Published: 2013-07-27 23:43:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 9371; Favourites: 824; Downloads: 0
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auction over thank you for bidding!I donβt normally auction them but all the proceeds will be going to Riley . she has supported my work when I needed it the most, and I would like to return the favor. at this time you all may know that she is preparing for a move, and has some medical bills on her shoulders.
shes a good friend and a good person. all the money from this auction will be gifted to her. If I had money I would just secretly slip it into her pay pal account. but this is what I have. I wish I had more to give. if you want to help out please signal boost this.
these are the pendants specifics
I call it the cascading frilled jellyfish because of the lovely gentile cascading effect of the tendrils.
it has very nice stained glass like features across the bell of the fish and the color echos in the very tips of the tendrils pulling the whole composition together.
the size of the pendant is 2 inches in length and around two inches across. it comes with a 22 inch silver colored ball chain necklace
this Unique hand made sculpture is coated with a high gloss finish, this gives the work a βpulled from the ocean" wet look.
the material used in this pendant is durable premo polymer clay. this clay has a unique flexibility which protects and adds durability to the fine parts of this pendant, it does not break easily despite its delicate appearance. how ever it should be treated like what it is, a piece of art jewelry.
When the lights go out you will be happy to find that this jellyfish glows in the dark.
This is a one of a kind work that cant be duplicated and is signed by the artist for authenticity.
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Comments: 50
Mallenroh001 [2014-03-03 16:26:17 +0000 UTC]
it's so nice of you to help your friend, wish I'd seen this sooner! I love the tentacles on this fish, you really captured the graceful drifting movement of a real jellyfishΒ
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to Mallenroh001 [2014-03-03 17:11:35 +0000 UTC]
oh thank you. yeah it was hard to give that one up. I liked it allot. it almost was inducted into my private collection. Β
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Mallenroh001 In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2014-03-03 17:24:39 +0000 UTC]
it's always hard to part with something you've made, it's like a little piece of you goes with itΒ
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Nocturnaliss [2013-12-17 10:09:41 +0000 UTC]
I thought this was glass. Then I read the description and I figuratively fell off my chair.
How on earth did you pull off those tentacles ?! Such delicate, intricate detailwork... I'm in awe.
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to Nocturnaliss [2013-12-17 10:46:46 +0000 UTC]
tweezers and time
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Nocturnaliss In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2013-12-17 10:50:54 +0000 UTC]
You're amazing.
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bluemangoimages [2013-08-22 14:44:46 +0000 UTC]
contact me if you have another, I would love to own one!
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to bluemangoimages [2013-08-22 23:27:59 +0000 UTC]
I can attempt to duplicate it its just they never turn out the same way twice. but thank you. this is a most flattering comment.
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bluemangoimages In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2013-08-23 10:21:50 +0000 UTC]
I was looking at some of your other ones, I love them all. How much do you sell the earrings for?
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to bluemangoimages [2013-08-23 19:27:49 +0000 UTC]
the large ones go for 28.00 the small ones are 15-16
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bluemangoimages In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2013-08-26 11:32:08 +0000 UTC]
hmm....I may have to get myself a set
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Cr4zyW45t3d [2013-08-07 03:06:06 +0000 UTC]
They are absolutely beautiful and quite unique! Your pieces are amazing! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM!
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cddmanful [2013-07-29 05:07:44 +0000 UTC]
Very remarkable bell coloring, and the skirt on the bell is even more amazing....It's beautiful! Β The curled and twisted tendrils just look gorgeous, especially as you say where the color is re-emphasized on the ends of them....
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PankakeCarnivor [2013-07-29 02:10:25 +0000 UTC]
Wow thus is cute and you are an amazing friend(:
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to PankakeCarnivor [2013-08-05 13:16:46 +0000 UTC]
thanks ^.^
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chibiwolf7 [2013-07-28 21:58:47 +0000 UTC]
It's beautiful! I'll try keeping an eye on that auction.
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RosesWebofNightmares [2013-07-28 20:38:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh my, wow! This...is absolutely gorgeous You've perfectly captured the essence of the jellyfish with those flowing tendrils. I just-aughh! It's so beautiful!! I will probably try to make one someday, but it would just be easier to buy from you Β
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sparkfairy [2013-07-28 07:39:26 +0000 UTC]
OMG. shut up and take my money! I will be harassing you on etsy shortly.
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yellowsmoke321 [2013-07-28 06:49:55 +0000 UTC]
pretty lighting on this
pretty white tentacles
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shinedust [2013-07-28 06:34:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow, this looks exactly like the jellies they are selling at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, I just bought one actually! About the same price too as the other ones you have. They are so pretty, if I had more money to spend on another jelly I would buy one. Especially this one, I love the fading colors in the tentacles and the color swirls in the bell. So pretty!
