Published: 2009-05-24 01:13:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 31186; Favourites: 316; Downloads: 13076
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As promised, folks.... some DIGIMANSSSS!!1Seriously, a large portion of my childhood (and most likely many of yours) was consumed by the memorization and classification of Digital Monsters. You fiercely defended the franchize when it was condescendingly refered to as 'a Pokemon rip-off', and, to this day, can somehow remember that Gatomon's rookie form is Salamon, who is mysteriously a puppy dog.
So, here are some Digis. From left to right(ish), we have:
Agumon. Agumon spoke like a castrati who had suffered a head injury, but he was still a fire-spitting dinosaur who transformed into a bigger fire-spitting dinosaur (and so on), so things weren't all bad. But good god, what a voice.
Gatomon. A favorite of many, mainly due to her general badassery. When a purple kitten is your most badass character, it is hard to decide whether you should admit defeat or success. Anyway, she was pretty much the coolest, and even transformed into a disturbingly sexy Digi-super model.
Koromon. A wee Agumon. When I was ten, I would have dreams about being a Koromon. Dream big.
Palmon. A plant... thing. I enjoyed the flakieness, and the fact that she turned into a GIANT FUCKING CACTUS. It was just a jarring contrast. She always seemed like she was secretly a huge bitch, though.
Renamon. The digimon that, for soooome reason or another, the largest percentage of fanboys want to screw. Seriously, when Google suggests you might want to search for 'Renamon Yiff' as a first choice, you know you are entering dangerous territory. Poor Renamon. At least she's a hardcore warrior lady. Er, digimon. She's a DIGIMON. Not even, like, Ladydevimon-Mc-hugeboobs. She's a fox. Frick.
Patamon. I loved Patamon. Well, I loved him for the ear-born flight. I loved him for the fact that he produced much 'bunny or bat?' controversy. Mostly, I like how he transformed into Jesusmon or something mildly sacrilegious.
Gabumon. Most alarming about this fellow is the Wikipedia revelation that ' his back is covered in a dog-like blue fur pelt from a young Garurumon.' Now, does this mean that he has to kill a young Garurumon before being deemed fit to digivolve? Is this a survival-of-the-fittest sort of thing? Is this in the league with Cubone, pokemon-who-wears-the-skull-of-its-dead-mother type pokemon? If Gabumon turns into Garurumon... oh fuck, I'll leave it alone.
Terriermon. I watched the Digimon Movie 4 times in one weekend when I was 12. It may happen again some day. Anyway, Terriermon is awesome.
Gomamon. He was one of my favorites. What a snarky little bugger, and with a mohawk, too. Maybe I liked him so much because Joe was such a great character, and they bickered like an old married couple. Maybe I liked him so much because, like Aquaman, his power involved chucking live fish at people, and he was pretty damn useless out of a water setting. That's why he's always smiling; he's hiding the feelings of inadequacy.
Wormmon. Ken was a great character. As dark and complex as a show like Digimon could allow, really. Plus, his haircut made me swoon over similarly-coifed lads for most of my junior high years. Ahem. Oh, and wormmon was cool, I guess.
Biyomon. Why didn't Biyomon ever snap and eat Tentomon? Especially when she turned into the bigass fire bird. I feel bigass-firebird would love to eat a big.
Well, that's about it. A few well-wasted hours, and some damn good stress relief. Whenever life is hectic, take some time to draw out nostalgia. You'll feel at least 10 times better.
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Comments: 177
hydranoid2009 [2013-01-05 21:42:36 +0000 UTC]
love the realism! but no offense, they all look evil or pervy X3
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McRascalBeans [2012-05-13 17:12:56 +0000 UTC]
Gabumon just took the cake for fueling my nightmares. I absolutely love this! Everyone's expressions are perfect
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Alpha-BloodSpill [2011-10-26 22:15:55 +0000 UTC]
Gomamon: Hi Terriermon...
Terriermon: I have a bad feeling about this...
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judgeandjure666 [2011-08-29 11:08:06 +0000 UTC]
with the risk of seem idiot and monotous, but you've made a great renamon, despite she never smiles. she lookes like have a little bit violator face (that's what I personally wish... eehrr...) ...well goodjobbye!
>disappeared forever<
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The-Sanrio-fanboy [2011-04-28 01:14:45 +0000 UTC]
This is Hilarious especially the expression on Gomamona and Patamon!
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chochopoopoo [2010-07-13 02:15:26 +0000 UTC]
seriously, though, I love this. The information behind it is a work of art in its own right, too
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chochopoopoo [2010-07-13 02:09:54 +0000 UTC]
that's silly, Patomon's Champion level is Angemon:3
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Darngoodbacon [2010-01-12 00:42:52 +0000 UTC]
You bet my childhood was. UUgh, I have such a strong urge to mske papiermache digimon now. Gguuuh.
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SHARK-008 [2009-12-16 18:48:53 +0000 UTC]
"Renamon. The digimon that, for soooome reason or another, the largest percentage of fanboys want to screw. Seriously, when Google suggests you might want to search for 'Renamon Yiff' as a first choice, you know you are entering dangerous territory. Poor Renamon. At least she's a hardcore warrior lady. Er, digimon. She's a DIGIMON. Not even, like, Ladydevimon-Mc-hugeboobs. She's a fox. Frick."
