caio — I want you

Published: 2003-03-21 23:45:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 3298; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 242
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hardriff [2010-07-28 23:32:47 +0000 UTC]

una exelente satira sobre el imperialismo y el papael que ocupa estados unidos en la actualidad

es agemas un perfecto dibujo de ironia

me encanto esta genial

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corpser2 [2007-11-21 20:13:41 +0000 UTC]

... no thankyou

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Lost-Perception- [2006-01-07 08:26:48 +0000 UTC]

This is great. Nice piece.

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caio In reply to Lost-Perception- [2006-01-10 21:03:34 +0000 UTC]

I kinda laugh about this. have you seen the other comments?

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ThecraZed [2005-04-30 08:52:45 +0000 UTC]

Dont like it ..

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timbersmith [2004-10-18 15:01:47 +0000 UTC]

it makes me kinda sad to read some of this comments.

first of all this is a art website and we´re looking at your piece of art here and hardly noone mentions anything about that.
I like this pic, but I agree in what somebody said, the hat would look better bigger.

second, I didn´t believe how childish people can be...do u guys really think this is about saving people in Iraq...
well I have always liked the states but I defenatly do NOT like your government!!!!
I really hope that the people will use their rights to vote and get rid of this stupit man!!

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caio In reply to timbersmith [2004-10-19 11:35:37 +0000 UTC]

Well, thanks for the real comment on it. The hat is kinda small like this just to make him look stupid on it.

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timbersmith In reply to caio [2004-10-19 12:27:22 +0000 UTC]

ok, now I get it...sorry.
I like the red colour in the right, like blood.
you´re very good in putting those two pics together.
well excuse my limited english knowledge
keep up the good work

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Flaw-BL [2004-04-03 17:45:35 +0000 UTC]

Anything anti-war... good...

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Teufelkind [2004-03-03 19:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Cute... but not nearly as effective as the propaganda used by the man featured in your poster.

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caio In reply to Teufelkind [2004-03-04 19:44:43 +0000 UTC]

Yes, you are absolutely right.

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Teufelkind In reply to caio [2004-03-05 04:56:38 +0000 UTC]

Rock on !

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phlezk [2004-01-29 22:11:43 +0000 UTC]

i like the fact that you've created controversy.
people automatically assume since you created this that these are your views.

great work.

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zytronites [2003-10-05 22:17:14 +0000 UTC]

very well done!

---------------------------------------- ----
"it's ironic how we cry for world peace"

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barfinguprain [2003-09-26 01:25:03 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. I think this truley expresses what the United States government has become. War is not the answer to anything except for more war. Even though people do have their rights to their own oppinions and i do deeply respect that, i strongly disagree with what other people are saying. Not being in favor of what the country is doing (government/presedent) doens't mean that i'm not American. I love my country but i DO want whats best for it and i think the Bush Administration is doing just the opposite. So all in all, NICE WORK DESPITE WHAT OTHERS SAY! KEEP IT UP!

~*dont hold yourself hostage; the knots are alot harder to untie*~

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Volteraine [2003-09-25 17:22:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm happy again !! I'm not alone !!!!
I live again !!! Humans still exist !!
Thank you !! You brought me back some hope !

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dickyx [2003-07-25 06:12:46 +0000 UTC]

killing innocents for oil is GOOOD !!!

having fun with Bush is BAAAAD !!!

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frostblaze [2003-06-06 18:01:13 +0000 UTC]

regster as a CO it makes a huge inpact on the government...
and yes, beeing an american is nothing i am proud of, its not my fault.

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camarokid [2003-05-26 13:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Awsome man... I like the yellow tone and the dirt! Great job!

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aburningangel [2003-04-20 00:06:04 +0000 UTC]

very well done and i agree with the message, and it upsets me to see that people cannot be a little more mature than hoping you get your balls ripped off....*strangely* it does seem as though most pro-war people i talk to are the ones who cannot have an adult conversation, but instead just scream and say "go america!"...hmmmmmmmm.......but people, there is NO need to get so worked up over the message and use childish insults when you are knowingly subjecting yourselves to see art with points like this, considering you ARE in a section dedicated to the war, and this section is not subdivided into pro-war and anti-war views.

good job Caio!

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aquadark [2003-04-12 08:09:37 +0000 UTC]

very stupid idea indeed, but great graphical realization. The silk hat is somehow small, though.

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culturalflux [2003-04-10 06:58:25 +0000 UTC]

"then i hope he rips yoru balls off, and makes you swallow them.... so you can taste the last thing before he cuts out your tounge.."