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to shinedust [2013-07-28 07:32:51 +0000 UTC]
oh wow..... I grew up in chicago. love the shed, its one of the oldest aquariums in the u.s.a. I would love to see a picture of your jelly.Β
and thank you. this was may best one out of my recent batch. I'm very pleased with it.
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shinedust In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2013-07-29 03:13:44 +0000 UTC]
Let me just start by saying that Chicago misses you, because Chicago is love and she loves her people! XD I don't know, sounded right in my head. & yes, the Shedd is just amazing, it's not as big as I remember it being from all those school trips--but the ray exhibit where you get to touch them was so much fun, and there's a shark exhibit on the basement floor where the glass goes above you and the different types of sharks are practically swimming above you...and the jelly exhibit was just so much fun! ^___^ It was love, I'm so happy I got to see all the exhibits, kind of bummed that they put up these tall opaque curtains where the water shows are held though...you can't walk by and see a dolphin doing a jump or anything anymore...it was even guarded, it was so crazy!
Ah! So I found my ornament, the jelly, and first I got the $16 one so it's nowhere near as good as yours...and now I want to shell out an extra $20 to buy one of yours because yours are just so much prettier!!!
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to shinedust [2013-07-29 04:09:57 +0000 UTC]
I miss the city so much, I have so many stories. I did a five K around the shed and the park, somebody streaked and jumped into the Buckingham fountain at the taste of Chicago right in front of us one year (crazy stories) I remember once between shows at the shed, I walked down to the beluga whales, and they followed me around the tank. I love museum campus. I spent allot of time at the art institute. there was this pile of candy exhibit in the modern art section that would get smaller and smaller every time I saw it.....the candy was pretty good XD Β I ate art.
I miss the storms, and the green. the zoo, and malls you could actually get lost in.Β
it sounds like they have added allot to the shed since I've visited about ten years ago. I need to come back and see all the new stuff.
Β I love making the jellyfish, they never turn out the same twice. they are very organic.Β
and I cant articulate how happy you make me when you say you like my work, thank you for your support, I hope I do get to work with you one day on a special jellyfish.Β
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shinedust In reply to CarmendeeDragons [2013-07-29 04:22:28 +0000 UTC]
There is never a shortage of stories for those who have spent any extended time in Chicago, that's for sure. The beluga whales were so beautiful, they were my favorite part out of everything. There was a baby calf between 8 and 12 months in age that didn't leave its mother's side--it was so cute when he tried to take the ribbon with the bobble ball from her mouth or swim faster than her. The dolphins had a baby too...it was all just really incredible. I think the jelly exhibit ends after this month, but they've got to bring it back, it was just a really big hit. I know they already extended it twice. The art museum, I can get lost in there for hours and just feel so at peace. Have you ever taken the water taxis? I've lived here my whole life and just took them for the first time a few weeks ago. It's a bit more expensive and time consuming than hopping a regular taxi, but it was so pretty to be on the water. The taxi from Navy Pier to Union was the longest, but you get to see all the architecture and see so many people. It was really fun, I highly encourage it the next time you're in the city.
I would really love to work with you for a jellyfish, they really are really beautiful. I hope you never lose your passion for making them and your other art, you really do have some amazing pieces.
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the-third-guy [2013-07-28 06:09:33 +0000 UTC]
I can't even imagine the time and effort that went into this. Β Well done!
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Rei2jewels [2013-07-28 02:49:04 +0000 UTC]
did a journal entry Β to help since i cant help by bidding =.= Β but it's beautiful
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TamaraKane [2013-07-28 00:51:53 +0000 UTC]
This is truly excellent work! This piece has been moved to our featured folder at Creatures-of-Clay! Congratulations on crafting a wonderful treasure.
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staceysmile [2013-07-28 00:41:52 +0000 UTC]
Intriguing never saw jellyfish jewelry. Beautiful piece!!
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Ganjamira [2013-07-28 00:07:02 +0000 UTC]
My favourite of your jellyfish! Such a wonderfull work!
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pyro-helfier [2013-07-28 00:01:00 +0000 UTC]
It's really beautiful.Β I love the colors you used and the intricately detailed tendrils.Β So pretty.Β If I had the money I would definitely be bidding on this.Β It's nice of you to help your friend in such a way- I hope this fetches a good price for both of you.
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CarmendeeDragons In reply to GlassHouse-1 [2013-07-28 09:31:46 +0000 UTC]
thank you very much!
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