Cane-the-artist — Kuroko X Reader X Aomine- The Choice Part 1
#fanfictionfanfic #aominexkuroko #aominexreader #knbxreaderfanfic
Published: 2015-05-25 05:38:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 2867; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Part 1

Every time I walk my way to home, I feel like someone is watching over me, but I have no idea where he/she is coming from. I just have a feeling yet I don’t have a proof. Geez, I always get chills in my spines when I’m alone. I am a teenage girl and who knows what that person is going to do to me. Attack me? No erase that, I hope that won’t happen. I pray to Gods above.

Whoosh, whoosh,

Chilly wind brushed my already cold body, winter is coming again, the leaves from the trees are falling, and ready to conquer the cold wind and sooner snow.

Here I am now eating under the big cherry blossom tree, enjoying myself as I picnic alone. I sighed because Dai-chan is not here to accompany me. Loneliness crept in my heart. I am not very used to eat alone. I hate that feeling the most. I missed him already, well, I understand that he has a practice, I know Akashi-kun is very strict, despite that, everyone respects him.

I sighed again. I shrieked when somebody cupped my face from behind,

Cold pair of hands

“Missed me already?” I heard a teasing deep voice from behind, I narrowed my eyes as I look at him knowing he was my best friend, Daiki.

“Not in your dreams,” I smiled and held his hand, I tapped the grass beside me telling him to sit beside me. Obeying me as he sat down, I don’t like to have a stiff neck talking to an overly tall man, “How come your hands felt dead?” I asked casually.

A grin flashed his bright face, “It’s because I rushed here knowing you’re missin’ me,” I slap his shoulders playfully, he chuckled. I shared my scarf with him, I tied it on his neck, and he snuggled closer to me, which made my heart beat faster.

What’s wrong with me?

I just love his warmth that’s all, I tried to calm down my heart but it didn’t.

“Hey, [Name],” he waved his hand across my face, I try to gain posture, can’t believe I am dozing.

“What are you saying again?” I smiled, at least I tried, but he didn’t give in to it.

“What’s wrong?” he shot me a worried look, I tried to change the subject,

“Just hungry I guess,” I laughed awkwardly,

“Hungry? Your food is already gone,” he raised his eyebrow, looking at me quizzically. Oh-uh, I forgot, I had eaten it already, “Tell me the truth,” he demanded. I just can’t risk our friendship by telling him that,

My heart pounded really fast when you snuggled closer to me.

I sighed. I just can’t. “I just missed you that’s all,” I am not lying, I honestly missed him, I looked at him in the eyes, is that my imagination? He blushed.

The blush faded as fast as it came, he returned to his playful side again. “I told ya,” he enveloped his arms around me, this time I’m the one who blushed.

Kuroko POV

My heart tightens every time I see her, with Aomine-kun, how much I want myself on his place. I respect their relationship, as long as [Name]-chan is happy I am happy too. That’s what love is, I guess. I just kept telling myself I’m okay but I’m dying inside. [Name]-chan why do I have to fall for you. Why? I sighed as I turned my back to them, I fight myself not to tell her my feelings. But I don’t think I can take it anymore. I’ll face it now.

Girls POV

As I walk home today, I made sure that Dai-chan will not worry. He said it’s dangerous for me to go home alone. He even said that he should take me home, but I told him he should practice, and I’ll be fine. But seriously I’m not okay because I feel someone’s eyes are on me again. I can’t help but to feel scared. Who would not? He might be a kidnapper, or a rapist. I walk as fast as I can. I can feel that that punk is catching up to me. Hell! I began to run, but I felt someone grabbed my arm. I ready myself to scream my lungs out. But he/she covered my face.

“It’s me.” I recognized that voice. He panted really hard. I looked at him,

“Kuroko-kun?” I muttered as I furrowed my eyebrows confused why he’s here with me? Or should I say, why he’s chasing after me? The dots are slowly connecting with each other, last few days it’s been like this too, someone is chasing after me, is he possibly the one?

“I… I have … something to tell you.” He huffed, still catching up his breath. “Actually I’ve-been-in-love-with-you, I-don’t-want-to-say-this-”

Cutting his words, “Calm down, Kuroko-kun,” he calmed down a bit. “What is it again?”

