been through, but he tried to understand her pain. "Speak no more, Mizzilia." He said feeling an unsettling aura around her. "This man you speak of, Hector? You must not think about him anymore, if you do, then you're just letting him control you even more.." George says trying to console at the same time.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 13:01:18 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy listened to his words and didnt like hearing somethings but didnt want to fight with him," It happened before I met you,I think almost a month ago,I can't help my needs, i have no emotions i reset i feel somethings but pretty much nothing,"she un clutched her hand and sounded more calm and she looked at him with fury still in her eyes,"Its hard to forget a first love even when you have no emotions,but for me its much more complicated i shouldn't even have multiple personalities. Shapeshifters cant get certain health issues like mental problems and STD's yet i have more then one of me." she knew what he said was true but to her it was hard especially when he got her talking about it she walked out and jumped down from the balcony and went over to a tree and started punching it and it started to crack and she sighed as the fury in her eyes left and she  climbed back up and over the balcony,"I think imma stay here tonight is that alright Georgey?"

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 13:11:58 +0000 UTC]

 George sat up as she left for that moment, assuming she felt better after showing that tree who's boss. "Of course. And please, don't call me that.." He answered getting up to go get the tea cup he left on the balcony. Her storming out, reminded him to get it. As he got the cup he looked in it and bothered not to finish it, it was already cold. 

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 13:20:39 +0000 UTC]

(pft omg after showing the tree whos boss XD )Mizzy smiled,"Why not? you don't like my pet name sweet thang?" She laid on the bed and she felt her necklace with the blue jewel on it and she sat up and took it off and looked at it she forgot about it untill now.

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 13:46:33 +0000 UTC]

 As George passed by Mizzy to go wash his cup he asked, "What's that..?" Totally ignoring her first question about his pet name.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 16:28:02 +0000 UTC]

Mizz stood up and looked at him"Uh its from nicholas I made it my guitar but im getting rid of it.... Ill get a new one ...oh shit mini...eh"

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 17:03:49 +0000 UTC]

George finished washing the cup and grabbed a glass of water. "May I have possession of it? It'd be better than just throwing it out." He asks, he hears Mizzy say mini and he raises his eyebrow. "Mini? Hmm?" He offers the water to Mizzy.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 17:15:05 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy sighed and grabbed the cup"yeaa shes a bunny I experimented on,now she has shifting powers ,soo in a way like my daughter I suppose but I couldnt take her.Oh and sure you dont have to keep it as a necklace though if you want I can make it what ever you want." She demonstrated her unusual powers and made the necklace into an electric guitar but the blue color of the jewel remained.

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 17:26:15 +0000 UTC]

George crossed his arms, "Eh? Where is she now? You shouldn't desert your daughter, Mizzilia." He says sternly. He watches her do her unusual power and he seems impressed, "Intriguing, but I'll keep it as a necklace, just in case, maybe, you'd want it back.." He mentions. George takes his jacket off as he hangs it on a nearby coat rack. "Listen, make yourself at home.. I'm going to freshen up.." He says as he closed the bathroom door. 

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 20:54:14 +0000 UTC]

"Shes with Nick I didnt want to hurt her so I had to stay a way for a while but ill get her back in a week it was our agreement."she replied as she did her trick and then shrugged"Ok then" she turned it back into a necklace and watched as he went into the bathroom. And she aet the necklace down on the night stand. She looked at her clothes and figured shed ask george for one of his shirts to sleep in and she laid down on the bed, lifted her shirt up,and played with her bellybutton ring

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 21:21:17 +0000 UTC]


 Almost twenty-minutes passed before George came out in a towel wrapped around his waist. His wet hair ruined the style he had going, but he wasn't going anywhere so it was whatever. George glanced at the girl playing with her ring, but paid no mind. He just went over to the bed. "You're sleeping here, correct?" He asked as he removed his towel and went to dry his hair. One would think he'd at least throw some clothes on before carrying on. "I suppose you can have the bed."