I have never, ever seen a pro-peace person make these kind of comments. There is so much hate and "told-you-so" attitude going on with the pro-war side. I'm being completely honest here, the majority of pro-war people I debate with start out by running towards me and screaming at the top of their lungs. What an exercise in self control. I feel I have disciplined myself to be respectful towards the other side, but I guess I can't make everyone drop their aggressive mindsets.

As for the viability of this piece, comparisons are bullshit. Bush is Hitler, Saddam is Hitler, whatever. Recently they've been comparing the tearing down of one of Saddam's statues as "akin to the Berlin wall", or "just like Leningrad". Now that's pretty pathetic. It dishonors our soldiers who died in World War II, and maybe belittles the suffering of the Jews, as is a frequent complaint when people compare others to Hitler. I am overjoyed that the Iraqi people are starting to regain their fragmented power, but it could have been achieved without as much loss of life, and who knows what's going to happen later. Some people in the History Dept. pointed out that Britain tried to install an essential democracy, a Constitutional monarchy, in the early 20th century, and that's how Hcame about. I'm not saying democracy brings dictators, I'm saying that unless the mindset of the people changes, and they directly support a democracy, not cheer for American troops when they're there and support dictatorship later, nothing will be accomplished. But this doesn't have a thing to do with September 11th or World War II.

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protox [2003-04-08 21:12:19 +0000 UTC]

Hehe ...
I didn't see that excellent & powerfull creation from ya ... mhh
It's quite a violent message .. but Bush doesn't use violent propagandha too ??

It's a very good creation, I like it.

And when I see all the ... bad comments .. from the blinded people from here ... I'm thinking about our future ... a dark future .. where the mass is controled by the fake informations just like the CNN's one ...

I hate Bush, I hate Saddam too.

And I think that you are right to compare Hitler with Bush ...
That the same sort of dangerous personn ... followed by the same blinded people..

Ps : btw, I put a on this !

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burseg [2003-04-07 04:33:07 +0000 UTC]


Do you believe this nonsense? I WOULD NOT support ANYONE killing innocent people. Americans are MURDERING people living on the other side of the planet and they came only to kill. If a froup of thugs are called "our troops" then fuck your troops and your brain that supports them. If you are supportingthem you are simply just as guilty. You are a petty fox/cnn kid, try hard so that you might be a true imperialist one day. Now that Iraq is divided between capitalist US corporations, you still deny this is an oil war.

Have a look consumerist, conformist pig and post your reply if you have one:

I bet you'll say these people are killed by iraq or suggest breaking eggs to make an omelette. You republicans are just a stereotype really.

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bender [2003-04-02 13:06:55 +0000 UTC]

/ You have no respect for America, nor American troops. /


this in no war because of freedom.. this is a war because of the wish to more power and $. fuck this war and the politicans who want it.

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neuroglider [2003-03-31 02:59:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh, and check this one out, you might like it: [link]

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neuroglider [2003-03-31 02:52:52 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure you expected this territorial pissing feedback.
Bom trabalho.

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sandy1964 [2003-03-30 12:47:15 +0000 UTC]

A brutal way to say a brutal truth!

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raxidian [2003-03-27 21:58:13 +0000 UTC]

hope americans start to vote and participate in its democracy, cause its their fault when they dont go to vote and let a few to choose their leaders and then they realized they have a really fucked up leader that send them to war far away from his country, cause he wants the oil.

dont be ignorant, read the facts, read the news and dont hear what your media tells you, is all manipulated, the whole wolrd knows that... american people is far more intelligent than... "saddam is a genocidal maniac we must kill him and free Irak"

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deevon [2003-03-27 02:04:17 +0000 UTC]

Let me think for a second here, what about all the sanctions that killed thousands of iraqis EVERY day for the past.. how long has it been? like 12 years? Yeah. If they really cared about iraq a good way to liberate them would have been drop the sanctions. Can you provide any evidence against that this is a war for oil?

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puissance [2003-03-26 20:14:00 +0000 UTC]

good job.

i just had to comment to support the anti-war movement..
to pro-war people: get better informed. you're not liberating anyone, you're killing civilians and allied forces.
and no, the anti-war movement doesn't support Saddam. But he is definately less dangerous to the entire world than your cretin president.

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e404 [2003-03-26 17:50:05 +0000 UTC]

very polarizing.
I like it.

Sorry some of the guys here don't understand satire.