Plus, if I remember right digimon don't have a specific sex ( but everybody ( or lot ) think renamon=female anyway ).
Still one of my favorite digimon, nice design.
On this version I really like the paws (?).
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Malion [2009-11-15 22:20:36 +0000 UTC]
oh man, Digimon... totally a huge part of my young life... Gomamon was definitely my fave... if only because he was basically aquaman, as you said... though they explain in one episode he can make fish just appear out of no where, he hardly ever does this, and the one time he did it was ineffective as usual.
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Phantosanucca [2009-11-15 05:41:31 +0000 UTC]
This is one of the few deviations I've fave'd for the author's comments more than the drawing itself. Not that that's lacking, per ce...
Per se?
I fail.
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GJTProductions [2009-11-12 04:22:41 +0000 UTC]
Your style makes them look like they just came out of a Tim Burton movie...
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Ragetti [2009-09-18 14:06:53 +0000 UTC]
ohgosh this just makes them look almost as frightening as they really should have looked. It is -fantastic-. I love the colours and how you exaggerated certain features (Wormmon, Terriermon and Biyomon are, I think, my favourites, because they look a little more.. animalistic, maybe?) and your commentary was hilarious. I feel like your Gatomon and Renamon have some sneaky, snarky conversation going on here, like 'heck yeah it's better than yours' with their matching expressions.
tl;dr/longest comment ever: definitely on my faves. :]
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Iceway [2009-09-07 13:27:31 +0000 UTC]
Woah! These are probably the best digimon I've ever seen xD Seriously, your style makes them look amazing!
Agumon looks friggin' awesome
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Rodrigogo [2009-09-04 07:41:10 +0000 UTC]
I was a livid crusader in the Digimon 1 (the one with Tai, Matt and Sora as kids....and BEFORE it was edited...stupid Americans) was cooler than Pokemon. I'm still trying to find the series on a torrent or on uncensored DVD...and I'm 21. Fuck.
ANYWAY. The amount of awesome win in this cannot be measured.
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Buuya In reply to Rodrigogo [2009-09-16 00:04:23 +0000 UTC]
No shame in that! You can find some original Digimon on Youtube, sometimes (at least, I have in the past.)
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neofeliss [2009-08-28 00:42:51 +0000 UTC]
I love Gatomon - she looks like the Cheshire Cat, who is awesome.
Agumon and Koromon are also amazing.
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Saxon-supersonicspam [2009-08-19 23:44:07 +0000 UTC]
OMG! i bloody love your style its amazing. Palmon and Gatomon look awesome. Gabumon terriermon and koromon kinda scare me in a good way
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CanadianIdiot13 [2009-07-19 20:00:27 +0000 UTC]
"Koromon. A wee Agumon. When I was ten, I would have dreams about being a Koromon. Dream big."
You, sir, just made my day. XD
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Nemonus [2009-06-17 03:54:50 +0000 UTC]
Attracted by your unique art style and the Digimonz, I found myself shamelessly LOLing at your refreshingly true commentary. "Why didn't Biyomon ever snap and eat Tentomon?" And yes, Ken was the best because he was so blasted dark. I have yet to see a better child genius on a power trip...okay, maybe Artemis Fowl. But that character type really needs to be used more often.
Love your Cheshire-cat Gatomon, slinky Renamon, uber-snarky Gomamon, and very sharp-beaked Biyomon. ^_^
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Buuya In reply to Nemonus [2009-06-22 19:10:38 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you
" And yes, Ken was the best because he was so blasted dark. I have yet to see a better child genius on a power trip...okay, maybe Artemis Fowl."
Yes, that's pretty much the perfect way to put it!
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Yahro-Mehr [2009-06-14 23:07:21 +0000 UTC]
i love renamons claws in this picture and how your gatomon looks like the wendigo
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Buuya In reply to Yahro-Mehr [2009-06-16 23:53:44 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! haha, yeah, she ended up with that sort of design
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Yahro-Mehr In reply to Buuya [2009-06-17 15:00:24 +0000 UTC]
youre welcome also good job with the colliseum comic.
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eternalsaturn [2009-06-10 03:09:43 +0000 UTC]
they look amazing in this style! omg wormmon...
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Dreamless-Wolf [2009-06-07 11:41:28 +0000 UTC]
Di, di, di, di. Digimon Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions.
I still remember all of their names and all of their forms, and I still remember all the humans names in English and Japanese. God, I was so obsessed as a child.
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Buuya In reply to Dreamless-Wolf [2009-06-16 23:53:13 +0000 UTC]
... catchiest theme song ever strummed up. Oh dear god
Haha, excellent! Yeah, why is it so easy to remember ALL the digimon info, but nothing practical for everyday life? lol
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V8Sploo [2009-06-07 00:42:11 +0000 UTC]
Gabumon and Terriermon lmfao
I would have been terrified of the show if it was drawn with your style. Thanks for drawing the digis!
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rainyday [2009-06-06 10:08:26 +0000 UTC]
Yeah season one!! Man I retained an embarrassing amount from that show. They are kickass in your style, I love how they're all a little more sinister. Actually really quite sinister. Anyway it's awesome <3
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