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-01-31 21:39:38 +0000 UTC]

XD when she reset upp i havent drawn her new self althe way yet XD so you've only seen her snake bites oooh and imma draw fan arts of chad and his trial boyfriend XD))) She stopped playing with it and looked at him," You dont have to sleep any where else ya know you can sleep in the bed with me" She really didn't care about his nudeness " Hey can i wear one of your shirts to sleep in?"

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-01-31 22:58:56 +0000 UTC]


"Is that so? I hope you don't mind me sleeping without any clothing.." He said as he turned to put some pants on and hung the towel back. "One of my shirts..Mm..Let me find something.." He said going through his closet. There was two things he didn't own, underwear and regular T-Shirts. Finally he pulls out a black tank top and handed it to Mizzy. "Everything else is off-limits." He says. Unlike Chad that carelessly gives his clothes away.


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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-01 00:08:25 +0000 UTC]

((OMFG I THOUGHT I REPLIED TO THIS HNNG IT WAS SO BOOTAFULLY WRITTEN GAHHH anyways Jut a little from this morning XD i didnt read a lot))) 

Mizzy shrugged," Eh i dont mind, i cant judge the way you like your cup of tea." she had a thought come to her head from possible earlier events and it made her laugh a little (pft mizzeh dont giggle) "Thanks." She took off her shirt and put on the tank top as she headed to the bathroom and then closed the door and soon came out with  a sucker in her mouth and almost nothing but the tank top on and she floated over to the bed,"Hey wanna order some pizza or something?"

(hnng oh god yess <3)

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-01 00:27:29 +0000 UTC]

 George got the joke and rolled his eyes as she went off to the bathroom. When Mizzy came back out George was brushing his hair, "Mm? Eh? Where'd you get that.." He asked looking at the loli. George rubbed his forehead and dropped the subject, "Never..Nevermind.." he walked over to the bed with Mizzy, "I'm not hungry, Mizzilia." He replied, looking outside at the late sky and then sitting on the bed, "Hey, I've got a question for you." He began, "Mizzy how can you float?" George placed a pillow on this face as his mind raced, still thinking if that certain someone was alright.


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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-01 01:40:24 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy looked down at  ground beneath her,"hmmm i am....(Mizzy loves Pizza XD)) oh uh  well i guess i gotta tell someone......... i just think about being a vampire and i just float, i dont really know how i do it really..."she looked over and sat next to him she doesnt really know how to comfort others and stuff like that but she decided to try anyway and she gave him a hug and rested her head on his shoulder,"hmm.....It has a lot to do with my family and my blood line but I fucking hate my family." She didn't know what to say to him or whether to keep telling him  about her powers and family

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-01 14:00:28 +0000 UTC]

George was flattered that Mizzy was telling him all that. "Is your family still around?" he asked feeling Mizzy's head on his shoulder. "You shouldn't hate them, I'm sure they love you."

oh she does, does she?)

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-01 15:39:13 +0000 UTC]

Mizzy shrugged,"Yea most of them are some of my brothers died when i was young. I dunno all my memories of them they hate me i think because i wasn't a boy like they hoped."

You know it))))

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-01 18:39:58 +0000 UTC]


George petted Mizzy's head, "Such a troubling life you must of had, Mizzilia. Speak no more of it, you'll only get upset."

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-01 18:50:08 +0000 UTC]

pffftohmygodXDthatssoosexyXD))) Mizzy said nothing  her personalities started to switch and her body got heavier and its seemed almost like she were sleeping

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-01 21:51:37 +0000 UTC]


With the pillow still over George's eyes he didn't take notice of the sudden change and assumed she decided to sleep. George on the other hand didn't sleep yet, he was still just thinking.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 02:03:09 +0000 UTC]

(Should i make her mizz or mizzy?) After 5minutues she/he lifter her/his head from George's head and sighed,"who are you? Are you gunna rape me?" (its #6)

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 02:24:54 +0000 UTC]

((MIZZZ VuV ))

George had never seen Mizzy's other personalities, or was even aware she had other personalities. Not to mention a genderbend version of Mizzy. When he heard a deeper voice talking to him he lifted the pillow to see a pink haired guy with slightly shorter hair. Startled, he quickly removes himself from the genderbend Mizzy and scoots a little to the side with the pillow in his lap. "My goodness, Mizzy?" He says quickly.