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jago6498 [2003-03-26 06:21:54 +0000 UTC]

Geee let me think...people live in Iraq...oil is in Iraq...people in Iraq use oil as an item of export? Wow that was hard to figure...

Do you have HARD, HARD proof saying it is about oil? 100% NO!

I do question why we don't do more in North Korea...especially when I have a friend in the Air Force saying that it is alot worse then the news makes it sound. But I think that Bush and his military advisors are doing a good job...hell over 70% of the of the US SUPPORTS the President...the minority are the goofballs who say "Oh the war is for oil" (but with NO SOLID PROOF to support that crazy idea...)

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deevon [2003-03-25 23:07:20 +0000 UTC]

jago6498 - if the war isn't about oil, why did bush say anyone who toarches the oil feilds will be tried as war criminals? Why wouldn't he go and attack North Korea, a country who is blatantly flaunting their nuclear weapons? Becuase he has nothing to gain. Its all about oil, the liberation of the iraqi people is just a ploy to keep simple minded, blind patriots like you happy.

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steve-purcell [2003-03-25 21:04:48 +0000 UTC]

Powerful message and at the same time stupid. The art aspect is nice, a similair picture would be an apple morphing into an orange. But to insult our troops is horrible. Insult the president and America all you want. The troops are what keep me and my family free. The troops are the ones keeping me safe from Saddam's weapons. What do you have to worry about? NOTHING! You live where? BRASIL? You need to worry more about natives coming out of the forest and attacking you than anything. america is a target for all those people which means I AM A TARGET TOO. so if we have to go to war to keep me and the rest of my country safe than they have my support.

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subzero [2003-03-25 11:39:24 +0000 UTC]

Isso aí Caio, acho que você já esperava as duras críticas, principalmente por parte dos americanos. Mandei algumas fotos de navios e aviões de guerra apenas com o título No War, isso já foi o bastante pra me chamarem de comunista entre outras coisas. O que importa é que se os americanos não conseguem entender os reais motivos da guerra, o resto do mundo entende. Sadam é uma ameaça? Acho que sim, mas os motivos que levam os EUA a fazer esta guerra é que nos preocupa. Quando chegará a vez da Colômbia? E se o Brasil não ajudar os EUA, será a desculpa para eles entrarem na Amazônia para combater o tráfico de drogas e daí só Deus sabe.

Give peace a chance

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jago6498 [2003-03-25 10:23:26 +0000 UTC]

deevon - how do you know 100% that this battle is for oil? If your making the assumption that since there is oil there and thats why, then why don't you just say that we (the US) are gonna take their sand and sell it as well? You have NO PROOF of the oil argument...that was developed by desperate protesters.

No one said that we didn't supply Iraq with weapons. Hell we even admited it and it was a mistake from back in the early 80's. Reagan thought that Saddam was going to be a good leader and ended up being a brutal dictator. Don't you wonder why Germany, Russia and China aren't supporting the war? It's b/c they ALSO gave Saddam weapons and other items.

The underground bunkers? Germany. Saddam has a lavish underground bunker that is fully decorated. Saddam and his very close military companions can survive underground for A YEAR.

The high-tech fiberoptic and communication system? China

GPS-jamming equipment, night-vision gogles, and other items they are BANNED from having? Russia

All 3 of those are proven, but those countries don't want their weapons and supplies to come back and bite them in the ass.

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inverno [2003-03-25 04:00:45 +0000 UTC]

Here's the translated comment like you suggest, Caio!!

I loved the idea. The way you saw Bush, like a dumbass, was great. It seems like all of his compatriots think that this is all their backyard and its all because "they're defending their country". Bullshit. Why don't they go to the North Korea where are nuclear weapons and the koreans keep yelling to the world that they will used at any time? Because oil profits are higher.

And loosing money was never an U.S. thing.
Well, and the premise is true: This is the begging of the end; of this xenophobic and egotistic nation.

Congrats, Mate. I loved it!
Peace for all!

And now, I'll put on my
And, about their proverb: God Bless America? How they do that, besides this Insane war??? Surrounds insane to me, they can say this...

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ohxohx [2003-03-24 22:20:22 +0000 UTC]

do caralho.
sem palavras...

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karol [2003-03-24 17:42:16 +0000 UTC]

Caio Blat !!!

Amei a sua manifestação !!!!

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gridlockd [2003-03-24 12:06:45 +0000 UTC]

I´ve said enough about this stupid, insane, childish, bloody war. I´ve got only one thing !!!