His face are flushed with tints of red, he grips my shoulder and looked directly at me. “Actually, I don’t have the courage to tell you this,” he burst out, “But I can’t help it anymore, it hurts, it hurts to see you with Aomine-kun,” tears are fighting over his eyes, anytime it can fall down, his fist are on his chest tightly closed, I am so surprised to see him like this, he’s usually calm, and well composed.

“I...” I don’t know what to say,

“It’s because I’m in love with you,” my heart skipped a bit, did he just confessed to me? He enveloped his arms to me burying his face to my neck, I felt my cheeks burn furiously. “But you already have Aomine-kun,” he said bitterly, his hot breath brushes my skin, I’m going insane.

“What are you saying Kuroko-kun? Daiki is just my best friend,” I said to him as a matter of fact, I know he’ll never fall for me, besides, Kuroko-kun had been my crush, I smile at that thought. Though, Daiki is special to me,

“Really?” he pull a distance between us, he finally smiled, ah, I missed that sincere smile of his, and I loved how his eyes twinkle.

“And Kuroko-kun?”

“Yes, [Name]-chan”

“I think I like you too,” I said averting my eyes, cheeks burning, can’t look at him, I can’t believe I said something like that. He throw himself at me, hugged me tight, the air is beginning to leave my lungs.

“K-Ku-ro-ko-kun, I can’t bre-breathe” I had a hard time saying that, he pulled away, and blushed,

“Sorry, [Name]-chan, I just felt happy to know that you liked me too.” His eyes are so pretty, it’s drowning me, blue eyes that belonged to the man I had a crush on.

I’m happy, but why am I feeling guilty,

Aomine Daiki

His name flashed through my thoughts,

I don’t know why, he’s just my best friend, nothing other than that. My heart tightens with that thought.

“[Name]-chan?” a familiar voice called my name, I looked at the direction where that voice came from, I shuddered when I saw the man, he looked so broken, as if betrayed,

Oh no, suddenly guilt flashed through me,

“D-Daiki?” I finally said, there’s a lump in my throat making it hard for me to breathe,

~End of Part One~  


Author's note:
What do you think? Did you like it? Should I continue this? Please tell me~
Who do you think Reader-chan will choose?
Comment if you want part two, hehe inspire me!

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Comments: 14

maroontiger2011 [2015-10-19 19:57:16 +0000 UTC]

Looking forward to reading the continuation. I'm an Aomine kind of girl, but since this story is about making choices, I'm going to agree with the others about having two parts. It's personalized that way :-D 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RoseEmma1 [2015-10-06 14:37:53 +0000 UTC]

Eh~!! I don't know! 

I really like Kuroko kun but Aomine kun is sweet in his own way too x/ 

so....I have a plan B....and plan C

plab B: I'm already with Akashi San!  
plan C: ......*runs away* 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kat-Winn [2015-07-15 09:16:35 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cane-the-artist In reply to Kat-Winn [2015-08-09 05:44:51 +0000 UTC]

I will do, when I get a free time I promise! glad you liked it thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kat-Winn In reply to Cane-the-artist [2015-08-10 12:06:54 +0000 UTC]

No problem good luck!!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

2n31 [2015-05-29 06:23:38 +0000 UTC]

The feels! Please continue

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cane-the-artist In reply to 2n31 [2015-05-29 11:28:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I'll post it soon, I'll try my best!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

anaki037 [2015-05-28 16:51:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah both will be good!!! You can also make one with non of them but as an example with murasakibara ending or someone else !

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cane-the-artist In reply to anaki037 [2015-05-29 11:28:09 +0000 UTC]

Great idea, haha poor kuroko and aomine, Thanks for the idea! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

anaki037 In reply to Cane-the-artist [2015-05-29 12:21:38 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SacredArcheress [2015-05-26 13:47:03 +0000 UTC]

I think that you should write both a Aomine ending & a Kuroko ending, so that many Readers will enjoy both!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cane-the-artist In reply to SacredArcheress [2015-05-26 23:57:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh right! I love your idea, thanks for reading, I'll do both

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SacredArcheress In reply to Cane-the-artist [2015-05-27 09:10:23 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I really look forward to Reading them! Especially Aomine!
I wish you best luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cane-the-artist In reply to SacredArcheress [2015-05-27 12:37:36 +0000 UTC]

really? I'm suddenly motivated to write the part two, glad to know that someone looks forward in my works, *touched*   
Thank you, I'll do my best   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0