sta.sh/025kbjqbn1cb yiiis))

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 02:55:53 +0000 UTC]

(oh glob yesssh <3 his reaction is just priceless XD)

Mizz frowned at George," Mizzy sounds like a girls name do i look like a girl with my hair?" he looked down at him self and noticed his pants were gone," Oh my pants............well my name is Mizz or now it is i guess..........a boy with green hair made me this way......*he grabbed the tank top* How depressing *sighs* i gotta go shopping.......shopping sucks......*sighs* oh well, Whats your name?" He forgot all bout the fact that he wanted to know if George was going to rape him or not or even why he was at George's home

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 03:14:06 +0000 UTC]

 George ran his fingers through his hair, "What the hell is this?" he asked himself in his mind. Looks like this isn't the 3rd Mizzy doing a little prank or something. George squinted at Mizz and opened his eyes wide again as he asked for his name, "..My name..? ..You.. know my name..." He responds. Not to mention the attitude is just throwing George off.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 03:36:51 +0000 UTC]

Mizz sighed," No.....I just met you................? I was female but *sighs* he made me male with his dust it sucks..........* he looked up at George and sighs more* Do you know where my clothes are at? being naked like this is depressing" he didnt understand what was going on either and he didnt feel too comfortable  baring his skin  and it upset him more and he wanted to harm himself just looking at his arms but he was always too scared to cut him self and it made him more depressed at the fact  that he was too scared to do it even though he wanted to do it 

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 03:55:13 +0000 UTC]

George narrowed his eyes at Mizz, "Your clothes? You changed in my bathroom a while ago, maybe you left them in there." He answered ignoring that first part. Out of annoyance he threw his pillow at Mizz. "It most certainly is not depressing..showing off your body is a beautiful thing." He mentioned rubbing his chin. 

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 04:43:35 +0000 UTC]

Mizz sighed," Thanks i guess........" he started to head to the bathroom when George hit him with the pillow,"OWWWW! *he pouted* that hurt........do you enjoy looking at my body? *sighs*  looking at my arms like this makes me wanna hurt my self but im always too scared to do it............*sighs*thats why i usually have them covered.............."

(XD george likes looking at naked mizzy and mizz bods? XD thats what i thought XD i love his comment XD))

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 05:03:59 +0000 UTC]

 George scoffed, "It barely touched you." He listens to Mizz' and he raises a brow, "You can think that, sure.." George replied. He wasn't really enjoying the view, he was only mentioning how naked bodies are not depressing. This genderbend Mizzy with was also another personality of hers made George look at him as he would any stranger. "Go check the bathroom, Mizz." He said, ignoring what he just said.

(hurrurruhruhr meybey))

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 05:28:13 +0000 UTC]

Mizz went into the bathroom and grabbed Mizzy's clothes and when he touched the  shirt was made into a long  stripped black and green sweater and  her pants turned into a pair of males black jeans with some holes and he closed the door and changed and then came back out and sighed," Yea this is better ."(i kinda debated between green and blue XD idk maybe red? Eh))

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 19:11:26 +0000 UTC]

George narrowed his eyes at Mizz's new outfit annoyingly. "Where'd those come from?" He asked himself. Another thing George doesn't own is pants with holes in them.So he just pretended Mizzy must have thrown them in there. "Mm.. Are you still staying the night...Mizz?"


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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 19:44:28 +0000 UTC]

Mizz shrugged to both questions," Eh i guess * looks out side* being out side at night is*sighs* saddening..........so ill just stay i guess........." Mizz sat down in a chair ( pfft i dunno) "I guess if its ok with you *sighs* i wouldn't want to be a bother to you........"

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 20:12:40 +0000 UTC]

 George got up to pick up the pillow he chucked at Mizz. "Your attitude saddens me." He remarks setting the pillow onto Mizz's lap. "You'll only bother me if you mess with my belongings." He says standing in front of Mizz with his arms crossed. 