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alitax [2003-03-24 06:32:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, the hat does look silly and the arm is overly sketchy, but the bloodstain makes the picture. Good stuff.

Most of the previous comments aren't worth paying attention to, since they don't address the style, only content, and sometimes not even that.

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darkskada [2003-03-24 06:29:08 +0000 UTC]

This is awful.... I thought I'd forgotten how to cry, until I saw this... ;_;

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deevon [2003-03-24 02:50:00 +0000 UTC]

well this is a favourite for sure. And all the idoits saying you should support the troops even if you dont like war, i hope you get drafted then die for you country. And someone said the oil argument has no proff? Well my friend, be ready to realize your an idot. The only reason bush is going to war with iraq is for cheaper oil. They have no factual evedience for this war. They suspect saddam of having all these weapons, but couldnt find any, with the exception of like what? 5 missles? and those were supplied by the us government back in the iran/iraq war. Let's take a look at North Korea, a country that has, and boasts about the fact they have, many nuclear weapons. Why wouldnt criminal jr. bush go after the blatanly obvious threat first? because he has nothing to gain from north korea. This isn't about "liberation" its about oil.

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jago6498 [2003-03-23 20:34:49 +0000 UTC]

...again with the stupid oil argument that no one can prove...

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nefertari [2003-03-23 17:08:29 +0000 UTC]

I hate this silly discution. It only shows that Americans don´t respect other people´s opinions. They want us to think just like them. And that´s just sick! I´m not against those troops out there.. I´m against Bush and his stupid stupid war.

I agree with everyone who said that is wrong to compare Hitler to Bush, cause Hitler had an Evil brain, and Bush has no brain at all. And this war makes me hate him even more.

Can´t you American people see that Bush is only distracting the World´s attention from the real problem... he just wants the Oil. And nothing will take away this thought from me.

Bush is such an stupid moron! I hate him so much! To get what he wants, he would have to bomb all the world... in that point, I think he is just like Hitler. He wants us to agree with his opinions, he wants us to think like Americans, he wants to transform the whole world in his beautiful backyard, where he can play all day with his pretty dog (A.k.a. Blair).

Bush is an idiot, and this war makes me sick.

Caio, great piece. Congratulations for you courage. Keep it up!

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jago6498 [2003-03-23 05:48:01 +0000 UTC]

burseg - what is wrong with what calmius said? There is nothing wrong with supporting your countries troops...it's a pitty you have to resort to childish cursing and name calling to try and get your point across.

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asgaron [2003-03-23 03:04:50 +0000 UTC]

Great job! I agree completely with your message. It´s natural to receive so many "bombs" on this deviation considering how patriotic American people are. However, if part of them understand that bombing you and Iraq won´t stop terrorism and also, the REAL connection between Bush family and Nazis, maybe comments were a bit different.
As I said before, during the last few years Washington supported the evil Saddam Husseim (and sold all those beautiful chemical weapons to him) as well as supported the equally evil Marcos (Filipinas), Suharto (Indonesia), Reza Pahlevi (Iran), Somoza (Nicaragua), Batista (Cuba), Trujillo (Dominican Republic), Pinochet (Chile), Mobutu (Congo-Zaire) etc etc etc... Still, some of the most terrible tyrants remain supported by USA Government as, for example, the terrible Teodoro Obiang (Equatorial Guine), recently welcome with the most kindly reverences by George Bloody Bush in the White and Red House (september 2002). So, what do they think Mr. Bush is, an angel?????????????
Of course, it´s somehow wrong to compare Bush with Hittler, because Hittler had an evil brain...
... and Bush has no brain, at all.
Ps: I´m against the anti-american wave is growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing and growing all over the world. That´s it, I´m against and no more comments. Cheers.

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burseg [2003-03-22 19:20:20 +0000 UTC]


calmius: go fuck yourself!

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squidgee [2003-03-22 17:56:18 +0000 UTC]

I can see why people get overtly offended by this image but I think your missing the point entirely. It's not so much a scathing swing at the military as it is of the government that forces the forces to do what they have to do....hell it's not even that really

Hitler has become so iconic as a symbol of evil that uses his image is like putting devil horns on a figure- your not implying that they live in pergotory or are a fallen angel just evil in their ways like the devil. And the ''Uncle Sam Wants You" poster is almost just as iconic as a starting point for American political satire.

I don't think ciao was going after the army personally here, just the whole sickening mess that seems to have come about for all the wrong reasons. A generalised point was being made and the Uncle Sam image was just the platform for it. I might be wrong though. God knows I usually am

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