((gud Just a chair no couches here ))

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 20:27:57 +0000 UTC]


"hmm thanks..........*sighs* My attitude? how is it saddening?" Mizz really had no clue that his attitude was saddening orthers he just knew he was sad all the time but he didnt really think about it," I wouldnt mess with your stuff........messing with others i find sad and bother some........*sighs* i tend to keep to myself anyway because i wouldnt want others to mess with me oor my stuff.........*its* it would make me real sad.." he touched the razor blade on his necklace that was hidden under his sweater

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-02 20:46:41 +0000 UTC]

George set his hand on Mizz's shoulder. "Listen, would you like to order pizza, Mizz?" He asked Mizz. He thought maybe he could order pizza for Mizz to cheer him up a little. George heard everthing Mizz said, but didn't know how to respond.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-02 21:34:43 +0000 UTC]

Mizz shrugged," Sure pizza sounds not as saddening........" Mizz smiles a little which to him he was grinning bur to others all it was is a half smile. He was hungry and liked the idea of pizza

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-04 22:45:51 +0000 UTC]

George eventually called for some pizza on his old timey motel phone, swirling his fingers on the wire as he spoke to them. When he was done he put the phone back and looked at Mizz with unease. "This is all for you, Mizz. I'm not hungry." He states.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-06 00:00:09 +0000 UTC]

Mizz laid upside down in the chair as he called for pizza."Oh uh.......thanks i guess........-sighs- i have a big appetite anyway. but uh.........i guess if you do get hungry your always welcome to eat some......i mean you are getting it for me soo................yea.........." Mizz didnt really know what to say or  why he was hungry alot he just figured it was from sadness or maybe just because he was a guy or maybe even because he was just hungry alot but really it was because he was feeding more then just himself he was also feeding the other personalities.

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-06 10:43:13 +0000 UTC]

 George glanced at Mizz and his lips separated just a little so his front teeth were showing. Without hesitating he placed his hands on his shoulders and stood before him, "I guarantee you, I'm not hungry at all." He said with his indifferent expression. "Would you like anything else?"

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-06 22:10:55 +0000 UTC]

Mizz just starred at him with his usual sad looking face,"hmmmm.......no i dont think so........."

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-08 03:46:11 +0000 UTC]

George looked at the bed, "Well then. Someone shall knock on the door, you answer it." With that said he grabs a few moneys and casually slips it inside Mizz's shirt. "Now if you excuse me.." George made his way to the bed and crawled under the sheets. Even though he had a guest, he still proceeded to remove his trousers. He was still under the sheets so male Mizzy wouldn't see anything, except for the folded pants George had set on a nearby nightstand. The exhausted and nude George laid on his side, facing away from Mizz. He wasn't quite asleep, he was still wide awake.

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GiraffeMcSmokey In reply to Chadmin [2014-02-08 17:09:47 +0000 UTC]


Mizz looked at the money in his shirt and then to George who was taking his trousers off under the sheets," Oh...............uh.*sighs*.....thanks um ok............uh...........*looks at they monies and grabs it and sighs* Stripper money?................Well ok ill jus uh........wait untill the pizza guy comes*sighs*..........uh Good Night i guess....."Mizz took out his MP3 and popped in his ear bud,he lieft one out so he could listen for the door, and started listening to BOTDF  he didnt sing to it just listened and looked around the room. After about 30 minutes or soo he hears a knock on the door ( i feell like putting a twist in this for a lil bit huehehehe)  and he grabs the money and opens up the door and sees Hector and his heart swells  will sadness and Anger.

Hector:Hey do i know you? You look like...................you cant be i mean shes a girl.................maybe your related do you know someone named Mizzy?

Mizz couldnt form words he just shook his head and he stood there like a statue 

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Chadmin In reply to GiraffeMcSmokey [2014-02-08 18:32:18 +0000 UTC]

 Since they were in a motel they're was only one room with the bed a few feet away from the door. "Mmm.." He mumbles as he hears the door open. He got curious to see who it was as the pizza guy asked if male Mizz knew who Mizzy was. (OH SHIT)) George raised from the bed, still covered, and scanned the man at the door. He felt like telling the guy it is Mizzy, but instead he chose to mess around. "Hey, love~ Did you get the pizza? Come on.. Hurry back to bed.. I want you now!" He called to Mizz loudly. 

I loveyour twists))

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